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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Thank you for the money... :-)

Some correspondence...
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 20:44:47 -0400
From: "Dee and Roy Rohe" <>
Subject: Thank you for the money...

Dear Sir,

Your letter came as no surprise being as you have already sent me two million with promise of more money to come.  I have put one million in the bank, and the other million I have bought a house and a boat and donated some to some children with AIDs in Africa.  I know it comes as a surprise to you that there are children with AIDs in Africa, but I have a secret source that has informed me of  this minor problem with some of the adults in Africa that are passing this minor problem to their offspring before they, the adults die of this minor problem.  It really needs to be addressed by the adults before they die off.. so many little children are dying .. but their parents are coming down with AIDs and producing more children before they themselves die of AIDs. What do you think can be done about this minor problem? I know you don't think that education could possibly be a factor in helping prevent all the adults in Africa from dying of AIDs, do you?  I'm sure you don't believe in  abstinence and purity before wedlock do you?  A lot of people don't so don't feel you are being  singled out.. but it's a well kept secret that many  Hebrew  people know about.   Of course, many Hebrews practice this abstinence  after wedlock - too bad, because their Kosher practices could save the world.  Well, there's an overpopulation as it is, but it would be nice if the tremendous population growth on earth were of AIDs free people, don't you agree? 

Well, thank you again for the millions of money, and I'm looking forward to the rest of it.  Perhaps we can save a few African children, and maybe educate and inspire some African adults.  It will take some expansion of consciousness, I believe, but it is, indeed possible.


Dr. Drrohe On

By the way, I enjoyed Hong Kong very much.

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