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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

German Perspective on Islamic Threat

Must Read Editorial
A German view on the Islamic Crusade

It's fascinating that this should come out of Europe.
Matthias Dapfner, Chief Executive of the huge German publisher, Axel Springer AG, has written a blistering attack in DIE WELT, Germany's largest daily paper, against the timid reaction of Europe in the face of the Islamic threat. This is a must read by all Americans. History will certify its correctness.


A few days ago Henry Broder wrote in Welt am Sonntag, "Europe - your family name is appeasement." It's a phrase you can't get out of your head because it's so terribly true.

Appeasement cost millions of Jews, and non-
Jews, their lives as England and France, allies at the time, negotiated and hesitated too long before they noticed that Hitler had to be fought, not bound to toothless agreements. Appeasement legitimized and stabilized Communism in the Soviet Union, then East Germany, then all the rest of Eastern Europe where for decades, inhuman, suppressive, murderous governments were glorified as the ideologically correct alternative to all other possibilities.

Appeasement crippled Europe when genocide ran
rampant in Kosovo, and even though we had absolute proof of ongoing mass-murder, we Europeans debated and debated and debated, and were still debating when finally the Americans had to come from halfway around the world, into Europe yet again, and do our work for us.
Rather than protecting democracy in the Middle
East, European appeasement, camouflaged behind the fuzzy word "equidistance" now countenances suicide bombings in Israel by fundamentalist Palestinians.

Appeasement generates a mentality that allows
Europe to ignore nearly 3 00,000 victims of Saddam's torture and murder machinery and, motivated by the self-righteousness of the peace-movement, has the gall to issue bad grades to George Bush... Even as it is uncovered that the loudest critics of the American action in Iraq made illicit billions, no, TENS of billions, in the corrupt U.N. Oil-for-Food program.

And now we are faced with a particularly
grotesque form of appeasement. How is Germany reacting to the escalating violence by Islamic fundamentalists in Holland and elsewhere? By suggesting that we really should have a "Muslim Holiday" in Germany?

I wish I were joking, but I am not. A substantial
fraction of our (German) Government, and if the polls are to be believed, the German people, actually believe that creating an Official State "Muslim Holiday" will somehow spare us from the wrath of the fanatical Islamists. One cannot help but recall Britain's Neville Chamberlain waving the laughable treaty signed by Adolph Hitler, and declaring European "Peace in our time".

What else has to happen before the European
public and its political leadership get it? There is a sort of crusade underway, an especially perfidious crusade consisting of systematic attacks by fanatic Muslims, focused on civilians, directed against our free, open Western societies, and intent upon Western Civilization's utter destruction.

It is a conflict that will most likely last longer
than any of the great military conflicts of the last century - a conflict conducted by an enemy that cannot be tamed by "tolerance" and "accommodation" but is actually spurred on by such gestures, which have proven to be, and will always be taken by the Islamists for signs of weakness.

Only two recent American Presidents had the
courage needed for anti-appeasement: Reagan and Bush. His American critics may quibble over the details, but we Europeans know the truth. We saw it first hand: Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War, freeing half of the German people from nearly 50 years of terror and virtual slavery. And Bush, supported only by the Social Democrat Blair, acting on moral conviction, recognized the danger in the Islamic War against democracy. His place in history will have to be evaluated after a number of years have passed.

In the meantime, Europe sits back with
charismatic self-confidence in the multicultural corner, instead of defending liberal society's values and being an attractive center of power on the same playing field as the true great powers, America and China. On the contrary - we Europeans present ourselves, in contrast to those arrogant Americans", as the World Champions of "tolerance", which even (Germany's Interior Minister) Otto Schily justifiably criticizes.

Why? Because we're so moral? I fear it's more because we're so materialistic so devoid of a moral compass.

For his policies, Bush risks the fall of the dollar,
huge amounts of additional national debt, and a massive and persistent burden on the American economy - because unlike almost all of Europe, Bush realizes what is at stake - literally everything.

While we criticize the "capitalistic robber barons"
of America because they seem too sure of their priorities, we timidly defend our Social Welfare systems. Stay out of it! It could get expensive! We'd rather discuss reducing our 35-hour workweek or our dental coverage, or our 4 weeks of paid vacation... Or listen to TV pastors preach about the need to "reach out to terrorists. To understand and forgive".
These days, Europe reminds me of an old woman
who, with shaking hands, frantically hides her last pieces of jewelry when she notices a robber breaking into a neighbor's house.

