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Thursday, November 06, 2014

Sphinx found on Mars?

Mini Sphinx Statue Found On Mars?

Published on Oct 25, 2014
A remarkable artifact, which resembles a miniature Egyptian statue, has been photographed by the curiosity rover.

The object, which appears artificial, can easily be seen on the Martian landscape.

Youtube author: http://theparanormalcrucible.blogspot...

A photo sent back to Earth from the Mars Curiosity rover appears to have captured what appears to be a near-replica of the famed Egyptian Sphinx. HNGN reported Oct. 29 that the Mars exploratory vehicle had again photographed an image that resembles something all too familiar back here on Earth. It is the latest in a series of photos sent back by the Mars rover that suggests that perhaps there once was some sort of civilization on the Red Planet -- one that might have been connected to ancient Egypt.

The photo captured a small rock formation that bears certain similarities to the massive Egyptian monument known as the Sphinx. But there is one major difference. The Mars sphinx appears to be faceless. Still, face or no, the figure does seem to follow the same basic shape as the famous desert monument. But without a face, there is no way to tell if it is an androsphinx, the traditional sphinx statue that depicted a human face on the body of a lion.

Could the Mars sphinx be an artifact that indicates a civilization that somehow paralleled that of ancient Egypt on Earth? If so, it wouldn't be the first image found by the two Mars rovers that has prompted speculation in that direction.

Great Sphinx
Great Sphinx - Egypt

Oddly enough, the famed monument of the Great Sphinx in Giza, Egypt, has almost become a faceless statue as well. It is common lore that Napoleon's troops shot the nose off the massive statue during a French military expedition. However, sketches of the Sphinx that predate the troop incursion include the nose, thus proving the popular tale to be something of a fictitious legend. The truth is, nobody knows exactly how the Great Sphinx lost parts of its face and notes that it might have been missing for up to 400 years prior to Napoleon's troops' arrival. Besides the French, the British and the Mamluks and others have been blamed for defacing the venerated limestone statue.

Mars rover photo: A faceless sphinx found on the Red Planet? - Charleston News |

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