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Thursday, September 30, 2004

Merck Withdraws Blockbuster Arthritis Drug Vioxx - Merck Withdraws Blockbuster Arthritis Drug Vioxx

Merck Withdraws Blockbuster Arthritis Drug Vioxx

Thursday, September 30, 2004

NEW YORK Â? Merck & Co. (MRK) Thursday pulled its arthritis drug Vioxx off the market because it increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, a move that sent its shares plunging, erasing $25 billion of its market value.

Merck said it is withdrawing the drug following data from a new three-year trial of Vioxx, designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug's standard 25 milligram dose in preventing recurrence of colorectal polyps. Such polyps often become cancerous.

"In this study, there was an increased relative risk for confirmed cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke, beginning after 18 months of treatment in the patients taking Vioxx compared to those taking placebo," Merck said in a release.

Vioxx, used by two million people around the world, accounts for 10 percent of Merck's annual sales.

A recent study by the Food and Drug Administration (search) suggested patients taking Vioxx faced a 50 percent greater risk of heart attacks and sudden cardiac death than those taking Pfizer Inc.'s (PFE) rival Celebrex (search) treatment.

The withdrawal of the drug casts a cloud over an entire class of widely used arthritis and pain drugs known as COX-2 inhibitors (search). "This has implications for all members of this class," said Dr. Garret FitzGerald, chairman of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Merck said that in a colon cancer trial, patients who took Vioxx for three years faced twice the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke, as patients taking a placebo.

"Patients who are currently taking Vioxx should contact their health care providers to discuss discontinuing use of Vioxx and possible alternative treatments," it said.

Concerns over the drug's side effects have been building in recent years after several studies showed risks attached to it. Other drugs in the same class, including Celebrex and Bextra and Novartis AG's Prexige, have so far not shown the same dangers.

"This is a very significant negative for Merck. Not only is this a nearly $3 billion drug, but it calls into question the future of one the key drugs in its pipeline, Arcoxia," said Scott Henry, an analyst at Oppenheimer & Co.

Arcoxia (search), which is similar to Vioxx, is sold outside the United States but has not yet been approved by the FDA because of concerns about heart and stroke risk. Some analysts had expected the agency to rule on Arcoxia by late October.

Merck is already struggling with slowing earnings growth and faces the loss of patent protection for its biggest-selling drug, cholesterol fighter Zocor, in 2006.

Despite the setback, Merck Chairman and Chief Executive Raymond Gilmartin said he had no intention of resigning.

Merck is already gearing up for lawsuits over Vioxx. "We have substantial defenses in these cases and will defend them vigorously," said Kenneth Frazier, Merck's general counsel.

Merck shares fell 25 percent on the New York Stock Exchange (search). Shares of Pfizer, which sells two rival arthritis drugs, edged higher.

Merck had expected Vioxx to help restore the company's earnings growth when the drug was launched in 1999, but its sales have been hurt by clinical trial data showing it increased the incidence of blood clots tied to strokes and heart attacks.

Meanwhile, sales of Pfizer Inc.'s similar drugs, Celebrex and Bextra (search), have steadily grown as doctors have turned to those drugs, which have not been linked to heart attack and stroke.


Wednesday, September 29, 2004

5.9 earthquake in Gulf of Baja California, Mexico

This is on the 'ring of fire'.. 
Of course.
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What in the world is going on?

Changes In Our Sun !

I remember a few years back noticing how 'white', instead of yellow, the sun appeared. 

Yep, it used to be yellow.

Not so much now.



From Larry Taylor: 

Yesterday, 09-28-2004, while talking with
Holly Deyo, we talked of how the Sun now
feels different on your skin and how bright
white the Sun seems instead of the somewhat
yellow I remember years ago? The Sun has
changed. I remember a few years ago when
Stan & Holly Deyo still lived in Australia
and I would call and talk to the Scientist!
Really long-distance then, however; Stan
was telling me then how new spectrums of
light & radiation were now coming from the
Sun and in Australia you had to wear the
right clothing & hats to protect yourself
from the sunlight. So much for American
Intelligence ---- we don't even do that
now? Anyway the Sun is different and more
Earth Changes on the way. Hurricanes have
been shaking the east coast and now the
earthquakes are up along with smoking Mt.
St. Helen's on the west coast.
Reply to: <>
Stan & Holly Deyo website:
By the way, Stan & Holly are in the finish
stage of Holly's new book and hopefully it
will go to the publishers this week! Stan
and Holly Deyo have been in the lead on the
"Be Prepared To Survive" issue over the last
few years and their books have helped many
in hard times, storms, etc. Stan also has a
great DVD out called: "UFO's Are Here!" and
he knows what he's talking about!