Appeasement? Europe, thy name is Cowardice. God Bless America.

Captain Tony knows how to get rid of BELLY FAT

6.4 EARTHQUAKE Off East Indonesia Triggers Tsunami Alert

 6.4 EARTHQUAKE Off East Indonesia Triggers Tsunami Alert

Thanks to Larry Taylor for this!
Subject: Quake triggers tsunami alert - South and Central Asia -


Captain Tony knows how to get rid of BELLY FAT

Monday, August 28, 2006

Ernesto Stays on Track for Florida Coast

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 17:25:09 -0400

Ernesto Stays on Track for Florida Coast
Aug 28, 4:30 PM (ET)
(AP) Eugenio Duarte, of Coconut Grove, Fla., fills up gas cans in anticipation of the arrival of...
Full Image

MIAMI (AP) - Florida residents rushed to fill their prescriptions and stood in long lines for gasoline, food and other supplies Monday as officials warned people not to wait for Tropical Storm Ernesto to become a hurricane again before taking precautions.
Forecasters said Ernesto could grow back into a hurricane in the warm waters off Cuba and come ashore in South Florida as early as Tuesday night, exactly one year after Hurricane Katrina pummeled the Gulf Coast.
It would be the first hurricane to hit the United States this year.
Memories of Katrina and the seven hurricanes that have struck Florida since 2004 were fresh in the minds of many.
"Make sure you have the supplies for the 72 hours after the storm," Gov. Jeb Bush warned people in Tallahassee, a day after declaring a state of emergency for all Florida. "A hurricane's a hurricane, and it has a devastation we've already seen. All you have to do is rewind to last year and see."
Pedro Ballesteros, 40, carried two new 10-gallon gas tanks out of a Home Depot for his home generator.
"Every year we prepare a little more because we're learning from our past ordeals," he said. "I'm taking care of everything that's important - flashlights, batteries, gasoline."
The storm's path and intensity were far from clear. Forecasters said there was a 10 percent chance of hurricane-force winds striking South Florida and a 60 percent chance of tropical storm-force winds by Thursday.
About 400 miles of the state's densely populated Atlantic coast and the Keys - including the Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach and Cape Canaveral areas - were under a hurricane watch.
At 2 p.m. EDT, the fifth named storm of the hurricane season had winds of 40 mph, 1 mph above the minimum to be a tropical storm and down from a hurricane-strength 75 mph on Sunday, the National Hurricane Center said. It was centered over Cuba, about 450 miles southeast of Key West, and was moving northwest at 10 mph.
Over the weekend, Ernesto became the first hurricane of the Atlantic season and lashed the Dominican Republic and Haiti. One person was reported killed along Haiti's southern coast.
There were no immediate reports of any damage or injuries in Cuba. The government regularly undertakes mass evacuations before tropical storms and hurricanes. This time, Cubans moved cattle to higher ground, tourists were evacuated from hotels, and baseball games were rescheduled for earlier in the day in Havana.
Forecaster Richard Knabb at the hurricane center in Miami urged people not to become complacent. "Just because the system is not a hurricane now, doesn't mean it can't be a hurricane later," he said.
In the Keys, visitors were ordered out, and authorities planned to evacuate sick and elderly people to Miami. Mobile home residents in the Keys were also urged to clear out. Miami-Dade County opened a shelter for people from the Keys.
Some Keys residents and business owners put plywood over windows or installed hurricane shutters as tourists struggled to get flights out.
As of midafternoon, no large-scale evacuations were ordered on the Florida mainland.
NASA dropped plans to launch the space shuttle on Tuesday and was prepared to roll Atlantis back to its giant hangar if necessary. Cruise ship companies diverted several liners to avoid the storm.
Many Florida residents rushed to stores to gather supplies and fill prescriptions. Motorists had to wait up to an hour and a half at several gas stations across South Florida.
Adrian Scarani, manager of a Marathon service station on a busy intersection in Miami-Dade County, ran out of regular gasoline. "It was crazy here this morning," he said.
Kathleen Campos shopped for food and water at a Winn-Dixie in Miami and was also worried about getting enough cash, which might be hard to find after a storm if the electricity is knocked out.
Counties along the coast offered sandbags and got ready to distribute ice and water. Broward and Miami-Dade counties canceled school on Tuesday so that students would not get caught in the storm on their way home.
James Krie, 44, a Key West resident and general contractor, seemed unconcerned about the brewing storm. He acknowledged that outsiders might not understand.
"I feel like they look at us and say, 'You dummies live down there,'" he said.

