Rick Riedel <manystars@esedona.net> |
| show details | 5:40 pm (1½ hours ago) |
Krsanna, I checked out the website. I have a lot of trouble with this. If the Earth has indeed, tilted beyond its normal 23 degrees, the ONLY way to tell is by observing changes in the alignment of stars in relation to each other, or with the Moon or by using a calibrated rod placed exactly perpendicular to the Earth's surface to see if the shadow at noon (precisely) is any longer than it was before the supposed "tilt". There is a monument at Chichen Itza in central Mexico that is so perfectly constructed that, on the spring equinox, the Pyramid at Kukulcan about 4 pm or so, will cast a shadow that looks like an undulating snake on the north stairway. The serpent's head carved in stone at the base of the stairway wompletes the picture of an upside-down serpent – a deity serpent descending from the sky- that is quite common in Mesoamerican art. I haven't heard about this phenomenon being disrupted this spring. This sort of idea sounds like the stuff promulgated in the Zeta Talk website, a fear-mongering site that insists that Planet X is preparing to swing by Earth and cause a pole shift. The fact that nobody else seems to be able to find a planet twice the size of Jupiter lurking around the solar system close enough to Earth to cause such a thing doesn't bother them much. It's all a cover-up, they say. They also say that the Earth stopped in its orbit 3 years ago and the seasons are being artificially created by some technological trick. The unusual weather and other unsettling events are, in my opinion, a result of the Earth passing through the Photon Belt, which is a highly energized region in space. The entire solar system is going through it and all the planets have shown some signs of increased energy. Jupiter grew another red spot in February this year, which merged with the Great Red Spot to form an even larger storm. There has been a dust storm on Mars that has crippled the Martian rovers because the dust has covered the solar panels. Earth is the densest planet in the solar system and shows changes the slowest. Earth will not be in the Photon Belt all year round until 2012. Go outside after sunset and find Jupiter in the sky. It is bright and overhead. Below it is a red star. This is Antares, a red dwarf that is quite bright. The apparent distance between them exactly matches what it's supposed to be, according to my astronomy and astrology software. If the Earth was tilted an extra 3 degrees, this distance would be greater or lesser than predicted. The Zeta Talk website takes advantage of the fact that most people don't pay much attention to where things are in the sky. When they start looking, it's easy to confuse them. I have been watching the sky for nearly 40 years and all those stars are just where they are supposed to be. If we had a change of 3 degrees, there would be a lot more going on that what we see now. Blessings, - Rick Riedel |
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