Links - Save Terri's Life!

What in the world is going on?


Red Hat Speaks II

John Duke, whose Native American name was
Red Hat and was a Cherokee elder, wrote
before his death: " The Darkness in this
world continues to grow --- love in many
has waxed cold. It appears the Hopi no
longer believe they can hold the world in
balance, and it is now time for what the
Hopi call the Great Purification, and
Christianity calls Armageddon. It is a time
to cleanse, purify, and renew Mother Earth,
and her inhabitants. The die has been cast,
and it appears we are headed toward very
difficult times!" 

Reply to: <>

Yahoo! Groups Links

RUBY ALERT: Unprecedented Volcano Activity / Planet Earth "Unstable"

08:21 PM 9/28/04 -0400

PLANETNEWS broadcast...

RUBY ALERT: Unprecedented Volcano Activity / Planet Earth "Unstable"


Alaska and Hawaii volcanoes are also stirring.

Both Mt. St. Helens and the Long Valley Caldera are now showing
signs of extreme seismic activity. Unconfirmed reports from the
Portland, Oregon area say that Mt. Hood, 40 miles from Portland,
is also showing signs of life. Quakes have also been reported around
the Yellowstone Caldera in the past 48 hours.

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What in the world is going on?

"Christ showed himself here in the way of an undocummented migrant" Interesting..

'Miraculous' Christ Washes Up in Texas Rio Grande

MONTERREY, Mexico (Reuters) - A fiberglass statue of Christ that washed up on a sandbar in the Rio Grande three weeks ago is attracting scores of devout pilgrims to a police department lost-and-found and being hailed as a miracle.

Police in Eagle Pass, Texas, said up to 40 people a day are coming to pay homage to the five-foot-tall figurine, known as "The Christ of the Undocumented," which was found by U.S. Border Patrol agents in the river.

"Some come to pray, and some come and just touch it," police lieutenant Daniel Morales said by telephone on Monday. "We have never experienced anything like this before, and interest is growing by the day."

The border city, which lies opposite Piedras Negras in northern Mexico, has a large Mexican community. Many arrived illegally by way of the river, and most are devout Roman Catholics.

Morales said the life-like statuette, which turned up without a crucifix base, would probably be given to a church in the border city if no-one came forward to claim it within 90 days.

Local Catholic Church authorities called the figure's arrival "miraculous" and said they wanted to place it in a specially dedicated chapel in the city.

"Jesus Christ manifests himself in many places, but he showed himself here in the way of an undocumented migrant," said Marta Ramirez, a spokeswoman for the city's Our Lady of Refuge Church.

"We think it's appropriate to place it in a special chapel."

09/28/04 11:17

© Copyright Reuters Ltd. All rights reserved. The information contained In this news report may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of Reuters Ltd.


The true story about Terri - from the loving sources.


Interview with John Mack

Interesting.. deexxoo

Interview with John Mack
Psychiatrist, Harvard University

NOVA: Let's talk about your own personal evolution from perhaps skepticism to belief ...

MACK: When I first encountered this phenomenon, or particularly even before I had actually seen the people themselves, I had very little place in my mind to take this seriously. I, like most of us, were raised to believe that if we were going to discover other intelligence, we'd do it through radio waves or through signals or something of that kind.

The idea that we could be reached by some other kind of being, creature, intelligence that could actually enter our world and have physical effects as well as emotional effects, was simply not part of the world view that I had been raised in. So that I came very reluctantly to the conclusion that this was a true mystery. In other words, that I -- I did everything I could to rule out other sources, or sexual abuse. Some of these people are abused. But they're able to tell, distinguish clearly the abduction trauma from other forms of abuse. Some forms of psychosis or people making up stories -- I could reject that on the basis that there was no gain in this for the vast majority of these people.

.... I've now worked with over a hundred experiencers intensively. Which involves an initial two-hour or so screening interview before I do anything else. And in case after case after case, I've been impressed with the consistency of the story, the sincerity with which people tell their stories, the power of feelings connected with this, the self-doubt -- all the appropriate responses that these people have to their experiences.

NOVA: So tell us, please, how literally you intend people to take this? Are you suggesting people are really being snatched from their beds by aliens and experiments on board a spaceship?

Links - Save Terri's Life!

Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and now, Jeanne, Karl and Lisa ~~


Tuesday, September 28, 2004

RE: UFO Researcher John Mack Dies

Awww...terribly sad.

