Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, June 17, 2010

BP was aware of cracks appearing in the Macondo well as far back as February, right around the time Goldman Sachs and BP Chairman Tony Hayward were busy dumping their stocks in the company on the eve of the explosion that led to the oil spill, according to information uncovered by congressional investigators.
The Mining and Mineral Services agency released documents to Bloomberg indicating that BP "was trying to seal cracks in the well about 40 miles (64 kilometers) off the Louisiana coast," according to the report.
The fissures, which BP began to attempt to fix on February 13, could have played a role in the disaster, though this is a question still being explored by investigators. Improperly sealed, the cracks cause explosive natural gas to rush up the shaft.
"The company attempted a "cement squeeze," which involves pumping cement to seal the fissures, according to a well activity report. Over the following week the company made repeated attempts to plug cracks that were draining expensive drilling fluid, known as "mud," into the surrounding rocks," states the report.
As we previously highlighted, eyewitness evidence indicates that Deepwater Horizon managers knew that the BP oil rig had major problems before its explosion on April 20. A crew member who rescued burning workers on the rig told Houston attorney Tony Buzbee of a conversation between Deepwater Horizon installation manager Jimmy Harrell and someone in Houston. According to the witness, Harrell was screaming, "Are you fucking happy? Are you fucking happy? The rig's on fire! I told you this was gonna happen."
The fact that BP managers were aware of problems with the rig and were seemingly unconcerned about fixing them only lends more weight to the already startling indications of some having foreknowledge of the disaster.
As we highlighted last week, on page 37 of British Petroleum's own investigative report into the oil spill, it is stated that the Hydraulic Control System on equipment designed to automatically seal the well in an emergency was modified without BP's knowledge sometime before the explosion.
Highly suspicious stock and share trades by people connected to BP before the explosion indicate some extent of foreknowledge.
Goldman Sachs dumped 44% of its shares in BP Oil during the first quarter of 2010 – shares that subsequently lost 36 percent of their value, equating to $96 million. The current chairman of Goldman Sachs is Bilderberg luminary Peter Sutherland, who is also the former chairman of British Petroleum.
Furthermore, as reported by the London Telegraph on June 5th, Tony Hayward, the current BP CEO sold £1.4 million of his shares in the fuel giant weeks before the spill.
On April 12th, just over one week before the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, Halliburton, the world's second largest oilfield services corporation, surprised some by acquiring Boots & Coots, a relatively small but vastly experienced oil well control company.
Halliburton is named in the majority of some two dozen lawsuits filed since the explosion by Gulf Coast people and businesses who claim that the company is to blame for the disaster.
Halliburton was forced to admit in testimony at a congressional hearing last month that it carried out a cementing operation 20 hours before the Gulf of Mexico rig went up in flames. The lawsuits claim that four Halliburton workers stationed on the rig improperly capped the well.
June 17th, 2010 at 2:11 pm
Surprise! And The media once again is COMPLICIT in the lies.
Are you MAD AS HELL yet? Check out the reasons why the media is not reporting the REALITY of what's really going on @
eLiberator Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 2:16 pm
Agreed….This sounds like an excuse, for the torch job.
Liberty or Bust Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 2:21 pm
Jon Stewart Covers the Last 8 Presidents Similar Promises to Get America Off Foreign Oil
Conprehensive Conspiracy eBook Archive Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 2:55 pm
All the reason not to take anything BP says seriously.
OOPS Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 4:44 pm
On Lindsey Williams….. he reports 20 to 70,000 psi….Who measured these pressures????? and with what???? Hayward says "BLOWOUT PREVENTER" was only 15,000PSI……then he(Lindsey Williams) says 2 inch thick well pipe now is to be 1 inch thick…….Who measured that?????????And with what?????
Who did all these things and with what tools did they use at 5,000 FT BELOW THE SURFACE????
20,000 to 70,000 PSI coming out of a 18 inch (inside diameter being that the pipe is a total 20 inch outside diameter) now a 19 inch inside diameter after being abasively eroded 1 inch
would cause a vortex or whirlpool large enough to suck the largest of ships under the water….
NO little submarine would be abel to manuver in those conditions either.
Then there's still the question of ignition source on the rig that caused STEEL TO BURN AND SINK????
Since when was OIL RED????? AND IF IT IS OIL WHY IS IT RED????