Captain Tony knows how to get rid of BELLY FAT

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Re: Hurricane Ernesto aiming for Key West?

From: Paula1526
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 16:20:27 EDT
Subject: Re: Hurricane Ernesto aiming for Key West?

Yeah, who knows where Ernesto will go. Still a few days away. This is the latest computer models from that site SkyWarn. I spoke to Tom earlier and he and Ann cleaned up their yard and he was putting up shutters on the apartment side. I got an email from Greg Artman this morning and he is putting up shutters too, and putting those new flood barriers in place and more than like have to head up to Marathon with the Sheriffs dept as usual tomorrow. Where ever it goes, I just hope it misses Key West altogether.

Information about these models can be found at:
ill a waiting game.

Captain Tony knows how to get rid of BELLY FAT

Hurricane Ernesto aiming for Key West?

[Image of 3-day forecast of predicted track, and coastal areas under a warning or a watch]

Captain Tony knows how to get rid of BELLY FAT

Beverly Hill-Miller - Hilarious political radio ad

Help me air my new Radio ad!


[Bluegrass banjo music starts]

Your congressman Brad Miller is giving away all your tax dollars to these illegal aliens. Vernon Robinson thinks that's wrong, and Robinson for Congress paid for this message.

[male voice singing]

"Come and hear me tell about a politician named Brad.

He gave illegal aliens everthang we had.

Gave 'em Social Security and Drivers' Licenses, too.

Free health care, free lawyers, free lunch at the school."

"Well, the next thing you know ol' Brad's a Congressman,

With all the sneaky aliens eatin' from his hand.

'Sugar Daddy Miller's' what they call him in D.C.

"Givin' them the taxes he stole from you and me."

[Candidate speaks.]

"I'm Vernon Robinson, and I approved this message. If you send me to Congress, I'll secure the borders, stop the handouts, and protect your jobs.

[male voice singing]

"Well, now it's time to say goodbye to Brad in Washington.

And 14 million aliens he's given so much fun.

You're not invited back unless you come here legally,

Because you took advantage of our hospitality."

[spoken over banjo instrumental trailer]

"Hey, all you illegals! Put yer shoes on. Go home! Don't come back now, ya hear?"

Paid for by Robinson for Congress |
P.O. Box 272 | Winston-Salem, NC | 27102 | (336) 499-4370

Captain Tony knows how to get rid of BELLY FAT

Hurricane Ernesto prompts Evacuation Orders for Florida Keys Visitors

Hurricane Prompts Keys Evacuation Order
 Email this Story

Aug 27, 1:52 PM (ET)

(AP) Meteorologist Michael Brennan works at a computer Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006 at the National Hurricane...
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KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) - Visitors were ordered to leave the Florida Keys on Sunday because of the possibility that Hurricane Ernesto could threaten the island chain, emergency officials said.
The Monroe County Emergency Management office told tourists with immediate plans to travel to the Keys to postpone their trips and ordered those already in the island chain to leave.
All travel trailers and recreational vehicles also were ordered off the islands immediately.
Ernesto, the first hurricane of the Atlantic season, was lashing Haiti on Sunday with sustained wind of 75 mph.
The storm was expected to move over Cuba, then bring rain and wind to southern Florida by early Tuesday, the National Hurricane Center said.
The hurricane centered urged residents of southern Florida, the Florida Keys and Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula to monitor the storm. It was projected to strengthen off western Florida on Wednesday but the location of any U.S. landfall was unclear.
Florida's emergency management center in Tallahassee was partially activated Sunday.
The low-lying Keys are connected to each other by just one highway, U.S. 1.
It is tempting to think that you can have something for nothing. It is tempting to think that you can take shortcuts. It is tempting to think that you can avoid the negative consequences of your destructive behavior.

When we're tempted to do what we know we should not, it is a deception. We see the reward, obsess over it, and mentally build it up bigger than life, completely out of proportion to reality. At the same time we fail to see the significantly bigger downside.

Being positive does not mean ignoring the negative consequences of our actions. Living positively comes from avoiding the negative consequences by refraining from the destructive behavior which surely leads to them.

The next time you are tempted to act against your own good judgment, remember that it is a lie, a deception for which you will ultimately and unavoidably suffer. Be positive by clearly seeing the negative and staying away from it.