So many good people - Prophets-Scientists-Mystics - are leaving the planet
these days. I felt the same loss when Thomas Merton and later, Dr. Atkins
were killed accidentally not too long after having reported and being
vindicated for their life changing research. Teilhard de Chardin was
another who passed away after having been muzzled and told not to teach in
the university. He remained obedient, but said to God that if he were
correct regarding his researched observations about humanity - where we came
from and where we are going, he would die on an Easter Sunday - and he did.
Saintly Maria Esperanza also passed away in August, shortly after her
prophecies of "Rivers of Light" and coming earth changes starting in the
second half of 2004. Even Miracle, the prophesied White Buffalo just died

I'm sure glad that Dr. Robin Falkov was around to bring Richard Hoagland
back to health! Keep on taking good care of him, Robin!

Dear John Mack sat right in front of us at a "Prophets Conference" in the
Florida Keys that Roy and I attended.
He was one of the presenters and one of our favorites! We were so
enthralled at all the presentations, that we couldn't find a free moment to
meet him personally. Sure wish we had.

I do know that in the U.K. cars drive on the other side of street than here
in the U.S., and consequently, a larger percentage of U.S. visitors are hurt
because they look in the wrong direction when crossing the street.. I had to
step back quickly myself several times when over there many years ago -
remember that, Lorrie?

Be careful everyone!


From: Jimmy D. []
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 3:24 PM
Subject: Fwd: UFO Researcher John Mack Dies

So sad!

Harvard professor and psychiatrist John Mack was hit by a car and killed
in London on Monday night, September 27. After meeting UFO researcher
Budd Hopkins in Cape Cod, where both of them spent the summers, Mack
became intrigued by people who claimed to have UFO abductions. He
professionally analyzed many of these people and found them to be sane
and mentally stable and thus became one of the first scientists to take
alien abduction seriously. His courage in risking his career by
acknowledging the validity of the UFO phenomenon was highly valued and
he will be greatly missed.
While he did not conclude that we are being visited by beings from other
worlds, he did feel there was definitely something real going on that we
don't yet understand and was especially intrigued by the messages that
abductees brought back warning about a future environmental catastrophe,
years before global warming was in the news.
After he wrote his groundbreaking book "AbuctionÂ?Human Encounters with
Aliens" in 1994, Harvard tried to revoke his tenure. However, they were
unable to do so without compromising freedom of expression and research
for all Harvard professors, so he continued to teach. He published his
second book on the subject, "Passport to the CosmosÂ?Human
Transformation and Alien Encounters" in 1999 and formed the non-profit
organization PEER to further investigate the UFO phenomenon. He traveled
to many countries, investigating UFO reports. One of his most
provocative investigations was a film he made in South Africa, where he
interviewed several white children who witnessed a UFO landing and a
tribal Shaman who was abducted nearby.
Ever intellectually curious, one of the reasons Mack was in the U.K. was
to speak at a crop circle symposium. According to reporter Linda Howe,
"Yesterday afternoon in London, he spoke before the T. E. Lawrence
Society Symposium, in Oxford, England. According to Will Bueche,
Communications Director for the John Mack Institute in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, Dr. Mack's presentation was so well-received that he was
asked to do a second presentation yesterday evening. Afterward, he went
with colleagues to dinner. He had called the family with whom he was
staying after 10 p.m. to say he would arrive at their home around 11
p.m., London time. At 1 a.m., the London police confirmed that John
Edward Mack, M. D., had been pronounced dead on a street near the
Symposium's location, killed by a motor vehicle."


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I kind of thought there would be a strong earthquake during this full moon.
Very restless, and unable to sleep much two nights in a row. deexxoo


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Monday, September 27, 2004

From the 'Babe in the Bunker'

Subject: From the 'Babe in the Bunker'

