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Friday, August 11, 2006

Nigerian Scams - Forward them to !

You can keep them writing to you by writing them and pretending to fall for them.. it's a lot of fun, too!  You'll see how Karonga here didn't catch on to the 'tongue-in-cheek' double entendre and mispelling banter I've been having with him.  hee hee.   Of course it's a great idea to do as Ann mentions here, because these scam emails from Nigeria, Zimbawe, etc. have caused a lot of very real harm, even death! 
Re: Re: ASSISTANCE FROM YOU Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 7:29:22 -0400
Dee, please forward the Scam email to or some other govt agency.  Unlike you, many other people are being taken in by these Nigerian, or whatever scams.  The govt has the means to track these people down.  Do you know that the young woman who killed her preacher husband in Tennessee, leaving her 3 little children dead, fell for one of these scams?  When she deposited the conterfiet cashiers check and sent the overpaymernt' or other fee 'back', her bank account was debited about $17K for the fake chck.  This is what lead to a huge fight with her hubby & why she shot him!  I see it here at the bank about people being taken in and it costs them big bucks! Also, if they don't have the $$ to pay back the bank, the bank is out the $$.
xxoo Ann
Forwarded mail:
From: Dee Rohe <> Date: 2006/08/11 Fri AM 12:08:54 EDT To: Karonga Zungu <>, Dean <>
Subject: Re:                 ASSISTANCE FROM YOU
Oh my poor dear two..
I am so sorry to hear of your misfortunes and wish to continue them, if I may.  I will copy this to my dear friend Dean Mussingill our dear Bea's father-in-law who is really full of sympathy for you also.  He has recently been notified from Germany that he has won der Nazionale Lotteria and onece he receives the sums from you he will be able to assist you much better than I may. We have agreed to split the rewards from your endeavors and we also wish to donate some of the lotteria winnings to your bank account in great honor of your past due father.  I do also want truth and honest to be our watchword, so watch it.
Most sincerely and honest, I remain looking forward to our mutual prosperity with glee onece you send the funds.
Again, my condolences for your poor farmer father.  What a great lost one you must be.  Zimbabwe will never be the same without him.
Dee L. Rohester
Karonga Zungu <> wrote:

Dear One,

My name is Master Karonga Zungu, the son of Mr.Ellies Karonga of blessed memory from Zimbabwe, During the current crises against the farmers in Zimbabwe from the supports of President Robert Mugabe to claim all citizens both black/white farmers farms, who where not his party members and his followers, he ordered all white/black farmers who were not in his party to surrender all their farms to his party members and his followers.
My father was one of the most successful multy farmers in our country and because he did not support Mugabe`s ideas, Mugabes supporters invaded his farm and burnt everything in the farm, killing him and made away with a lot of farming items in my fathers farm.
Before his death, my father had deposited with banking firm in
(Europe) the sum of (USD $12 MILLION) for buying of new farming materials.But I can't transfer it, to where i live becouse I'm an Asylum seeker,and not allowed to operate bank accounts, i want to go into arrangement by which i can live in your country and get my money back for benefitable investments.
I have agreed to offer you 10% of the total sum for your assistance as soon as the money gets into your account also 5% has been set aside for all expences onece the money is cleard,any expences incured by you in the act of claiming this funds and making the transfer to your account will be deducted from the 5% before any other step is taken.
I want truth and honest to be our watch word in this transaction and please treat this transaction with strictly confidential for the successful out come of it.
All I want you to do is to furnish me with your personal full name as in your passport/private phone and fax numbers and also your private e-mail address if any for easy and urgent communication.

Best regards,. Your brother in need. Karonga zungu

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