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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Secret to Eternal Life

From: J R []
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 10:50 PM
Subject: The Secret to Eternal Life

Not even in the fertile imaginations of internet blogs could what is going on in Paris ever even in a conspiracy theorists dream come close to PLO leader Arafat's quest for eternal life.

Somewhere in the death of any human there should be a sanctity, but what has been going on in a French military hospital is looking like a 3 Stooges movie.

For the record, Yassir Arafat is dead.....but for over a week now the world has been treated to stories of his apparent death defying act of first being brain dead in a coma....but not dead.

Being put on life support....but not dead.

His brain then hemorrhaged from swelling....but he is not dead.

His liver quit working.....but he is not dead.

and last report......his kidneys have shutdown, because his body is decomposing...but he is not dead.

Apparently the secret to eternal life is quite simple even in France....where the French have told the Palestinians to get this corpse out of their country days ago...and that is stealing over 3 billion dollars in funding that was supposed to go to Palestinians to help with their miserable lives...and keeping it in accounts no one can get into.

The PLO's coffers are bare....but Arafat's secret bank accounts are bulging at over 3 billion....all money from bribes and revenue supposed to help his own people.

The problem is though that Arafat wouldn't hand over the bank accounts to pay bills when he was dying. He didn't even trust his loving wife with the information....apparently the father of the PLO state feared his loving people would do what Caligula did to Tiberius in Rome. Put a pillow over his head and send him to God's judgement.

So now we have the eternal Arafat...or eternal until the wife and Palestinians get into the bank accounts to divide up the loot...come up with Arafat's "will" to who should attain his mantle.....and eternal until Egypt, Jordan and Israel can get security in place so the whole middle east doesn't go up in smoke.

Of course as the widow and PLO are fighting over the one is mentioning all of the innocent dead Arafat is responsible for....women....children.....the fodder of his terrorism......
No one is going to mention his published plot to murder Sec of State Powell.....
...and no one is going to mention how 3 billion dollars would have flowered Palestinians lives with education, hospital care, homes and self reliant businesses.....that in a generation during which Arafat was raping his own people and butchering other peoples, his Palestinian people could have become so powerful as business entrepreneurs they could have bought their own nation.

But the media doesn't want you or especially the Palestinians hearing any of that....because it would mean the Palestinians wouldn't have needed a terrorist to lead them....and the Palestinians would have become a threat to the powerful banking elite in being poweful themselves...and not just pawns in the game where puppets like Arafat do their bidding.....never giving a care that young Palestinian children are fodder for war or cold and hungry at long as Yassir had his throne.

So in an ancient chant we bid you Yassir......The tyrant is dead...Long live the tyrant!

At least until his bank accounts are opened.

Tui infrimitas Deus vis

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