Apologetics.  Dee xxoo
I DO NOT AGREE THAT OIL WASHING ASHORE IS ' MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING' as Gordon put it! --- On Tue, 6/8/10, Dee and Roy Rohe <dees.bellsouth.alternate@gmail.com> wrote: From: Dee and Roy Rohe <dees.bellsouth.alternate@gmail.com> Subject: Fwd: Oil Washes Ashore Florida Beaches - Pensacola To: "Dee Rohe" <drrohe@yahoo.com> Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 5:49 PM
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dee and Roy Rohe <dees.bellsouth.alternate@gmail.com> Date: Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 5:45 PM Subject: Re: Oil Washes Ashore Florida Beaches - Pensacola To: Gordon Biggar < gobiggar@bellsouth.net> Thank you, Gordon. This Southern Belle Lady businesswoman accepts your Southern Gentleman apology. (fanning myself) My 'fan club' consists of a few hundred people who are in my Global Rumblings at Yahoo Groups, my several 'earth changes' websites, other groups,etc. All of which carry some little ads such as this one: Appetite Suppressant: "Diet Magic" http://www.symmetrydirect.com/HEAVENLYHANDS or FibreSystemPlus ads, and others. The email you trashed took quite a bit of construction and I did feel unappreciated. I may take material from several sources and expect my readers to have discernment. Seldom does anyone have uncomplimentary things to say, unless they just love Obama and don't agree with me. Naturally I don't correspond with them after that. One of them is a stubborn rebellious son of mine.
As you may know, Roy and I are CNC's (certified nutritional counselors) besides being massage therapists. Roy is also a colonic therapist, and I am also an AP (acupuncture physician) Roy works extremely hard; and can hardly fit any more people in. It is absolutely wearing him out and he is losing weight - thank God he survived the prostate cancer, but I am concerned about his having to keep on working at almost 72 years old.. I don't work as physically hard as he does - I just can't do it, as my health is fragile, I have very little energy, and I'm older than Roy by a few months. My clientele is small, but I spend all day washing sheets and towels, and running the house/clinic, etc. We have so many bills and are having a harder and harder time keeping up with them what with the economy, stock losses, etc. , so I am trying to build more internet business to try to help Roy out, which I am able to work on only late at night.. sometimes till 2:30 or 3:00 a.m.
There are lots and lots of people interested in 'earth changes', disasters, earthquakes, patriotic news, and anti-Obama, all as signs of Jesus coming soon (I surely hope!) so I have joined a lot of these kinds of groups too, including having over a thousand friends in Facebook, besides running my own groups. With almost each posting, email, etc. I insert a little ad for one or two of our nutritional products. I sell books through Amazon, and have both Google Word and Google Adsense accounts. It's very time consuming, slow going and I seldom get a check from all these, but with prayer and persistence and the moral support of my friends/fans, God willing, it will pay off. Prayers are appreciated!
I told Roy last night that I was 'ticked' at you and why, showed him the emails and he just grinned.
We do appreciate your emails and our mutual conservative views.
Love, Dee
On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Gordon Biggar <gobiggar@bellsouth.net> wrote: dear Dee! i certainly did not want to hurt your feelings! i didn't realize that you were so emotionally involved ... nor did i realize that you had your own "fan club"! you're right about fox ... they too are fueling the hysteria fires ... but as you say ... they too "have to pay some bills"! i hope that we are still friends ... i certainly don't want to lose your friendship over a lousy oil spill ... organic or not ! plz. know that i still love you and roy .... regardless of the current events ! ............apologetically yours ......... gordon Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 1:35 AM To: Gordon Biggar Subject: Fwd: Oil Washes Ashore Florida Beaches - Pensacola
OMG! Fox is corrupted now!
Such similar news to ABC! They even have tar balls, tar patties and oil soaked pelicans. (note: A Southern Belle Lady does not say 'dog turd')
Well, Gordon. As you say, this is not news at all.
You can probably tell that my feelings are hurt.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dee and Roy Rohe <dees.bellsouth.alternate@gmail.com> Date: Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 12:51 AM Subject: Re: Oil Washes Ashore Florida Beaches - Pensacola To: Gordon Biggar < gobiggar@bellsouth.net> Well then, I won't send you any more news.
My fan club loves me and my reports though.
Hysteria sells, and I have to pay some bills.
On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 10:54 PM, Gordon Biggar <gobiggar@bellsouth.net> wrote: .... 'tis "much ado about nothing" they're desperately trying to find oil traces! that is a dog turd he's fingering in the video! you've seen that oily pelican photo a million times but only one photo ... of one pelican! in the meantime, fishermen's lures and lines have killed thousands of pelicans!! they will stop at nothing to generate a story!!! i'm greatly surprised that you believe anything that abc news says!!!
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