Location and Magnitude contributed by: USGS National Earthquake Information Center
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Tectonic Summary
Seismotectonics of the Himalaya and Vicinity
Seismicity in the Himalaya dominantly results from the continental collision of the India and Eurasia plates, which are converging at a relative rate of 40-50 mm/yr. Northward underthrusting of India beneath Eurasia generates numerous earthquakes and consequently makes this area one of the most seismically hazardous regions on Earth. The surface expression of the plate boundary is marked by the foothills of the north-south trending Sulaiman Range in the west, the Indo-Burmese Arc in the east and the east-west trending Himalaya Front in the north of India.
The India-Eurasia plate boundary is a diffuse boundary, which in the region near the north of India, lies within the limits of the Indus-Tsangpo (also called the Yarlung-Zangbo) Suture to the north and the Main Frontal Thrust to the south. The Indus-Tsangpo Suture Zone is located roughly 200 km north of the Himalaya Front and is defined by an exposed ophiolite chain along its southern margin. The narrow (<200km 100="" 15th="" 1905="" 1934="" 1950="" 2005="" a="" and="" area="" asia="" assam="" august="" bihar="" broad="" by="" caused="" causing="" central="" damage="" date="" death="" densely="" earthquake="" earthquakes.="" earthquakes="" east-west="" eastern="" epicentral="" examples="" extensive="" faults.="" felt="" for="" front="" has="" highest="" himalaya="" homeless.="" in="" include="" includes="" india.="" instrumentally="" kangra="" kashmir="" killing="" largest="" latter="" leaving="" m7.5="" m7.6="" m8.1="" m8.6="" mainly="" millions="" movement="" numerous="" occurred="" of="" on="" over="" p="" parallel="" people="" populated="" rates="" recorded="" region.="" region="" resulted="" reverse="" right-lateral="" seen="" seismicity="" significant="" slip="" strike-slip="" structures.="" the="" this="" thrust="" to="" together="" tolls="" trending="" two="" villages="" was="" widely="">
The Tibetan Plateau is situated north of the Himalaya, stretching approximately 1000km north-south and 2500km east-west, and is geologically and tectonically complex with several sutures which are hundreds of kilometer-long and generally trend east-west. The Tibetan Plateau is cut by a number of large (>1000km) east-west trending, left-lateral, strike-slip faults, including the long Kunlun, Haiyuan, and the Altyn Tagh. Right-lateral, strike-slip faults (comparable in size to the left-lateral faults), in this region include the Karakorum, Red River, and Sagaing. Secondary north-south trending normal faults also cut the Tibetan Plateau. Thrust faults are found towards the north and south of the Tibetan Plateau. Collectively, these faults accommodate crustal shortening associated with the ongoing collision of the India and Eurasia plates, with thrust faults accommodating north south compression, and normal and strike-slip accommodating east-west extension.
Along the western margin of the Tibetan Plateau, in the vicinity of south-eastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan, the India plate translates obliquely relative to the Eurasia plate, resulting in a complex fold-and-thrust belt known as the Sulaiman Range. Faulting in this region includes strike-slip, reverse-slip and oblique-slip motion and often results in shallow, destructive earthquakes. The active, left-lateral, strike-slip Chaman fault is the fastest moving fault in the region. In 1505, a segment of the Chaman fault near Kabul, Afghanistan, ruptured causing widespread destruction. In the same region the more recent 30 May 1935, M7.6 Quetta earthquake, which occurred in the Sulaiman Range in Pakistan, killed between 30,000 and 60,000 people.
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