How fast does something have to fly to be invisible to the human eye when flying about 1500ft
above ground but still cast a shadow on the ground below during noon day sun and leave a very very faint blackish grey vapor trail flying south between I-55 and the Mississippi River on
JUNE 16,2010 and be completly silent????? ANY ONE????????
researchers calculate that the 100,000 ganglion cells in a guinea pig retina transmit roughly 875,000 bits of information per second. The human retina contains about 10 times more ganglion cells than that of guinea pigs, so it would transmit data at roughly 10 million bits per second, the researchers estimate.
This is comparable to an Ethernet connection, which transmits information between computers at speeds of 10 million to 100 million bits per second.
Human Eye can perceive much past the mis conception of 30 FPS and well past 60 FPS, even surpassing 200 FPS
Our eyes can indeed perceive well over 200 frames per second from a simple little display device (mainly so low because of current hardware, not our own limits).
The USAF, in testing their pilots for visual response time, used a simple test to see if the pilots could distinguish small changes in light. In their experiment a picture of an aircraft was flashed on a screen in a dark room at 1/220th of a second. Pilots were consistently able to "see" the afterimage as well as identify the aircraft. This simple and specific situation not only proves the ability to percieve 1 image within 1/220 of a second, but the ability to interpret higher FPS.
ANYONE got an answer at to what cast this shadow onto the ground?????
Or what speed it might be flying at????
TheSocialist Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 2:47 pm
Obama reiterated his defense of British Petroleum after the White House meeting with CEO Tony Hayward and board chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg.
The US media presented the meeting and announcement as a humbling of British Petroleum. It was nothing of the sort.
In fact, the meeting was a choreographed event with two purposes: to diffuse popular anger against both British Petroleum and the Obama administration, and to assure the financial markets that British Petroleum is in no danger of bankruptcy or criminal prosecution. Just like the Wall street debacle, there will be no serious consequences for the disaster that killed 11 workers on April 20 and has since pumped upwards of 60 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
Even were it clear that the $20 billion will really be made available to the blowout's many economic victims—and it is not—this is a preposterously small sum for a catastrophe whose real cost will run into the hundreds of billions, if not trillions. All the costs of environmental cleanup are to be paid out of this fund, according to the Financial Times. There can be no doubt that this alone will far surpass $20 billion.
The deal ensures that the overwhelming burden of the costs of the disaster will be borne by the government, and ultimately the working class.
British Petroleum sought a "truce" with the White House by promising it will keep cash on hand to pay all "legitimate claims" resulting from the spill—estimated by analysts at between $5 billion and $40 billion. This is in fact far less than the actual damage caused, which will number in the hundreds of billions of dollars at the very least. British Petroleum will demand White House support in its rejection of claims from laid-off workers in return.
Obama is also under pressure from the oil industry and Wall Street to end the moratorium. Responding to this pressure, Ken Salazar insisted that the moratorium was a "pause" button, not a "stop" button, and that it would be quickly lifted. Obama is willing to support British Petroleum in exchange for a delay in the second-quarter dividend payout set to be announced July 27, which could be as much as $10 billion. Obama is fearful that such a gratuitous payment could lead to an explosion of popular anger.
Even here, however, Obama has been careful not to challenge the prerogative of BP, insisting that it has the legal right to make the dividend payment.
In all of these calculations British Petroleum has history on its side. In the wake of the 1989 Valdez oil spill, Exxon was able to whittle down its damages from over $5 billion in initial awards to just over $500 million.
Obama's various nods to popular discontent—including suggestions of a criminal investigation earlier this month that has since been dropped from public dicsussion—have been aimed at preventing an independent political expression of growing anti-corporate, anti-globalization sentiment in the US.
Any "truce" will be on the backs of the those devastated by the crisis. This is because all sides in the discussion—the Obama adminstiration as much as British Petroleum—start from the premise that British Petroleum and the oil industry as a whole must remain under the control of private investors, whose money-mad drive for profit created the disaster and has dictated every step of the response.
Reasons Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 5:42 pm
WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. Go educate yourself before spouting ignorance. AMERICA HAS ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES!…You see…I took a senior level college course on it.