Captain Tony knows how to get rid of BELLY FAT

Friday, August 25, 2006


Last week, a couple of my sisters and my brother-in-law, Captain Tony, came to visit us and we really, really enjoyed their company - except it was too short.  I got to make a real breakfast.. you know, like bacon and eggs and toast. Even if it was a healthy no cholesterol Eggstirs scramble, sugar-free blackberry jam, Carb Countdown milk beverage, Starbucks coffee (courtesy of Captain Tony), low carb multi-grain Arnold's bread, "I-can't-believe-it's-not-Butter" fat-free spray.  yum yum. It all tasted so real.  Well, I am so used to breakfast protein shakes with greens, fibers, and purple berry juices that I wouldn't remember the difference.
My sister noticed a lot of paper towels drying on the rack above the dryer, and inquired why were 'those used paper towels' there?  I told her it was for my husband's coffee enemas, (aka, Gershwon therapy he's a licensed colonic therapist) otherwise we'd pay a fortune in new paper towels..   She said 'Ewwwwww!!'  and there were a lot of giggles in the group. 
Then she wanted to know what those white things were in my Fuller Brush Mop shoes (I wear them around the house - they're comfy and clean the floors, as we take off our outside shoes at the front door)  I told her they were panty liners (size large) ... She said, "Ewwwwww!!!!!!"  (Hey, these are NOT used! ) Also I told her the sticky side is very good for picking up lint and other stuff -- after you use them (in the mops, of course).  And Captain Tony also noted they would be good for removing lint off of gentlemen's dark suits.  Bless him.  He got a lot of giggles. We love his sense of humour.
Speaking of mops.. I remember when we first moved to Miami in 1956 we lived in an apartment behind an elderly lady's house, an immigrant from Germany.  "Chermany" as she pronounced.  Mrs. Borschell once proudly showed my mother how she had come up with a wonderful way of cleaning her refrigerator with her mop.  Mom said, "Ewwwwww!"  Not to her face, but when she told us kids about it.    Once Mrs. Borschell brought over some potato pancakes she had made for us... but we couldn't eat them because, Ewwwwwww... we had spied her (We kids were always spying on her) through the window making them and the sweat was dripping off her brow... right into those 'tater pancakes.  No air conditioning in Miami in those days.
Now that I'll be around Mrs. Borchell's age in about 30 or so years, and when my back is hurting, I think I'll get myself a really nice clean fluffy mop devoted strictly to refrigerator cleaning.  When my mom comes over to visit, I'll show her and await her 'Ewwwwwww'....

Captain Tony knows how to get rid of BELLY FAT
DrDee knows how to put it on.
(See Twinkies)

I.R.S. please take note.

Dee Rohe <> wrote:
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 17:11:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Dee Rohe <>
Subject: Fwd: URGENT I.R.S. please take note.
To: Dean <>

Please write dear Karonga again and let him know that I am on a Meditarranean cruise and won't be back for a couple of days. 
Then I am going to California to celebrate a grand-daughter's engagement... then a week later, I will be traveling to Canada to accept an award from the Queen's representative for charity toward Africans in need... then I am going to be bringing a lot of little chillen back with me to go to Disney World - all expenses paid... then when I return home I will be doing a television interview with Oprah Winfrey about how it is necessary to donate as much money as possible to alleviate world hunger - but it starts with individuals who have lost family members in Africa -- like the Nigerians, they are the most deserving.
Then Oprah and I will return to South Africa to interview more poor chirrun to attend a posh private school.. all expenses paid... then Oprah will go on to New York, and I will proceed to Miami Beach to my sumptuous apartment for a much needed rest for a few days.. then Mel Gibson and I will meet in Hollywood to discuss our next movie, "The Passionate Resurrection of Black Angus" and then George Soros and I will go with Michael Moore up to Washington to meet with Mr. Bush for them to apologise to him for ever doubting him (I managed to convince them to do this, as we need unanamity) and then Hillary Clinton and I will go to Canada to knock some sense into Bill's haid for messing around with Belinda.. then I will be meeting with my favorite I.R.S. agent back down at my sumptuous Miami Beach apartment to personally accept a suddenly found refund of $4,279,149.98. 
(The beautiful Agent and family will stay in my 9 bedroom vacation apartment with my family, all expenses paid, and we will celebrate with some very expensive South African wine for a few days and I intend to lavish the agent and family with lots of goodies)  Bill Gates and Melissa will be coming over for dinner and toasting each other's good fortunes - With Ageless Essentials, of course.
In the meantime, Dean, will you please remind Karonga that you won "der Nazionale Lotteria" in Germany last month and you'd be able to help Karonga sooner than I can being as you aren't nearly as busy?  And yes, I will be glad to split the proceeds with you from this greedy little scam 50/50.  After Karonga attempts to take his 253% of course. 