You may know the name Barbara Simpson as that of the talk-radio host in San Francisco who also served as a weekend host on 'Coast to Coast AM' for a number of years. She has written about Terri's situation before and today she adds to her analysis of this case for World Net Daily.
A right to live ... not to be killed
If I didn't know better, I'd think the heavens are crying. Perhaps they are. Florida is being inundated as the progression of hurricanes continues its destruction.
Ironically, while media focus on evacuations aimed at saving lives, the Florida Supreme Court ruled 7-0 last week, that a helpless young Florida woman should die. Her name is Terri Schindler-Schiavo.
I take that back. Not just die. Be killed.
That is what's involved when a person is denied food and water. That person will die a prolonged, painful and horrible death. According to the black-robed justices of the Florida high court, that's exactly what should happen to Terri.
It will be done for a sole and not-so-subtle reason: to cause her to die.
Memo to the court: If this murder isn't prevented, Terri's blood will be on your hands.
The background. Terri Schiavo is brain damaged, but she is awake and sleeps. She breathes on her own, attempts to speak and recognizes family members when they're allowed to see her. That happens only rarely because her husband refuses to allow Terri's parents and siblings to visit. When they do, a policeman is present.
In 1990, Terri suffered some kind of trauma. Reports that it was a blood-chemical imbalance or eating disorder are inaccurate. No one knows what happened that night in her apartment with her husband, but oxygen to her brain was cut off for a short period causing brain damage. She was 26.
Terri was hospitalized, had some therapy and seemed to be improving. There were successful malpractice lawsuits with a $1.4 million verdict for her and $600,000 for her husband, Michael. He is her legal guardian.
Then the problems started. He moved her to another facility for only custodial care and began to keep her family away.
Terri didn't get the recommended physical therapy nor the routine physical care any patient should have Â? dental, antibiotics when sick, and physical therapy to get her off the feeding tube and reanimate her limbs.
Terri's parents, Robert and Mary Schindler, grievously unhappy at what was happening to their child, sought help from the courts. For the next 14 years, Michael battled them, consuming their lives and nearly bankrupting them.
Michael Schiavo used the settlement money, which was supposed to be used for Terri's rehabilitation, for his legal fight to keep the family out and have Terri's feeding tube pulled. He claims she wouldn't want to live this way but there's no clear proof and no written intention.
He refuses to allow Terri's parents to become her guardians. He refused to allow her to receive Communion. He refuses to allow Terri to be divorced from him despite the fact that he's lived with another woman for nine years and has two children by her. He presents himself to the media as a loving husband.
A lower court order last fall ordered the feeding tube removed Â? it was. Six days later, the legislature passed a law, called "Terri's Law," giving Gov. Jeb Bush the authority to order the tube reinstated. He did, it was, Terri survived. Michael challenged it and appealed to the high court.
That court didn't rule on the morality of the situation, nor the humanity. They were clinically and coldly legalistic and it appears, miffed that a judicial decision was challenged.
Their decision was to protect their turf and Terri be damned, or perhaps I should say, be dead.
Here's what Chief Justice Barbara Pariente said: "It is without question an invasion of the authority of the judicial branch for the Legislature to pass a law that allows the executive branch to interfere with the final judicial determination in a case." (My emphasis.)
Silly me. I thought the legislature was supposed to make laws and the judiciary to interpret. I never realized courts were infallible.
The justices said it was simply an issue of separation of powers. Despite family grief, Justice Pariente said, "But our hearts are not the law, what is in the Constitution always must prevail over emotion."
So the judges ruled Terri Schiavo be killed. A doctor or nurse, who is supposed to protect life, will take a step to kill a helpless patient.
The decision is not only immoral on the face of it, it is doubly so because it directs others to carry out a death sentence without due cause on a helpless, innocent human being.
If this comes to pass, the court, the lawyers, the American Civil Liberties Union and Michael Schiavo will be responsible for Terri's death and also the deaths of others with cognitive disabilities who will be killed the same way as their families and lawyers use this case as precedent. Every living person, able or not, should be afraid. Very afraid. We're all in danger from this immoral and illegal decision, which makes it easier for someone to decide who lives or dies, when, and under what conditions.
Gov. Bush has 10 days to ask for a rehearing or to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Terri Schiavo lives Â? day to day. She has survived a mysterious injury, 14 years of medical neglect and mistreatment, the actions of her husband and the backhand of the courts. On that basis alone, she deserves to live.
God help her.
And help us too, if we allow her murder to take place.
For full details about Terri Schindler-Schiavo, and the timeline of this case, go to the family website -
Barbara Simpson, "The Babe in the Bunker" as she's known to her KSFO 560 radio talk-show audience in San Francisco, has a 20-year radio, television and newspaper career in the Bay Area and Los Angeles.
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FW: A letter to Pope John Paul II on behalf of the National Fight4Terri Volunteer Action Groups: Appeal to the Holy Father on behalf of Terri Schiavo

Subject: A letter to Pope John Paul II on behalf of the National Fight4Terri Volunteer Action Groups: Appeal to the Holy Father on behalf of Terri Schiavo

Please forgive if this is a duplicate. dee xxoo
Thanks to Julie for forwarding this.


A letter to Pope John Paul II on behalf of the National Fight4Terri Volunteer Action Groups: Appeal to the Holy Father on behalf of Terri Schiavo




September 27, 2004


By Barbara Kralis


This letter to Pope John Paul II was written on behalf of a group of pro-life people nationwide, Â?National Fight4Terri Volunteer Action Groups.Â?  Their Coordinator/Leader, Cheryl Ford, RN, can be reached at or contact Sheila Fogarty, Assistant, at  

The letter is a group effort of information and ideas.  We encourage all to write Pope John Paul II, asking for his help in this more urgent issue of euthanasia.  Thank you.


