Here's what he had to say:
"The Prez will make a campaign speech shortly, penned with Osama's blood; the MSM will talk up (and yuk up) Mr. bin Laden's demise for weeks, all the neocons will piss themselves, thrilled that bin Laden's dead but angered that none of them got to pull the trigger. In the meantime, we just committed an overt act of war against an allied nation by running a military attack on a fortified home just outside that nation's capital, which was under guard by authority of the President of that nation."
~Excerpted from George Ure's Urban Survival Blog
Coping: Bin Laden's Passing
Usually on a Monday morning, I try to come up with something pithy to report on but this morning my task was relieved by a reader who notes that even though bin Laden "is dead" that probably won't change a lot about what's ahead in America's near-term future - or the world's either...
"Yippie, yahoo, horray! We finally got bin Laden! Now, all the soldiers can come home, right?Maybe not...
Are they f'ing serious? We've just committed an act of war against another sovereign nation -- that's three in-a-row (I'm assuming a degree of justification for Afghanistan), two within the last six weeks, and this particular nation, allegedly an ally and certainly a nuclear power, has warned us repeatedly against running any military ops within its borders.
The Prez will make a campaign speech shortly, penned with Osama's blood; the MSM will talk up (and yuk up) Mr. bin Laden's demise for weeks, all the neocons will piss themselves, thrilled that bin Laden's dead but angered that none of them got to pull the trigger. In the meantime, we just committed an overt act of war against an allied nation by running a military attack on a fortified home just outside that nation's capital, which was under guard by authority of the President of that nation.
Yeah, we got bin Laden all right (and good riddance!)
That said, we also just PO'd 500,000,000 people, NOT because we killed Osama bin Laden, but because we did it neither quietly, nor on contested soil, and because we arrogantly thumbed our nose at the Pakistani leadership in the doing. There'll be talk in the mainstream for weeks about whether this was a joint op. Irrespective of Administration or media comments, it wasn't. Had it been, the Pakistani military would have handed OBL over alive, since they were providing his security detail. The American sheeple will eat up whatever crap the Administration and the MSM feed them. Those 500M angry Muslims know better, and they won't.
CIA/SEAL/SF op? Really? The spooks got close enough to shoot him, but not close enough to prick him with an umbrella or clip his brake lines? We've been sitting on Mr. bin Laden ever since he arrived back in Pakistan from Iran -- nine frickin' months! If the SOB had died in his sleep or gone off a cliff, al Qaeda would probably have faded to a couple hundred fanatics within a few years. Now that we've given them a martyr, and more-importantly, given the entire world a couple object lessons, the organization will live on for decades.
The result of those "object lessons?"
1. Expect Mr. Kim (doesn't matter which generation -- self-preservation tends to be learnt at an early age) to NEVER curtail North Korea's nuclear weapons program, and work like hell to make their Taepo Dong missiles viable.2. Expect Iran to go nuclear. Expect to not know it until they have a very large nuclear arsenal and a truly advanced weapons delivery system.3. Expect Pakistan to radicalize.4. Expect retaliation...5. Expect to hear little (or none) of any of the above from the American press.Oh, and the first thing I heard from my friends amongst the sheeple was: "Now Obama can bring our military home..."
Apparently, none of them have considered the economic implications of such a move. Lessee,John Williams still has real unemployment at around 22%. I wonder what a couple million young, strong, aggressive, and highly-intelligent men and women would do for the workforce and (un)employment numbers, were they to be suddenly injected into them?There are times I honestly believe I'm the sole possessor within my acquaintance circle, of either a lick of common sense or the smallest fraction of a clue.
It's 0645GMT. I just took a break before sending this. As I walked by I noticed the idiot-box, showing partiers in Times Square and on Penna. Ave. dancing around and singing the refrain from Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye. As if I didn't have sufficient reason already, to never live near a major metropolitan area...F'n idiots...
Ahhh, I just had a stroke of insight: I've been racking my brains, trying to figure out what the puppet-masters were up to, and how they hoped to gain from the demise of Mr. bin Laden (there ARE no coincidences!) I reread this post again, then took another break. Walking by the tube, I saw a mob of 'tweens and 20-somethings, shaking their fists and chanting "USA, USA..."We're going to get nuked. {Nothing spells (nation) lovin' like isotopes in the oven...}
It'll probably be one of those old Soviet bombs that's gone missing since the breakup, and it'll probably be untraceable to any nation. Now, the mechanicals of those bombs have degraded to the point they are nonfunctional, but the plutonium still has plenty of juice. It shouldn't be difficult, were one to have two or three of them tucked away in a basement in Islamabad (not to pick on the Pakistanis, but N.Korean planes & trains full of nuclear war materiel have an annoying habit of spontaneously deflagrating, upon leaving that country ;-) to build at least one working unit from the parts pile. In the state those dumbass kids are in, were someone to take out a few thousand people and a chunk of our infrastructure, like Wall Street or CBT, they'd be fighting each other for a place in the enlistment line within a day.
War is good! It takes people off the stats roles, and gives the multinationals an excuse to crank up their war machines -- AND it does a dandy job of misdirection, when a President or FED chief doesn't want the masses paying attention to mundane matters of economic flow. Also IIRC, it would give Mr. Obama the authority to cancel retirements and enlistment sunsets.
Shoot, iffn we gets ourse'ves inta a big enuf fight, da Adminustrashun could completely elimunate all dat there inemployment while their industriousical buds makes a boatload of cash (sorry, I just suffered a spontaneous Walt Kelly moment. It happens occasionally...) 'Point is, whether justified or retaliatory, such an occurrence would spawn a huge wave of nationalism and "fix" a nearly irreparable economy...
Especially if we have a 'rally 'round the quake' kind of event.
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