Excerpt from George Ure's Free Daily News:
A Burnaby (British Columbia) paper asks a really important question: "Are we to blame for climate change?" There's a lot of energy kicking around the solar system, and changes on other planets mean humans may not be 100% guilty. Although, we could all end up 100% dead when the climate change accelerates to the point where massive famines begin. For today, famines are in places like North Korea. And parts of Africa. And you won't find a lot of fat people in Asia. By the way, getting little play - but very interesting - is that a new study out suggests that if an expectant mother is starved during pregnancy, the odds go up that the resulting child will suffer from schizophrenia. My totally un-medical advice? Don't starve yourself if pregnant because there may be health consequences for the child. Now, let me see, I meandered from a tropical storm to famine in a flow of consciousness vein, Yeah, that caffeine is really settling in today. Browser Feedback. Lots of people running the IE 7.0 beta reported that page load problem I was having yesterday. No one with Firefox reported troubles although I got a lot of "neener, neener, neeners" from the spyware resistant browser users... Thursday August 3, 2006 Iraq's Civil War When someone like me writes 2-years ago that Iraq is descending into civil war, no one pays attention. But, here we are, two years later, and the outgoing British Ambassador to Iraq is now warning that civil war is not only the most likely outcome of the Iraq war, but that the country will likely break up along ethnic lines. Act surprised. Islamic Demands Leaders of Islamic nations meeting in Malaysia are demanding that Israel be investigated for war crimes against civilians. Not that their demands will slow anything down: Israel is back bombing Beirut today. By the way, it will be interesting to note whether various Middle East media report widely on the findings of a human rights group that says the death toll at Qana was 28, not the reported 54 that Lebanese officials claimed. Wars are almost as much perception battles as bombs and bullets. Somalia Unwinding Commodities Although it has been down a bit this morning in the futures markets, gold and oil prices have firmed up this week on escalating global tensions. Ukraine HR Issue The president of the Ukraine has one of those tough management decisions to make: Should he appoint his political enemy to a top spot in government or dissolve parliament? Extreme Weather "What's a Prapiroon?" Until this morning, I would have no clue. Now, I know it's a hurricane, headed for China, but I still have no clue. Here in the US, more hot temps due today, and with it comes more headaches for the Midwest Independent System Operator shuffling power around to hungry utilities. BTW, our power bill here at the ranch last month came in yesterday: $207.58 for two buildings (house and my office/shop/barn) with moderate AC use. Just so you can either weep or pat yourself on the back. Good News Although I don't cover a lot of "good news," I'm really an optimistic sort of fellow and to prove it, here's something downright cheery: New Zealand is looking at a record grape harvest, which means plenty of Kiwiland wines should be available next year. In general, though, it looks like food prices are heading up. Russia may get a bit of a windfall from this as prices are firsm throughout Europe this summer. Touch and go for the Bangladesh rice crop. Last night, Steve Quayle had an interesting show on the history of famine (which is expected to spread globally as we run out of energy, because we convert oil to food). Throwing in my 2-cents worth, I'd note that it's the 150th anniversary of the Irish Famine. Shortage Report This from a reader:
Could just be 1-gallon cans weren't selling - besides, stores can charge more for a $5 can - and if you have a lawnmower, that might last you a whole season. But then again... A Browser Curiosity OK, I admit it, I use a couple of different browsers when I'm news hunting. One is Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 beta and the other is Mozilla Firefox. This morning while getting to a story about a ban on drinking Coke and Pepsi in India, at http://www.financialexpress.com/latest_full_story.php?content_id=136147, my MS Explorer popped up a box with "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site: http://www.financialexpress.com/latest_full_story.php?content_id=136147 Operation Aborted [OK]. When I restarted the browser, it locked up. Now, the curiosity is that the story was visible behind the pop-up. And, when I hit "OK" the story disappeared. I tried it with fresh browser boots several times. So, if you're an IT whiz, tell me if this is just a flaw in my system. Or, on a little more sinister note, is this what corporate news censorship might look like in action when a story says something as corporately challenging as: The site popped up in Firefox, no sweat. Please tell me its a glitch in the source code on the originating page (or something on my system) and not you-know-what..... Flak for "Chaff" My report on "chaff" use (chaff being metallic flecks sprayed into the air to confuse radar) has drawn a mixed response. On the one hand, I received several emails from people saying "chaff is not chemtrails" from former military pilots and experts, such as this one:
On the other hand, I received a long note from a research into this, and she reported (in a long telephone conversation) that yes, sources have reported to her that aluminized fiberglass chaff can stay up 20-hours (or longer). And when you mix in the reports of impacts of the change from JP-4 to JP-8 jet fuel (which has reportedly has additives with potential health impacts) you get lots of indications that there are really several layers of aerial deception: weather modification, electronic controls, atmospheric heating (HAARP) and a whole stew of other interests:
By the way, Ms. Peterson's site has a very interesting page about geoengineering, which is particularly relevant with the high global temperatures being reported this summer. As I presented in my report yesterday, there's a lot going on in the skies overhead and virtually all of it is done without adequate oversight of the public's health and environmental impacts. Between JP-8, micro fibrous chaff, and ionospheric heating from HAARP, the military-industrial complex has a murky agenda of interlocking interests that's without adequate public review and apparently detrimental to humans. Wednesday August 2, 2006 Secrets Revealed Speeds Up "Chaff" - The Chemtrail Realities Anyone who has surfed the net's uncensored pages for any period of time has no doubt heard about chemtrails. There are several schools of thought on the subject, ranging from the mundane republicorp "Ain't no such thing" to the ultra-conspiracy theorist's "It's all a plot of poison huge portions of the population." Figuring that the truth is somewhere in between the extremes usually, I was intrigued this morning to receive a pointer to the July issue of the Idaho Observer which quotes a GAO report. The thinking seems to be that what most of us would call "chemtrails" may really be huge use of military "chaff." Key part of the story:
Naturally, being a curious sort, I went looking for Google results at [+gao +chaff]. Sure enough, there really is a 1998 GAO report that says:
Naturally, as the word spread about "chaff" use, corpgov went into overdrive, reporting that "chaff" had no serious consequences - and as you'd expect, by 2000 environmental groups were up in arms about it. The Las Vegas Journal-Review reported in 2000 that a Naval Research Laboratories report in particular was questioned:
Naturally, the military contends that there's no harm to use of chaff. But what surprised me deeply was the amount of "chaff" that was being used in 2000 over the continental US. Specifically around Fallon Naval Air Station, located in Nevada! To bring things up to nearer current for you, in 1998 the GAO was reporting that increased use of this "chaff" stuff was planned:
So if you're thinking "chemtrails" and want to know where you are most likely to see them, the GAO's September 1998 report includes this handy "chaff/chemtrail" map on Page 6: Notice how Washington DC is not impacted, but most of the rest of the country is? And this is a 1998 map, mind you. The history of "chaff" goes back to 1954 when it was reported that the government's Chemical Corp pressed the small fiber technology forward:
A couple of conclusions present themselves here:
And, the military's use of the "chaff" technology (a/k/a/ chemtrails) is not going away any time soon. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (www.darpa.mil) notes in their [unclassified] FY 2007 budget buried on page 363 of 453 that "chaff" may have an important role in standoff explosives and concealed weapons detection:
Whether current "chaff" operations are already using "chemical tags" for identification is not known. However, what is known is that whether by intent or accident, the reports on the web that "chemtrail residue" contains lots of other chemicals/contaminants, appear to be justified claims. With electronic warfare and it's opposite, electronic countermeasures (along with electronic counter-counter measures) being a fertile purchasing area for corporate defense contractors, we have to expect that chemtrails/chaff use will continue to increase. Especially if outfits like DARPA are even partially successful in tying "chaff" to real current military problems like improvised explosive devices (IED's) in battle zones like Iraq. Like depleted uranium munitions, banned by the UN but used by the US, there's no civilian oversight of health consequences of either long term DU or "chaff"/chemtrail use on America's home soil. Yes, we supposedly have oversight in CONgress, but you should have figured by now from the Abramoff scandal that a whispered "Want to buy some pictures?" can push votes around with contempt and disregard for the long term health of us non-elevated citizens. Morgellon's Longshot? A reader who read the chaff piece sends this:
I'll ask! More Feedback:
I don't doubt it - remember the map was from 1998... Meantime, Back at the Wars It's just (point pun here, but what do you expect?) "bullet points" today: My overview on all this is that wars at this level (and higher) are predictable because in a world economy based on continuously increasing consumption in order to "make a profit" (sort of the prime directive in business), once a transition into a war economy begins, it must by necessity escalate to victory (defined however you will) by one side or the other. Thus, more demonization of America's "enemies" - you'll note we have a lot more of them lately - but that's good for the death merchant/arms business. Speaking of which: Money in Death Let me again use a few "bullet points" for you:
Selling arms is a big deal in England too, where they're busy selling things like "components for nuclear reactors" to China. Apparently, the UK's defence types haven't read "Red Dragon Rising." But then again, Hillary's Bill sold China high tech computers that could be used for evil, so it's not like corporations have any sense of shame about selling potential enemies the weapons to attack us. And that's the point: Corporations are amoral business structures which allow collections of humans (boards of directors) to act in distinctly anti-human ways for only one thing: personal gain. But as the time maps from the web bot project at www.halfpasthuman.com show, as we enter the "revolution/rebellion" mode globally in September, you won't be able to say you didn't see it coming. Mexican Fuse Burning Mexico's interior secretary says the protests by the Obrador supporters are illegal. But that headline, and the story, should not surprise you because he works for Vincente Fox who is pulling all possible strings to get his buddy Felipe Calderon installed as president. 40,000 people now living in the tent city protesters have set up in Mexico City. Thney support Lopex Obrador who is demanding a full recount. Which Fox (/Bush)/Calderon won't allow because it would get in the way of efforts of America's other government (the one not-elected) to tear down our borders with Mexico (see www.spp.gov ). Oily Vice The Senate has passed legislation to expand offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. The big problem, however, will be finding rigs to do drilling. Extreme hard to find rig time now. And wait till be hit $100 oil this fall! Poor Held Hostage A perfect example of republicorp two-faced politics continues to evolve as we notice that Sinate Majority Leader First is linking an estate tax cut for the rich to an improvement of minimum wages for the poor. We have the best lawmakers money can buy, don't we? Tuesday August 1, 2006 Beef as an Investment Those record high temperatures recently have intensified what is already a disastrous drought in America's Heartland. Ranchers are finding things especially hard, partly because soybeans and corn harvests will be exceptionally weak according to reports. All of this has gotten me to thinking about investing in beef: buying a quarter, half, or even a whole beef plus a freezer to put it in. My thinking goes like this: Lot's of beef is coming to market right now because ranchers don't want to be saddled with higher feed prices later as grains go up. But once the herd sizes are down, I figure beef will soar. I reckon beef ought to come down in September when BBQ season slows down a bit. I may be wrong on this, but if I am, at least I won't have to eat crow. Personal Incomes Up Maybe not yours. Not mine. But on average, says the latest government figures, they were up a bit in June:
But the headline behind the headline is that people are still spending more than they make and the national savings rate is still quite negative:
Castro's Health The reins of power were handed over to Raul Castro in Cuba with fiery Fidel going into surgery to repair intestinal bleeding. Depending on who you list ten, either there will be no change, or the health crisis of Fidel could start a whole series of revolutionary changes in the region. Its only coincidental, I'm sure, that Fidel's health is reported deteriorating as the US oil interests have been shut out of drilling in Cuban waters. The US House and Senate are trying to work out new legislation to allow drilling off Florida. Overblown Spill Russia media says that oil spill we reported on previously is not as bad as the Western press made it out to be. Or is it? Ceasefire? Nope Israel has rejected calls for a ceasefire. What's more, with yesterday's call-up of additional reservists it looks like the country is heading deeper into conflict in the very near future. Condi Rice, who was sent packing from her efforts in Lebanon, is now changing topics, issuing statements to players like Iran to "heed UN" demands. According to some media reports, Israel has 'lost the war' on all fronts, but they are expanding the battles in fresh fighting today. Syria has put its forces on alert. It's enough to stoke mushroom cloud fears. Lest you think that my fears of the Middle East escalating into a nuclear exchange on a global scale, as first Syria, then Iran, and then China and Russia are dragged into the confrontation, I'd bring your attention to a report today that China has built nuclear shelter capabilities for 200,000 people in Shanghai alone. I'd call this "public messaging." Iraq, meantime, continues to devolve into civil war and 52 people have been killed so far today and it's only half over (US time). Korea Tensions Not like we need another hotspot to report, but there's been an exchange of gunfire along the DMZ. WiFi for the Masses Boston is looking at installing a municipal broadband company as the city tries to bring high speed access down to about $15 per month. While it sounds great on paper, I wouldn't be surprised in 4-5 years for such operations to go the way of the public investment in things like highways: Turned into toll operations to generate money for the free-spending politicos. Depression Hits Home If you thought the Second Depression was a myth, check out Paul Kasriel's article on how household income has morphed into household debt/savings depletion. Monday July 31, 2006 Qana: Fallout and Forecast In the latest web bot run, which I refer to as a "rickety time machine", there's a lot of language that goes to the idea of a major battle/war involving Israel in December of this year. And sadly, some of the language deals with children. Posted here with exclusive permission from www.halfpasthuman.com is a peek at December from the recent (July 10) data run:
I called Cliff, the chief "time monk" who is the inventor/ chief architect of of the time inferring software technology that uses subtle language shifts across broad sweeps of the internet to perceive future developments in advance. The conversation went something like this:
In time studies, because of the way the technology works, all we know is that the December period will involve fighting in which Israel is one of the sides and the hostilities that break out will progress from December through January. A new data run with the temporal focus Ides of March 2007 is underway now for HPH subscribers. Those seem to be the choices: We got the image of injured children with females (mothers) correct but the timing wrong, or there's a worse event to come. Or, as Cliff explained as our conversation went on, because the technology reads emotional impact of events in advance, the December fighting that breaks out involving Israel could involve cries from the Arab side of "Remember Qana!". Simplified: History might be about to show us this December how "Remember Qana" might be the Arab/Middle East equivalent of "Remember the Alamo!" --- Now that Israel has been stopped by a well organized Hezbollah defense, losing the mythos they have enjoyed since 1967 that they were the next-best-thing to invincible, we notice that Condi Rice is suddenly pushing for a cease-fire. But wait! What about all the Condi-blather from just a few days back about "sustainable" and "expectations"? --- The "time stew" for the balance of this year (once we get through the relative calm of August) is not at all pretty. Tensions will be rising from September of this year through the middle of March 2007, and along the way the global population is set to get wrapped up in a revolution/rebellion context starting about the end of August. And along with that, paper assets tank. Mexico Perspective Panama Bates, back from some kind of urban adventure in the El Paso area this weekend, reports maquilladores are now leaving Ciudad Juarez, El Paso's larger sister city across the river. "I think they've found people in China or elsewhere will work cheaper than Mexicans," he noted. Also, the killing of young women there has continued. The local wave of serial killings in Ciudad Juarez that goes back to at least 1996 has continued unabated. Meantime, the Council on Foreign Relations and the gang that doesn't think straight (the "steal the US" group in DC), are working full speed to tear down the Mexico border and "merge" Mexico with the US (and Canada) including a new currency to replace the US Dollar. You can read the details of how George Bush and his corporate pals are selling out our beloved Constitutional Principle at the government's web site www.spp.gov. Spun by naming it the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, the real plan is to steal direct representation by putting in an "uber layer" of unelected officials to "run" a North American equivalent of Europe in what was at one time, our hard fought sovereign country. There's a cute trick to how they're doing it, too. By calling the paperwork with Mexico "agreements", the Decider in Chief's minions can sign away your sovereignty without CONgressional review. Wouldn't want to wake those good old boys up, but if this was on the up-and-up, these "agreements" would be called what they really are - TREATIES - and that would force the GOB's to at least be answerable to voters. Thief in the night stuff, for sure. More than one reader has suggested that any official of government or private organization, seemingly bent on selling out independent America, should be brought up on treason charges. I can't find any reason to disagree. Patriotic Paradox: What's curious as hell to me, is that while some in the US are trying to sneak through Constitution-and-border-busting busting legislation that would, among other things, call on the US to defend Mexico's southern border, the non-Bush-Fox-Calderon groups in southern Mexico are rallying behind Lopez Obrador. He's busily calling for his supporters to occupy the center of Mexico City, occupy Mexican embassies, and airports - not to mention demanding a recount in what many observers believe is a tainted election. There's an historical dance underway here, full of moves and dodges miraculous to behold: US sell-outs are trying to "incorporate" Mexico and Canada into America, Mayan Mexicans are trying to prevent the "incorporate" Mexicans from stealing their election, and American MSM (mainstream media) being (as usual) months behind events by putting a virtual news blackout on efforts to sell-out US sovereignty. He who pays the pipers, huh? But, that's what happens with the 300-richest families in the world controlling more assets than the poorest 3-billion people on the planet. You get megalomania from the "we have money, therefore we're better than you, so we'll make the decisions..." kind of thinking. No thanks! The real power players were all at the Bohemian Grove meeting in California this weekend. So now, media blackouts aside from MSM, you know why Tony Blair was doing San Francisco this weekend. Read the datelines! U.N.