His Holiness John Paul II
Apostolic Palace
00120 Vatican City State

Your Holiness:

At this time, the State of FloridaÂ?s Supreme Court is examining a crucial Euthanasia case.  Ultimately, we all will be affected by the legislationÂ?s outcome.

This vital case involves an attack upon a Catholic womanÂ?s life.  Her name is Terri Schiavo and she lives in Clearwater, Florida, in the diocese of St. Petersburg, USA.

Terri is not dying nor is she terminally ill.  Neither is Terri in a Â?persistent vegetative stateÂ? according to two respected neurological and radiological specialists.  Terri is clearly responsive and acutely joyful at the presence of her family whenever they are near her.  Yet, she is in grave danger of starvation and dehydration simply because her husband wants her to die. 

Because Terri was the victim of an unknown incident at home while alone with her husband, one that deprived her brain of oxygen for several minutes, she is today in a cognitively disabled state. 

TerriÂ?s husband/guardian, Michael Schiavo, has for the past several years gravely threatened her life.  Michael has been living in adultery and begetting children with another woman and wishes to have the courts terminate his wifeÂ?s hydration and nutrition.

Furthermore, each of the Florida stateÂ?s court decisions has supported the pro-death mentality of the husband. 

It appears TerriÂ?s life may soon end in an agonizing death of dehydration and starvation.  Not surprisingly, our health care systems believe some people are a waste of health care dollars and are better off dead.

TerriÂ?s parents have been barred from seeing their daughter numerous times.  They are suffering great sadness knowing their vulnerable Terri suffers such ill treatment and they are not legally allowed to intervene.  So intent is Michael on having Terri put to death, there is court ordered armed security guards monitoring her parentsÂ? visits to ensure nothing helpful will allow Terri to recover.

At Michael SchiavoÂ?s insistence, neither therapy nor useful stimulation has ever been administered to Terri.  At MichaelÂ?s insistence, there has been gross negligence of TerriÂ?s basic hygiene.  Her teeth are rotting out of her head.

When Michael realized that his wife could swallow soft foods, he ordered her not to be fed by mouth again, making Terri dependent on the feeding tube. 

Last year, a lesser state court ruled that TerriÂ?s water and feeding tube could be withdrawn.  This, unfortunately, was the second attempt at euthanasic death.  As Terri lay dying, her husband deprived her of receiving Our Lord in Extreme Unction. 

On the sixth day of her painful dehydration and starvation, the good Catholic Governor of Florida, Governor Jeb Bush (the brother of President George W. Bush) had TerriÂ?s hydration and nutrition restored through a legal maneuver.  The pro-death Florida State Supreme Court is now determining the constitutionality of this legal maneuver.

Tens of thousands of letters, phone calls, and e-mails have been sent to TerriÂ?s Bishop, Bishop Lynch of the St. Petersburg diocese, yet TerriÂ?s Bishop does not teach as you teach.

Holy Father, your infallible statements on Euthanasia forbidding removal of nutrition and hydration are being ignored.  Millions of Catholics are therefore perplexed as to what the Church really teaches.

Your Holiness, you have recently said that no one knows when a patient might be cured or fully awaken and Â?the evaluation of the probability, founded on scarce hope of recovery after the vegetative state has lasted for more than a year, cannot ethically justify the abandonment or the interruption of minimal care for the patient, including food and water.Â?

Please, Your Holiness, send a message to all Catholic clergy and laity in America.  Implore your bishops to teach as you teach, that the removal of Terri SchiavoÂ?s food and water Â?is immoralÂ? and Â?If this is knowingly and deliberately carried out, this would result in a true euthanasia by omission.Â? 

Please remind American Catholics of your own words, that providing food and water Â?is morally obligatoryÂ? and to withhold it is Â?always a violation of GodÂ?s law.Â?

We beseech you, Holy Father, to help us save Terri SchiavoÂ?s precious life.  Time is of the essence.  Terri has only a short time left before her water and food are in all probability removed in a third attempt of euthanasia.

With humble appreciation we remain faithfully your servants,

National Fight4Terri Volunteer Action Groups



Copyright Barbara Kralis 2004, All Rights Reserved.

Barbara Kralis and her husband, Mitch, live in the great State of Texas, and co-direct the Jesus Through Mary Catholic Foundation.