karonga zungu <> wrote:
Date: 25 Aug 2006 23:18:16 -0000
From: "karonga zungu" <>
To: "Dee Rohe" <>
Subject: URGENT

Dear Dee Rohe,

              I am writing in response to  your e-mail , i am really requiring your assistance for this transaction and i want you to have no fear or doubt about this transaction because it is 100% risk free. So I want you to let me know about the finalising of your plans or the progress towards this transaction that i have offered to you as a friend and brother now that i am in need of your help.
  All i am requesting of you is to be a sole beneficiary to this consignment so we can proceed with the transfering of this funds to your account in your country as soon as possible. Please i would like you to reply me as soon as possible with your present status towards this transaction, because i have contacted my lawyer in Africa and he is about to start with the processing of documents we will be needing for this transaction. I am personally letting you know that You have nothing to fear because this transaction is risk free.
  If it wasent, my family would not have ever let me come down to the Netherlands to transfer this funds. please i want you to get back to me as soon as possible with your details my lawyer will be needing:


            Best Regards,
          Your brother in need,
            karonga zungu .   

Captain Tony knows how to get rid of BELLY FAT
                                                 DrDee knows how to put it on.The Norantly with Batter Fried Twinkies - Buy the book at Amazon here!


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Deadly, Major Quake Predicted to Strike New Zealand

Deadly, Major Quake Predicted to Strike New Zealand

see Stan's
Dream-Visions of 1997

August 24, 2006
By Jarrod Booker
New Zealand Herald

An overdue alpine fault earthquake will strike "out of the blue" and cause widespread death, shut down power generators, create tsunami within New Zealand and overwhelm emergency services, experts warn.

Graphic: Los Angeles skyline

The major quake will cause intense shaking and rupturing along hundreds of kilometres of the fault line bisecting the South Island, geology experts Tim Davies and Mauri McSaveney predict.

"The most likely time [for the quake] is now. The next most likely time for it to happen is tomorrow," Associate Professor Davies, of Canterbury University, told the Natural Hazards Management Conference in Christchurch.

"The longer the delay, the bigger it will be. It will occur with no recognisable warning. We can't manage it - we have to adapt to it."

The pair have outlined a nightmarish scenario in the aftermath of the quake and are urging people to be prepared as best they can. Overseas help would be needed when the quake struck.

"There will be death and injuries, especially in the [Southern] Alps and West Coast. Rescue services and medical services will be overwhelmed, and remain so for weeks in places."

"Shaking damage and land instability will disrupt surface transport for months, tourists will be trapped, and distribution of vital supplies (eg, food, fuel) will be limited. Hydro stations will shut down immediately and may be slow to restart, power reticulation will be damaged. Only satellite phones will remain in use."

"No services will be as normal."

The intense shaking would cause landslides of millions of cubic metres, damming rivers and later causing floods. Aftershocks could continue for months.

"Landslides into lakes and fiords may cause tsunami, as may the collapse of river deltas in lakes or the sea. Queenstown, Milford and Wanaka are likely sites of tsunami damage."

The pair say the Alpine fault quake is a certainty. It is only a matter of when.

"The interval since the last event (in 1717) is longer than any interval between known earlier events."

Plans needed to be developed now for the worst-case scenarios, with relocation of "obviously perilous" facilities, buildings and infrastructure, with spare equipment and supplies stored in safe locations.

Tour bus operators were urged to stock up on food and supplies for their customers who could likely be trapped for days in isolated locations.

Experts at the conference have also warned of the risk of a deadly ocean tsunami striking New Zealand.

The country had experienced tsunamis in the past, but modern shoreline development has made it much more vulnerable, according to GNS expert Kelvin Berryman.

If warnings and evacuations were not carried out in time, an estimated 5000 people would be killed by waves up to 8m high on the east coasts of New Zealand.

Captain Tony knows how to get rid of BELLY FAT

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Hilary Clinton has been Cloned - Prettier! Younger! But ..Nicer?

