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Saturday, November 06, 2004

Kerry and Edwards Eat Humble Pie - And it goes down smoothly.

Just finished watching Kerry and Edward's concession speeches on TV.  They were well written, well spoken, well rehearsed, smooth, and still saying what they think the public wants to hear.  However this time - they seemed to finally realize that the public wants Values, Humility, Unity, Patriotism, Support for our Troops, Strong Defense against Terrorism, Compassion, Hugs, Children, Families, Pride in Being American.. and Prayer. References were made to all these. (I don't remember them mentioning Honesty, and Consistency, though).  Kerry even referred to his wife, Teresa, pronounced "t' RAY'z-zah", dressed in a shiny reptilian green pantsuit, as 'beautiful' and said a lot of beautiful lovely words.   Lets hope he will  learn deeply and grow into what he says.  And, gasp! Kerry even mentioned he'd close with a 'prayer':  "God Bless America"!  Can't go wrong with that one.
Kerry also played up to the youth, thanking those children and those teenagers that will be in line to vote in the next election or two.  And he promised he will be continuing to fight for 'us'.  Not for me he won't, unless he amends his life, lives his professed faith, apologizes to the Vietnam Vets, supports Life, and the Ban on the gruesome Partial Birth Abortion, renounces socialistic liberal and Maxist values, cradle-to-grave government nannnyism, honestly speaks his own convictions consistently even if unpopular, and opens up his discharge papers for all to see.  Then elephants will fly, rivers will run uphill and the streets will be paved with gold.  But hey, anything's possible.
Just my interpretations - for whatever they're worth.
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