This researched information provided by Julie Kay Smithson, . Please visit and today and see almost 10,000 pages of helpful information, free to access but supported by donations from folks like YOU! Over 500 articles and information to help Terri awaits you at Terri's Button! To unsubscribe, please put "Please Unsubscribe" in the Subject Line of an email. New subscribers need to provide their full name and email address, city, state, and which facets of property rights / resource providing they'd like to receive emails about.
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Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and now, Jeanne, Karl and Lisa ~~

Hurricane Jeanne caused at least five deaths in Florida, making landfall almost exactly where Frances did over Labor Day weekend.

Another Hurricane Roars Across Mid-Florida
Hurricane Jeanne caused at least five deaths, making landfall almost exactly where Frances did over Labor Day weekend.
Hurricane Jeanne left at least five people dead in southern Florida. Its winds, up to 120 miles an hour, ripped up the Farlane Harbor mobile home park in Vero Beach.
September 27, 2004

Another Hurricane Roars Across Mid-Florida


BAREFOOT BAY, Fla., Sept. 26 - Hurricane Jeanne delivered walls of stinging rain and winds of up to 120 miles an hour as it spun across Florida on Sunday, making landfall almost exactly where Hurricane Frances did over Labor Day weekend and waging the third assault in six weeks on the state's sodden midsection.

The storm caused at least five deaths, including a man who was electrocuted touching a downed power line in Miami. A man and woman were killed, officials said, when their sport utility vehicle plunged into a canal beside the Sawgrass Expressway, near Deerfield Beach.

A man drowned in Palm Bay when his pickup truck was submerged and a boy, 15, died after he was pinned by a falling tree in Clay County, southwest of Jacksonville, The Associated Press said.

The storm was also responsible for more than 1,500 deaths in grievous flooding in Haiti, 24 deaths in the Dominican Republic and 7 in Puerto Rico before it moved over the Bahamas and into Florida.

While widespread, the storm's damage in Florida did not appear as catastrophic as that after Hurricane Charley, which devastated parts of southwest and central Florida on Aug. 13, and Hurricane Ivan, which brutalized the Pensacola region on Sept. 17.

Flooding was perhaps the biggest problem, after hours of heavy rainfall in areas already saturated by past storms. Roofs and siding, possibly weakened by the last hurricane, flew off or sprang leaks, and piles of old storm debris went flying.

The storm, then classified as a Category 3 hurricane, made landfall on Hutchinson Island, just south of Fort Pierce, shortly before midnight, when the sky had an eerie blue cast caused by transformer explosions. It moved northwesterly across the state, lashing inland agricultural regions that had already suffered mightily and weakening to a tropical storm as it turned north toward Georgia. By late Sunday night, its maximum sustained winds had dropped to 50 m.p.h.

With its arrival, Florida became the first state to experience four hurricanes in a season since Texas in 1886, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Eqecat, a California company specializing in risk evaluation, estimated the damage to insured property was $6 billion to $14 billion. The previous three storms, which were blamed for at least 70 deaths, caused tens of billions of dollars in damage.

"This is unprecedented; there's been nothing like it," Gov. Jeb Bush said as he visited the emergency operations center in St. Lucie County, adding that the relief effort for the combined storms was the largest in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's history. "Certainly it's the largest series of natural disasters we've faced."

More than 1.5 million customers in 38 counties lacked electricity after Hurricane Jeanne came through, state officials said, though some power failures were from earlier storms. Shelters were housing about 61,000 residents, only a fraction of the two million who were urged to evacuate coastal areas.

Many said that after relocating weeks earlier, they could not bear the stress of moving again to a shelter or hotel and leaving their property and pets unattended.

Julie Monti, 86, said she stayed at home in Micco, about 30 miles north of Fort Pierce, because a shelter would not have welcomed her sickly dog. While she huddled in a closet overnight, the hurricane peeled the roof and walls off the second floor of her house, leaving a soaked tangle of furniture and a lonely looking fireplace.

"I tried to get a state trooper on the highway to help today," she said. "He told me, 'Lady, you're lucky you're alive, there's people trapped in houses.' "

Mrs. Monti said she had owned the house for years but had just moved full time in July, after selling her other home, in Stanhope, N.J. She does not have insurance, she said. She was trying to cover blown-out windows with tarp, unsteady on a slippery foot stool as the rain began to fall again. Her yard was a sea of broken lawn statues: gnomes, flamingos, dolphins, goddesses.

She said she had tried to call FEMA four times after Hurricane Frances, which damaged a building in back of her house, but could not get through.

"Look at my furniture up there," she said, her voice quavering as she surveyed the wreckage with brimming eyes. "I want to go back to Jersey."

Just up Route 1 in Barefoot Bay, a community of 5,000 manufactured homes that Hurricane Jeanne hit especially hard, Charles Sweeney, 71, was trying to determine which damage was new and which was old.