Bill and Belinda?s Excellent Adventure

But Clinton?s new, er, friendship isn?t helping his wife?s presidential aims, writes Eric Reguly

As potential girlfriends go, Belinda Stronach would rank as a true catch. She is single, youngish (she just turned 40), attractive, wealthy, impeccably well-connected and politically ambitious - glamorous in every respect. Two years ago, Time magazine listed her as one of the 100 most powerful people on the planet. The tabloids cut to the chase: they called her the "blonde bombshell" or "Bubba's blonde."
Bubba, of course, is Bill Clinton. He has been photographed with Stronach (right) several times. The sightings seem to be getting more frequent, leading to
Which way?
Where you are is not nearly as important as the direction you're moving. No matter how far down you are, you can quickly turn around and head back up. You cannot instantly get to the top, but you can instantly be on your way.

Which way are you headed right now? Are you moving steadily toward an important goal? What will you do today to keep yourself moving that way?

Are the things you're doing moving you toward where you want to be? If not, why in the world are you doing them? Do you really believe you can get somewhere by walking farther and farther away from it every day?

There's something you can do today to keep yourself, or to get yourself moving toward exactly where you want to be. Do it! Every day you spend drifting away from your goals is a waste not only of that day, but also of the additional day it takes you to regain lost ground.

Know where you want to go. Get on track and stay on track. Keep yourself always moving forward.

Be Joyful always, give Thanks in all circumstances

Saturday, August 19, 2006

It's Islam....


