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Wednesday, September 08, 2004



From: H2H-PK []
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:34 AM
Subject: HURRICANE IVAN UPDATE + TERRI Teleconference

Greetings, this is an open email (can be forwarded to anyone if you so desire).
From: Peter Kawaja @  HIGHWAY 2 HEALTH
I should not have to inform you about the last hurricane (Frances) which leveled 80% of all
Electric Poles and Street lights in Brevard County. Now - IVAN is (at the last updated this morning)
going to go around the south (west) side of FL and come up the Gulf to enter around central FL
from the west to east, so it is forecasted.
PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THIS NEXT ONE which is to hit @ 150 MPH and be much worse.
If you are in FL, do not "ass-ume" it will bypass you, prepare now.
TIPS on what to do - contact Peter Kawaja /tune to shows (TWR) or Teleconference.
As to the TERRI Teleconference which we had hope to start this Wednesday @ 10 PM/EST on H2H,
IF you are one of those who already responded (this is being sent Bcc so it can be forwarded)
and indicated you wish to participate in (lawful) activism for Terri and THE RIGHT TO LIFE (etc),
please reply to this email directly to me.
TWR can host a "private" Teleconference tonight and/or also Simulcast it.
If we do the private teleconference it will not be simulcast so we can openly discuss STRATEGY.
We do not know if those of you on the West Cost have Telephone service or Power, so Pamela Hennessey
and others at Terri's Fight etc should let me know your status and if you wish to hold the Teleconference tonight
if we can get enough people with Phone service to participate.  If not, I am scheduling an automatic one for
NEXT Wednesday @ 10 PM, for details on the number to call and PIN to enter the private conference, please
reply to me.
We have a large Oak tree on County property that is uprooted and laying on a major High Voltage power feed
to the area which also carries the telephone lines and Cable TV to the entire community. Unbelievably, none
of the utility services see fit to cut down the tree which is only being held up by another tree in its path so the
entire weight is not on the wires or the pole. If IVAN comes through, then all bets are off, the trees will come down,
with the pole and all communications and power will be severed to thousands of people and this line lays across
I-95 highway, it is a HIGH VOLTAGE MAIN FEED. Hmm, I have so much to say about "where are those thousands
of FPL and contracted service trucks they keep showing us on TeeVee.
OK - now it is up to you. We will be on the air tonight, we are dedicated to moving forward for Terri (and others)
and we are now securing generator fuel (if we can get it) before the mad rush takes place at the last minute.
However, at this point, most gas/diesel stations are not even open nor do we see all those fuel trucks coming in.
Frankly,  a FPL type person (who spoke to us on anonymity) said - if you have no power now, don't expect
anything to be done UNTIL IVAN passes.  Maybe this is why we do not see those trucks all over Brevard.
Unknwon how much generator fuel we can secure for another week on generator. Another AM radio station in the
area was lucky to have a friend who delivers diesel drive their big truck over debris to deliver to them, we are not so
lucky, not to mention the costs associated with the last hurricane.   
Awaiting any response from those of you who have Internet service or power.
Peter Kawaja, still alive and KEEPING THE FAITH!
my proper H2H email addy >
Links - Save Terri's Life!
Hurricanes Charley, Frances and now, Ivan ~~

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