-American? Several boards that discuss the operation of UN and other foreign forces on CONUS United States soil have been heating up. Here's a good example: reports of cremation trucks and foreign soldiers training US forces on escape and evasion. Tamils Fighting And, as if you need any convincing that the Global Population (entity in web bot model space) has accurately forecast the rebellion/revolution transition, I have to point out that Tamil Tigers have stepped up fighting against government forces in Sri Lanka. Remember, revolution/rebellion is going global on a planet near you this fall. This is foreplay... Name Game In Malaysia, authorities are trying to tell folks what they can name their children. The BBC reports that naming your child "Hitler, smelly dog, or 007" is now verbotten. Big long list, too. Makes the "hippie era" in the US with names like Spring, Summer, Rain, and such as an almost idyllic time. Call me anything but don't call me late for dinner... Secrets Revealed One of our sources in Illinois was up early watching NBC this morning and reports this:
OK, so prices going up is not exactly a "secret" but what is might be putting it on mainstream. Gosh: Next thing you know they will talk about how "core rates" (ex-food and ex-energy) is a deliberate scam to keep you from expecting to gety screwed as badly as you are at the store. That's what the Feb BS phrase "setting inflation expectations" means: It's like saying "We're screwing your checkbook, but we don't want you to notice" or we'll skip from price-push inflation to something more...er...real. Cuban Oil Leverage Want to place any side bets that the Bush administration will start to warm up relations with Cuba now that Cuba has a large offshore oil find? Speaking of oil: A big spill is reported in Russia this morning. Leo Wanta Story I continue to get emails about how supposedly $4.5 trillion dollars is about to land in US coffers in a highly complex case involving a fellow named Leo Wanta. While I would be happy to see $4.5 trillion land in the Treasury, I'm still putting this story in the woo-woo category. Sidebar: Psychology: There's something strange going on in "universal monkey mind" at the moment: tons of people are starting to circulate 'savior" stories. Leo Wanta is to be the "savior" of national financial issues. "SETI has picked up real alien communications, but the government is blocking them," goes another story making the rounds. A number of religious/faith-based sites are suggesting that either "The tribulations are about to start August (various dates), or other "End Times" events. For my part, I'll pass along snips of it here and there, like the Wanta story on the off chance there's something to it. However, if you find a story that just seems to fit with too many of your hopes and desires (peace, harmony, balanced budget, nice world, friendly humans), take all those stories and pour out about two-fingers of Scotch and go think through the logic of it. Is it real, or is it a fiction occupying you so that you won't focus on the real, provable wrong/misdirection/sleights-of-hand that lurk just beneath today's headlines? If the Wanta case results in a real lawsuit in Federal Court tomorrow, we will, of course, be all over that like a bad smell on do-do. It won't be the first time I've been served crow, but I don't expect it. It sounds a little too pat, too much like a 'savior" story. And last time I checked, Universe helps those that help themselves. And that' starts with alot of facts and logical analysis. . News from Elliott Wave International
Instead of our customary chart, this week you get a free peak at one of our other charts from www.peoplenomics.com - this is our "Global Markets Equally Weighted" chart: Write when you get rich, George Ure, The People's Economist | ||||||||||||||||||
Bulldog Editions In the glory days of newspapering, the Bull Dog edition was the Sunday (or Holiday) edition of the paper issued on Saturday (or holiday) morning. It had all the regular features, but might not have the absolutely most current up to the minute "headline" items. We've generalized that, such that when we issue something in advance of our regular Monday morning update, we call them "Bull dog editions." Whenever you see a BULL DOG notice on the top of this page, check back later for a more recent update. Bulletins are posted as our work schedule permits and as events warrant. We try to publish Mon-Fri by 6:30 AM Pacific (9:30 Eastern. Sometimes we don't awaken on time, but when delays are expected we try to publish a projected update time for your convenience. Over on our www.peoplenomics.com (subscription) site, we generally publish Saturday or Sunday afternoons depending on our workload and personal commitments. Free Financial News updated daily except Sundays |
"Larry W. Taylor" <From_The_Edge@webtv.net> wrote:
To: From_The_Edge-Alerts@yahoogroups.com
From: "Larry W. Taylor" <From_The_Edge@webtv.net>
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2006 15:51:52 -0000
Subject: [From_The_Edge-Alerts] George Ure's Daily Notes ~ by Larry Taylor
__._,_.___George Ure's website URBAN SURVIVAL has some interesting Daily
Headlines with NOTES. Go to George's website, scroll down to
the bottom and click onto Free Daily News section.
George Ure Website:
<http://www.urbansurvival.com >
Larry Taylor
<From_The_Edge@webtv.net >
August 6, 2006 10:50am Central![]()
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