"Listen up, people, they mean it." ~

Sunday, August 13, 2006

It's Islam, stupid

In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, American comedians didn't quite dare wade into the topic of the new reality.  For several weeks following the attack, the stand-up acts were strangely devoid of anything related to homeland security or terrorism.  That is, until Jay Leno stepped up and decided that enough was enough. 
In his opening monologue one evening he delivered what has since become a classic bit:
"I'm not saying they're profiling at the airports these days.  But if your first name is 'Mohammed' and your last name isn't 'Ali'... leave a little extra time."
He nailed it. 
Unfortunately, for some reason the people who are paid to understand such things still don't 'get' the prescient truth behind Leno's timely joke.
With the exception of North Korea, every single trouble spot on the planet can be directly tied to the doctrine of Islam.  Please take note that I didn't use the words 'radical' or 'militant' to modify the word Islam.  Islam, as preached and practiced from it's primary source (the Koran), is quite simply incompatible with other cultures and religions.  Since its inception in the 7th century, Islam has demanded that its followers submit themselves completely to the will of Allah... and that they in turn bend the rest of the world completely to the pitiless domination of Islam. 
The best any non-Muslim can expect according to the Pact of Umar is a barely-tolerated status known as 'Dhimmi'... which is basically a subservient second class status in Muslim society.  In short, Islam does not play nicely with others.  It's all or nothing.
Since Islam was invented (yes, you read that correctly) it has been the cause of countless wars, conquests and overt attempts to dominate the known world.  Throughout its history, Islamic leaders have made absolutely no secret of their intentions to carry out Allah's global ambitions.  And in every generation since, the non-Muslims of the world have said to themselves (as we are again saying to ourselves today), that they don't really mean it... that this is just the way those people talk and it is a cultural thing for which we need to make allowances.
I honestly don't understand this willful blindness.
Listen up people... they mean it!  Really!!! When people in charge of nearly limitless resources and vast armies stand up and state quite openly that they intend to wipe a country off the map, they mean it!  When these leaders state their intention to return to the lines of demarcation (and beyond) where previous Muslim invasions/conquests faltered in Europe... they mean it. 
When they tell us in the most unambiguous, straightforward language that they won't stop until they have conquered the world... THEY REALLY MEAN IT!
Every advance in global communication and travel that should have made the world a better, smaller, safer place to live has been exploited by Islam as a weapon against us.  Because of the tenets of Islam, every man woman and child must now wait in endless lines to enter public buildings and travel on buses, trains and airplanes.  And each time we think we have figured out a way to return to some semblance of normalcy in our daily lives, we discover (often too late) that Muslims have figured out a new way to target us and kill us in large numbers.
Over the past few days British and U.S. security officials have been interviewed about the new security measures in place after the [apparently] foiled attempt to smuggle liquid explosives onto a bunch of trans-Atlantic flights.    Their solutions make absolutely no sense!  They have little old ladies from Peoria throwing away their Florida Water.  They have teenagers dumping shampoo, hair gel and conditioners from their purses and backpacks.  They have people tossing out their contact lens solution!!!
What they aren't doing is mining the database which contains the name and salient details of every Muslim man woman and child in the free world (a database I assure you exists), and demanding that every one of these potential jihadists be subjected to the same waiting period to buy a plane ticket as most U.S. citizens have to endure before purchasing a handgun.   
There it is.  Call me a racist.  Call me a bigot.  Call me whatever you want.   
Obviously not every Muslim in the world is actually a terrorist or dreams gleefully of subjugating the world under the heel of Islam.  But the ones who don't represent a clear and present threat to us are the exception rather than the rule.  To pretend otherwise and formulate our approach to dealing with our enemies based on our experience with this tiny minority of benign Muslims is insanity.
The Muslim countries and individuals that have proven themselves (thus far, anyway) capable of peaceful coexistence with non-Muslim cultures are those who have deliberately moved towards secularization of their religion and society.  They have basically created an 'Islam Lite' that preserves many of the cultural touchstones if Islam without demanding the subservience and militancy of the Full Monty Wahhabi.  What does it say about a religion that in order for it to coexist peacefully with other cultures and faiths it must be de-clawed of its more dangerous statutes?
Just because we can point to Jordan or Egypt and say, "See... it's possible to be both Muslim and a peaceful neighbor", is no disproof of what I've said here.   Both of these countries have had mixed results creating secular societies, and as a result are facing destabilizing internal insurgencies from their religious citizens.
Likewise, we can point to many wonderful Muslim individuals around the world who are neither personally dangerous nor supporters of global Jihad.  But these people are marginal players in their own societies and would certainly not put their lives at risk telling the Mullahs to just 'give peace a chance'.  I mean, did you ever notice that these moderate Muslims are always calling on the non-Muslim world (especially Israel and the U.S.) to be the ones to back down in the face of threats and violence... y'know, as a humanitarian gesture?  Yet all the while Islam remains on the march with no hint of concession or regret in sight.
The sudden massive immigration of Muslims into western Europe over the past 30 years is no accident or coincidence.  This is a conquest plain and simple, although without the swords and horses most refuse to recognize it as such.  Europe has historically been able to tolerate immigration because their own cultures have been strong enough to absorb and influence the new arrivals. 
Of course, we Jews know from painful experience that refusal to be absorbed can lead to unwanted negative attention from European hosts.  Perhaps the Europeans learned the lesson too well with us (the Jews) and are therefore doubly vulnerable to the Muslim hordes.
But make no mistake... these aren't a bunch of wandering Huguenots or Jews who refuse to be absorbed into European society.  Islam demands the home team advantage even when on the road... and is acting as an aggressive, belligerent cancer that has metastasized on the vital organs of European society. 
Think about this for a moment:  A practitioner of a non-Muslim religion would be barred from most outward practices of his or her faith in any Muslim country. But let anyone or anything trod on the toes of Islamic practices anywhere in the free world and there will be riots and murder in the streets. 
Let a Muslim be arrested for breaking the law... rioting, destruction and murder ensue.
Let a cartoon be drawn that insults any aspect of Islam... rioting, destruction and murder ensue.
Let anyone suggest that women be photographed for national identity cards in such a way that they can actually be identified (i.e. without a veil or chador)...rioting, destruction and murder ensue.
Throughout the free world there are now cultural no-go zones where the police, politicians and even military dare not tread for fear of inciting Muslim violence. 
A Buddha can't be tolerated in Afghanistan.  A crucifix is an affront in Iran.  Entire Jewish communities in every Muslim country have been uprooted and expelled (and all their holdings and property seized by the mobs).  Yet I challenge you to name a city in Western Europe where the skyline isn't marred by turgid minarets and where the residents aren't subjected to the amplified din of the muezzin from pre-dawn til late at night.
The west willfully turns a blind eye to the abuse of women and children and tacitly condones honor killings in our midst.  Our laws are well written and equipped to deal with these issues... yet those sworn to uphold and defend the laws are fearful of lighting the powder keg called 'Muslim Sensibilities'.
And yet each time Muslims up the stakes in their declared war on the rest of the world, we pretend they don't really mean it.  We patronize them and infantalize them... and we pooh-pooh their rantings and crimes as we would those of an ill-behaved child.  At a certain point one has to wonder if world leaders are just stupid or if they are actually complicit in the attacks on their own societies!
Anyone who gets on TV and says that Islam is a religion of peace is either an ignoramus or a liar. 
Anyone who stands up after a kidnapping and tells the world not to worry about the welfare of the hostages because Islam requires that prisoners be treated humanely, is pulling a Jedi mind trick in an attempt to make us forget the countless hostages that have been tortured, shot, knifed or beheaded to satisfy the ongoing blood-lust of a 7th Century L.Ron Hubbard*. 
Wake up folks!  The people who are funding and carrying out these attacks are Muslims.  It isn't that they just happen to be Muslims.  If you take the time to read the Koran (instead of blindly taking the world of Muslim murderers and apologists) it is full of very straight-forward directives to dominate, subjugate, and if necessary, kill the infidel while taking over the world. 
Each time a Muslim politician gets up after an attack and claims that the terrorists do not act in the name of Muslims and that such attacks are damaging the standing if Islam around the world, you can bet they are speaking in English... and that the version delivered to their co-religionists will be an Arabic or Farsi riff on Queen's hit 'We are the Champions'!
The answer isn't to negotiate with Islam.  The streets are no longer safe.  Travel is no longer safe.  Commerce is no longer safe.  Even speaking or writing what we think is risking a death sentence!  We can't possibly concede anything more to Islam because, quite literally, we have nothing left to give.  Any concessions from here on in will simply amount to handing them our little remaining autonomy and freedom piece-by-piece.
The world is making a horrible mistake by imposing a cease-fire on Israel in its war on Hezbollah.  This shameful document grants a terrorist organization legal status and standing in the international arena and fails to punish the states who sponsor it (Syria and Iran)... or hold accountable the country (Lebanon) that allows it to dominate its political life and government. 
This cease fire denies Israel (and every other civilized country) the right to defend internationally recognized borders, and in fact calls into question the very concept of internationally recognized borders!!!  Quite simply, this cease fire resolution codifies in black and white that aggression is the new diplomacy and everything is ultimately negotiable.
New U.N. Resolutions (such as the one under which the cease fire is to be implemented) are a waste of time since they only underscore the fact that previous resolutions can easily be set aside and/or ignored with impunity.  Kofi Annan and his merry bunch of enablers have granted the Muslims yet another 'Do Over' in their race towards global domination without the troublesome formality of forcing them back to the starting line.
The moment this cease fire goes into effect the west will have signed its own death warrant.  We will have declared to the entire Muslim world that there is always a reward for unprovoked aggression.  From here on in, at every turn the world will be faced with emboldened Muslim organizations and regimes who will take up arms in anticipation of the next western capitulation.  Any of these so-called moderate Muslim voices we hear so much about will (if they're smart) run for cover.  We've sold them out and made their future existence every bit as tenuous as our own.
Yes folks, we are witnessing the beginning of the end in the global war of cultures... and true to form, we still refuse to even name the enemy.
It's Islam, stupid!
* Hat tip to 'Stone Giant' of the Glock Talk Forum for this priceless quip.
Posted by David Bogner on August 13, 2006 | Permalink