"Half of this was Frances," he said, pointing to a roofless, screenless porch, "and the rest, all the way through the back, was Jeanne."

In the Tampa Bay area, which had not expected to be in the storm's path (until late Saturday, most forecasts had that predicted it would move straight up the state's east coast or only slightly to the west), many residents were unprepared as the wind arrived on Sunday afternoon.

"We don't even have groceries this time," said Laura Keane of St. Petersburg. "We did so much the other two or three times. This time we didn't do anything. It was like, huh, oh, well."

In Polk County, where the storm's eye, surrounded by the strongest winds, passed over the most populous areas, Cindy Rodriguez, a spokeswoman for the county emergency management office, said several trailer parks were in terrible shape.

"It looks like tarp city out there," Ms. Rodriguez said. "All these tarps that were on the roofs damaged by Charley are now floating down the streets."

The small town of Mulberry lost use of its wastewater treatment plant during the storm, she said, which caused sewage to pour onto streets. She said that before Hurricane Jeanne arrived there had been a good deal of denial in Polk County, which she said was the only county in the direct path of three hurricanes.

"We think, 'It can't possibly hit here again,' '' Ms. Rodriguez said.

More than 3,500 National Guard troops were supervising recovery from Hurricanes Frances, Ivan and Jeanne on Sunday, and Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco of Louisiana approved a request from Gov. Bush to send about 200 additional troops from her state to Florida.

As the storm churned north, many people admitted to feeling numb in its wake, and the wake of three others. And they were well aware that hurricane season is far from over.

"Every single weekend I think, 'Oh my God, I've got to sit through another one of these,' '' said Eden Healt, 33, of Tampa. "You get mentally tired and emotionally and physically, just tired. Like a zombie going through your day."

Across the state in Micco, Mrs. Monti stopped sweeping her eyes across the wreckage of her house and yard and focused on a piece of siding on the ground. She picked it up and gently set it on a birdbath. Then she shuffled back inside.

Reporting for this article was contributed byTerry Aguayo from Miami, Dennis Blank from Cocoa, Sara Kennedy from Tampa and Lynn Waddell from St. Petersburg.

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Sunday, September 26, 2004

AN ERA FOR THE U.S. ENDS - Interesting observation..

From: Timothy Snodgrass []
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 12:09 PM
Subject: ERA ENDS

Timothy Snodgrass - Powered by InJesus
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Timothy Snodgrass
Sep 26, 2004


September 26, 2004

The last 4 days have been very interesting since I arrived in the United States from the Philippines. While in flight from Taiwan to Los Angeles, President Bush condemned Israel at the UN General Assembly for not adhering the 'Roadmap', and the United States once again began pressuring Israel to concede covenant land promised to her by God. Immediately afterwords, Hurricane Jeanne shifted course, striking Florida just before midnight on Yom Kippur as shofars blew across the land on Tishrei 10.

Hurricane Jeanne was the 4th hurricane to strike Florida this year. The pattern '4' in Amos represents irreversible judgment with cannot be changed or altered. As shofars blew across the land at closing of Yom Kippur, an era for the U.S. ended and a call was issued to prepare for what is yet to come during the next three years of cleansing. Hurricane Jeanne is very small compared to many of the unexpected events which are about to follow. But the purpose of these limited judgments is not destruction, but ultimitely salvation and a call to repentence across the land. For God is not finished with America yet, but has a plan and destiny for the United States.

If you live in the Southern California area, and would like to intercede with us tonight in Yucca Valley, below is directions to get to Grace Community Church. I will also be speaking in Sunnyvale (near San Jose) on Tuesday, and in Orange County once again before departing the United States.


Timothy Snodgrass


From the Los Angeles area, take the I-10 east towards Palm Springs.

Before reaching Palm Spring, take the HWY 62 exit north towards Joshua Tree.

The church is not far off HWY 62, just before you come to Joshua Tree

You will come to a trafic light at Indio Ave. Three blocks later, to the left turn at a small road called Ronald Dr., turn left at Ronald. Then when you come to David Ave. turn right. Then when you come to Ruth Dr., turn left and you will see the church on the small dirt road at Ruth Dr.

If you get lost, procede to the nearest Starbucks and call us from the pay phone and say "help, help, help!" and we will send a scouting party out to search for you.

Address: 6300 Ruth Dr.

Church Phone # (760) 228-1785 and 228-1786

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Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and now, Jeanne, Karl and Lisa ~~

Friday, September 24, 2004

Jeanne is 400 mi east of Miami, and moving west.

