On 8/22/07, Larry W. Taylor <From_The_Edge@webtv.net> wrote:
Yesterday, I posted an email from Dolores in Maryland, who
expressed "a feeling" of herself and others re: UNEASY type
feeling, like calm before the storm! There were a number of
replys which agreed with Dolores.
Today, Wednesday, August 22nd listened to Alex Jones remark
about the same "UNEASY" feeling he and many others were now
having; which he likened to "being in Vietnam and waiting on
an artillary barrage that you knew was coming! And how your
guts just felt so uneasy as you waited for the fire! Alex
Jones remarked that's the "feeling" he and others are having
right NOW ~ here in America...!
Larry Taylor
August 22, 2007 11:59am Central
expressed "a feeling" of herself and others re: UNEASY type
feeling, like calm before the storm! There were a number of
replys which agreed with Dolores.
Today, Wednesday, August 22nd listened to Alex Jones remark
about the same "UNEASY" feeling he and many others were now
having; which he likened to "being in Vietnam and waiting on
an artillary barrage that you knew was coming! And how your
guts just felt so uneasy as you waited for the fire! Alex
Jones remarked that's the "feeling" he and others are having
right NOW ~ here in America...!
Larry Taylor
August 22, 2007 11:59am Central
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 17:08:15 -0400
From: "Dee and Roy Rohe" <dees.bellsouth.alternate@gmail.com>
To: From_The_Edge-Alerts-owner@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [From_The_Edge-Alerts] 'UnEasy' Feeling Indeed ~ by Larry Taylor
Yes, Larry... we too have that feeling.. it is quieter - for now. More is coming.. and I feel it won't be just for personal troubles but for everyone... maybe nationwide?
We are in a temporary Grace period.. Prayer and watchful Awareness is called for.
A couple months ago, Spirit told me "This is a Test, this is just a Test"... then immediately we started getting personal 'attacks', from several surprising sources..and many trials... many family members and friends suddenly becoming very ill and being diagnosed with cancer or other unexpected trouble....and also having financial crisis's. About two weeks ago, I received the message, "Be Aware". Due to awareness, we found out Roy's prostate cancer very early in the game, and I can see God's divine providence at work in this.. many people are also continuing to experience Tests, Trials and Tribulations.. Two days ago, a dear friend was diagnosed with an aggressive Stage 4 lung cancer in both lungs.... she has never smoked! Prayers are needed.
Last week, I received the message of "Grace" and it was confirmed by another prayerful friend who just underwent a double mastectomy by choice (!) and says the Holy Spirit (possibly in the form of her mother who passed away four years ago) made her suddenly aware and certain of the need for it! The surgeon found hidden cancer in both breasts during the surgery! Our friend agrees that we are in a temporary Grace period.
I called a prayer line and the prayer partner confirmed that there has been an increase in troubles that people are calling in for.
Yesterday, I received "This is a Test" again ... which indicates to me that the run of trials is not over, and the continuing need for both prayerful awareness, and thankfulness for God's Grace.
- for Everything you need and Nothing you don't..
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