Be Joyful always, give Thanks in all circumstances

Planck's Constant: August 22 - End of the World -12th Imam - Muhammad ...

Planck's Constant: August 22 - End of the World -12th Imam - Muhammad ...
... may I call him Mahmoud?, has promised the world an answer to its nuclear ambitions on August 22 ... This news is from DEBKAfile : August 13, 2006, 10:03 PM (GMT+02:00) Hamadi information minister, a Druze ... Cached Site Info

Be Joyful always, give Thanks in all circumstances

Ecuador Residents Return Despite Warnings of Volcanic Explosion

Tens of thousands of people fled when a devastating volcanic eruption spewed showers of incandescent rock and rivers of molten lava onto ...

Be Joyful always, give Thanks in all circumstances


Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 21:41:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: katie Triplett-Valdez
To: "L.W. Taylor"

Aug 2006 21:40:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: katie Triplett-Valdez
To: Taylor Miller <>

Dear Larry,
My son just relayed the following info to me regarding the Tungurahua Volcano in Ecuador.
Beginning on the Thursday the 17th there was an increase in volcanic activity followed by a massive explosion of molten rocks and debris.  The situation as I understand is critical, towns have been blocked off by debris and at the last update 5 people are reported as having died with 50 still missing and 13 injured.  Over 3,500 people have been evacuated so far but there is much more to do regarding people and livestock.
This eruption has been reported as being much more severe than the last eruption that these folks endured and it sounds as if they were taken off guard by the severity.
If any new info comes my way I will forward it.
Katie by the US Volcano

Be Joyful always, give Thanks in all circumstances

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