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Friday, June 25, 2010

BP cleanup crews disposing of dead birds & marine animals under cover of darkness

Ann Warren, Key West, Florida 
Date: Friday, June 25, 2010, 7:38 PM

Alabama State Troopers Moonlighting as BP Security Guards

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Written by Wayne Madsen   
Friday, 25 June 2010 16:53

WMR's sources on the Gulf coast report that BP Security personnel are being augmented by off-duty Alabama state troopers and G4S Wackenhut private security guards. The BP Security personnel ensure that no observers are present on Gulf coast beaches during night time hours when BP contractors scour the beaches and pick up and covertly dispose of dead dolphins, turtles, birds, and other sea animals that wash ashore covered with oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster.

BP is secretly disposing of the dead animals in order to avoid paying fines and compensation for killing endangered and protected species like turtles, dolphins, and brown pelicans. The sharp drop off in oxygen levels in the Gulf is forcing many sea animals into shallower waters in order to breathe, however, sharks are also following the easier prey into coastal rivers and inlets. 

BP Security personnel are noticeable by their grey uniforms. Another firm, Talon Security, was specifically hired by BP to keep nosy media away from Gulf beaches and waters and intimidate cleanup workers into not talking to the press.

BP medical personnel who are handling health complaints from affected residents of the Gulf region also report a sharp increase in cases of respiratory problems and even cases of chemical pneumonia from those affected by the benzene fumes from the oil in the Gulf and its estuaries. Dangerously high levels of benzene are affecting Gulf coast residents with emphysema and bronchitis.

In addition, the BP compensation fund headed by 9/11 victims compensation fund and Wall Street bailout executive compensation manager Kenneth Feinberg is giving priority to absentee condominium owners, most of whom live in Atlanta and New York, for compensation from canceled summertime leases for their beach side properties. The absentee landlords are jumping ahead of idled fishermen, crabbers, shrimpers, and tourist industry workers in receiving compensation, according to our real estate sources on the Gulf.

BP is also granting contracts to shell companies in Massachusetts that are linked to the Russian-Israeli mob to handle many of the outsourcing contracts for cleanup of the Gulf coast's beaches and other services arising from the oil disaster.

BP Security continues to harass journalists and photo-journalists who are attempting to cover the full extent of the damage to the Gulf. One of our photo-journalist colleagues was told by BP Security that he could not take photographs on public land in Alabama of beach cleanup efforts by BP contractors.

Written by Wayne Madsen for

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