We have something Called CERLA:
the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
" In many cases, a plaintiff in an injury suit needs to prove that the defendant is "at fault" before a court will award damages (e.g., that the defendant is negligent or acted in bad faith). This would be difficult in many Superfund cases because (as in the Love Canal example) wastes may have been deposited decades ago, and the records and memories of witnesses are often old and sketchy. In CERCLA, the plaintiff only needs to prove that the defendant is one (or more) of the four entities defined as liable by the statute. Those entities are:
-Former owners and operators of a vessel or facility;
-Current owners and operators of a vessel or facility;
-Persons who arranged for the disposal or treatment of hazardous substances; or
-Transporters of hazardous substances who selected the site for disposal or treatment.
Therefore, under CERCLA strict liability, the government only needs to prove that the defendant falls within one of these four categories — not that the defendant acted incorrectly. The reasoning is that the release caused injury to human health or the environment — and the entities that created the hazardous wastes or conditions should pay for cleaning up the release. Otherwise, the cost would be borne by the taxpayers."
[...]"each PRP (POTENTIAL RESPONSIBLE PARTY) is liable for the whole cost of cleanup, and it is the responsibility of the PRPs to allocate "shares" of liability among themselves. This assures that the PRPs, not the innocent public, will bear the risk of any uncertainty over who was responsible for which part of the harm."
We have the policies to take BP to bankrupcy to pay for the clean up and damages. MSM & INFO spouts misinformation that plays your emotions…and has nothing to do with logic. The way real propaganda works.
June 17th, 2010 at 2:20 pm
now look what you did! clean up the mess, and now you are grounded for six months no more drilling no more allowances wait till your father get home your going to get it! what a joke f--- up the hole world no big deal!!head should row dam it i'm sick of these elites bastards screwing around with our life's
June 17th, 2010 at 2:24 pm
I got a bad feeling about this.
June 17th, 2010 at 2:26 pm
This must really be "…..interfering……." with poor Tony's life style…………
Lets all chip in and bail him out….
June 17th, 2010 at 2:28 pm
The gulf is hostage now!
June 17th, 2010 at 2:29 pm
We need to stick together and boycott not only BP but all Globalists in the world!
June 17th, 2010 at 2:30 pm
refuse2lose Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 2:35 pm
Yeh,we have a bunch of idiots calling for heads to roll and it was our own GOVERNMENT that let them do what they did. They knew exactly what was going on and what they would be able to get away with once it happened. Alex Jones listeners claim they are not sheeple, I say otherwise.
AL Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 4:58 pm
Oh My God! You just quoted an action comedy movie.
June 17th, 2010 at 5:08 pm
geez, what a waste
June 17th, 2010 at 2:49 pm
Wait a Minute,
It explains why Barry cleaned house at MMS.
C'mon Barry you have found your asses to kick.
June 17th, 2010 at 3:00 pm
This shows where ANY "concern" lies………'s in their pockets, yes the good ole greed of money. I can hardly believe anyone AT ALL has any morals or ethics left. They just blatantly grovel along sucking up to big money lords. They have surely long ago sold their souls and WILL PAY THE PRICE. If THIS is what makes people like this scumbag "ashamed", making a MULTI-rich company pay (not enough in my books, just spare change to them) for the unremovable GLOBAL disastrous mess they have made and we will have to live with for years to come. Do I hear an apology to us???…….to the environment ???….the creatures smothered in oil??…..anyone??….NO!… But this snake feels BP is OWED an apology, and whats more they WANT us to pay for it and will through their money grabbing tax schemes………………….. makes ME SICK TO THE STOMACH !!
Rep. Barton apologizes to BP for Obama 'shakedown'
Barton explained, "but I'm ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday. I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown. In this case a $20 billion shakedown."
Wrapping up, Barton said: "I apologize. I do not want to live in a country where any time a citizen or a corporation does something that is legitimately wrong, is subject to some sort of political pressure that is, again, in my words — amounts to a shakedown, so I apologize."
Why you may well ask??…… oh just happens that Barton has received more than $1.5 million in campaign donations from the oil industry, according to Open Secrets, a nonpartisan watchdog group.
news. yahoo. com /s / ynews/ ynews_ ts2660
Miggy Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 4:19 pm
"I apologize. I do not want to live in a country where any time a citizen or a corporation does something that is legitimately wrong, is subject to some sort of political pressure that is, again, in my words — amounts to a shakedown, so I apologize."
Stock, Lock and Barrel right with the Fascist SCOTUS decision giving the Corporations the same rights as people. I see they're going to start a new Narrative/Agenda of actually siding with
the Oligarch's over our own safety and sovereignty.
June 17th, 2010 at 3:01 pm
they don't need climate change tax with this. they'll use the "spill" as the excuse.
June 17th, 2010 at 3:40 pm
Yea, I think you're right about that.
If they contain the leak I give it 3 to 6 weeks afterward before the propaganda begins.
Otherwise if it is uncontainable I say when the disaster starts to "level off".
Reasons Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 5:47 pm
Propaganda doesn't have a beggining or an ending young grasshopper. It is how ideas are shared and people pursuaded.
June 17th, 2010 at 3:55 pm
I have a question, which i have not seen reported.. .. why is Britain backing bp in all this .. cus they want the money … so why are we not questioning Britain .. in this issue as Bp is a company in Britain .. the country should be making sure companies like this dont operate.. seems to me .. the british don't care .. hmmmmmmmm … if this was iran .. iraq .. or North Korea .. we would be all over them .. this is no pun intended .. a war on our soil
Seal Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 7:07 pm
Good question,….because most of the snob shiite mucky muck owners of BP are there and Holland, no?
Seal Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 7:08 pm
It IS war but don't forget Barry Soetoro said it was comparable to 9/11…
Seal Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 7:10 pm
BTW Shares were sold days before, like 1/3 of total portfolios, by CEO's, and the NWO(sic) Gang of MSM(sic) stated there would be another 9/11 like catastrophe this summer, which as I say Barry S. commented upon which "their prophecy"came true apparently.
June 17th, 2010 at 4:39 pm
SOBs probably caused the problem with their HAARP system bouncing off the ionosphere then back to earth, might have caused Katrina the same way, and this oil leak is probably just the end result.
Seal Reply:
June 17th, 2010 at 7:05 pm
MAY I SUGGEST BEFORE YOU WRITE FURTHER: Lindsey Williams 888-799-6111 theprophecyclub dot com
June 17th, 2010 at 4:56 pm
Wow i'm surprised they 'found' that, now the question is will congress let them stay out of jail? if they don't it proves how incredibly corrupt and bought off they already are.
June 17th, 2010 at 5:07 pm
OK. I thought that this was a false flag event. Now it is an actual problem caused by incompetent people. People making stupid, dyer*, horrible, non-excusable mistakes or on purpose, whatever the case, is not necessarily a planned false flag. If I knew that my money was riding on something that was about to fail, I would bail. If it was insider info, then that is a crime (I think). But not "false flag".
June 17th, 2010 at 5:10 pm
lindsey williams is on dr stan today on the
June 17th, 2010 at 5:17 pm
BP has been downgrade to A and BBB by both Fitch and S&P analysts yesterday and today, and that means that most pension fund managers and major players in the market won't touch it because they are bound to buy only AA or better rated products for the funds they manage.
This is a huge development for BP because these new ratings make capital borrowing extremely expensive for the company now, and that means it has to dip more and more into it's remaining stock value to make up the difference.
So BP is being squeezed by both the rating and the selling off of it's stock by shareholders. This signals that the company is finished because the banks like BofA have warned their traders not to trade in BP stock past the next twelve months. This clearly signals that they don't believe that BP will be around by then.
BP is without a doubt a dead company walking like an analyst stated on CNBC yesterday. All that is left is the funeral march.
And I have to disagree with Alex on the statements he has made lately on the air, that this rig disaster just might be a false flag attack. This was only an attack of stupidity by BP management on the rig by not wanting to wait until the required equipment got to the rig that was required by MMS, and they clearly put saving money ahead of safety period. It was totally preventable if the right steps and protocol had been followed.
We must keep putting gas in our cars, but we must make oil companies come together and decide on a clear and safe standard for drilling deeper and deeper on these rigs, and there needs to be a clear way for someone to stop the drilling if he or she feels that something on these rigs is being done dangerously, like a special hotline to a drilling Czar with absolute overriding authority that can make the call to shut down or correct the situation before it gets out of hand, and without retaliation.
We owe that measure to every drill rig worker especially after this fiasco, and before another life is lost drilling for our oil………
June 17th, 2010 at 5:30 pm
NO . . . Halliburton . The demo team .
June 17th, 2010 at 6:25 pm
the article says "The lawsuits claim that four Halliburton workers stationed on the rig improperly capped the well."
who are the four workers??? probably some f***ing illegal immigrant workers they paid 5 dollars an hour.
June 17th, 2010 at 6:25 pm
THIS REMINDS ME of long "long ago and far away(rip Waylon Jennings)" "Let the world call me a fool"…
when the world was a different place I remember working as a Roughneck on an Oilwell Derrick Drill, I used to spin a spinning chain, we used as part of our rig equipment(almost like a ship) when we would "Spin her back in the hole!!!" I would enjoy spinning, throwing that spinning-chain and then feel as the hundreds of nay thousands of pounds of torque on a steel acid-hardened spinning chain with a specially woven braided tail made of hemp rope on tha' end. and I would set her up! with me hearties, the roughnecks, that is when I would spin her, I was Motorman. And when you set up yer stump that is the hanging extent of length-o-pipe is down the hole hanging by the dies in the floor stump of pipe about knee height or better, the Break-out tong-es' attached with about 1 foot of pipe end above the Break-out Tong. There I would wrap my chain, which came from my right rear, in direction of the Cat-head, where the Driller stood.
The Spinning-Chain then would need be strung in a counter-clockwise direction, so that when the time was ready to connect, the 1st Roughneck then would be ready to grab, hug dearly with all his might and body-weight, that stem-length, when, and only after the Derrick-man had snatch-elevatored-the length, and after the Driller had hoisted the set of stem lengths! It would hoist the 1 st Roughneck would then stab the pipe, make that length stab-together with accuracy, then stand back. Next the Driller, having lowered the elevators, allowing the pipes to be inserted male stabbing female, then lowered the weight of the length upon the -floor, then next the Driller would run the Cat head, pulling with serious-torque!! Upon the Cat-head, would pull and then I would "throw the chain" and skip it up onto and attached upon, as a giant impregnable steel case hardened chain spring, the chain jumped readily, up onto the received length, from the originally placed-upon once stump-end of pipe in the hole. Now the torque and pull of the Cat head and the Motor-man's (in this case myself) careful hands to guide and not get caught-up-in, that very chain which I earnestly labored for to carefully strongly as in a bull-ride, to guide that strength, then once ,-split-second-wise, for to CATCH,…that chain-tail-breaded-hemp-rope; Not allowing that it might deface one's Driller. In fact good instruction would be to let it carry-one, even if it should to all but allowing the Cat-head to drag one in, but if that happened then your Driller was suddenly incapacitated and your best spot is to stop what he had failed short of. In other words don't kill the Driller, by carelessly letting go the spinning-chain! But don't hold on long enough if he failed-safe to get dragged in! Especially when spinning and feeding that chain! But even after when it has lit off the pipe. And of course good communique between the all concerned, is best. Especially even the man up da stick! Derrickman, too…
However to all this knowledge like a tall ships Wrights and Tradesmen, even lackey swabbies…all duties depended upon right and right's necessity! You cannot spin a spinning chain without right mind.
The years I was most earnestly and hopefully workin' rigs; In Canada, a major shopping mall in Alberta, had commissioned a artist rendering of a larger than life statue of an old time dress garb Motor-man, and his Spinning Chain! Their problem, however, disappointing as to any Lumberjack or Tradesman then or now, they had placed that Spinning Chain on the Stump, Clockwise!!!
June 17th, 2010 at 6:36 pm
i was working on a job site doing electric work on a 5 story new building in NYC…new construction….the stupid cheap f**k owner hired some Mexican concrete company..probably all illegal's since none of them spoke a word of English….and as i'm running some bx on the first floor the f***ing concrete they used was the wrong type….so the cheap steel ceilings collapsed as they were pouring the second floor…and i almost lost my life due to those illegal Mexican f**ks that stole work form people that actually know what they are doing.
June 17th, 2010 at 6:44 pm
It's a chest game between the worlds elite right in front of our eyes and
no one sees it.
June 17th, 2010 at 6:44 pm
The smell of when that Spinning-chain bites the steel pipe, even sometimes often smokes sparks,and the smell as of a brimstone kind…