At 5 p.m., Jeanne was centered about 400 miles east of Miami and moving west at 12 mph. Forecasters said it could strengthen as it reaches warmer waters closer to Florida's coast.,0,4854655.story?coll=sfla-news-hurricane
Dee  xxxxoooo
Snug as a bug in a rug,  in,  yikes!, Miami 
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Hurricane Warning issued for Floirida's East Coast - September 24, 2004

Oh noooooo.. not again!
dee xxooo
September 24, 2004

Hurricane warning issued for Florida's East Coast
PHOTO GALLERY: Jeanne menaces Florida's East Coast With the 5 p.m. advisory, the east coast of Florida was put under a hurricane warning, meaning hurricane conditions are expected within the next 24 hours --
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Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and now, Jeanne, Karl and Lisa ~~


Thursday, September 23, 2004

Jeanne's path unclear, but South Florida is vulnerable

"The official forecast track may not be perfect. It might go left, and it might go to the right," said Richard Knabb, the hurricane center's science and operations officer. "It's a slow-moving system, so it has a lot of time to take a slightly different path than what we're forecasting."
Jeanne's path unclear, but South Florida is vulnerable

By Ken Kaye
Posted September 22 2004, 11:49 PM EDT

Hurricane Jeanne might eventually head toward the Carolinas, but along the way it could get uncomfortably close to South Florida and already is producing pounding waves and dangerous rip currents, particularly in Palm Beach County.

By this morning, the storm, which left at least 1,000 dead in Haiti, was to be in the Atlantic about 650 miles east of Boca Raton. It was projected to draw within 300 miles of the South Florida shoreline by Saturday.

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That is far enough away that this region shouldn't feel strong winds or rain. But it is close enough that it could generate 8- to 10-foot swells in Palm Beach County and 4- to 6-foot swells in Miami-Dade and Broward counties by the weekend. The National Weather Service has issued a high-surf advisory from Boca Raton to Jacksonville.

The problem is, the track remains uncertain, mainly because Jeanne is crawling so slowly and has the potential to spin in any direction, said the National Hurricane Center in Miami-Dade County.

"Anytime a hurricane moves slow, it's very hard to forecast its track and intensity," said center meteorologist Krissy Williams. "Everyone from South Florida to the Outer Banks should monitor this storm over the weekend."

Late Wednesday, Jeanne was about 470 miles east of Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas, drifting west at 4 mph with sustained winds of 100 mph, making it a Category 2.

Jeanne might churn close enough to the central and northern Bahamas that hurricane watches and warnings might need to be posted by Friday, forecasters said. Those islands also are seeing large swells.

The threat of Tropical Storm Lisa has diminished considerably. Still in the distant Atlantic, it weakened to 50 mph on Wednesday and was expected to turn north and pose no threat to land.

For now, forecasters are confident that Jeanne will slide around the perimeter of a high-pressure ridge over the Atlantic and arc toward North Carolina. It could curve out to sea and miss land altogether.

However, over the next three days, the system was to continue meandering west, putting all of South Florida in its potential path, according to the hurricane center's cone of error.

The future track calls for the system to be about 200 miles east of Daytona Beach on Sunday, approaching Wilmington, N.C., on Monday.

"The official forecast track may not be perfect. It might go left, and it might go to the right," said Richard Knabb, the hurricane center's science and operations officer. "It's a slow-moving system, so it has a lot of time to take a slightly different path than what we're forecasting."

This is the second time the region has been in Jeanne's sights, as the storm initially aimed in this direction last Thursday, then looped around the western Atlantic.

After briefly building into a hurricane last week, then deflating, Jeanne grew back to hurricane strength on Tuesday. As a tropical storm, Jeanne triggered deadly flooding in Haiti over the weekend.

Meanwhile, Hurricane Karl continued marching north toward cooler waters. It was not expected to pose a major threat to land.

Ken Kaye can be reached at or 954-385-7911.
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Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and now, Jeanne, Karl and Lisa ~~


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Haiti Flood Death Toll Could Reach 2,000

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Haiti Flood Death Toll Could Reach 2,000

22 minutes ago
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GONAIVES, Haiti - The death toll from floods in Haiti has risen to more than 1,070 and could reach 2,000, Dieufort Deslorges of the government's civil protection agency said Wednesday.

AP Photo


Rescuers counted 1,013 bodies recovered from floodwaters, mud and collapsed homes in Gonaives alone by Wednesday night, he said of Haiti's third-largest city.

Another 58 bodies have been recovered elsewhere in Haiti's northwest province, Deslorges told The Associated Press.

He said the number of people reported missing since Tropical Storm Jeanne lashed the islands with torrential rains for 30 hours over the weekend was up to 1,250. Some bodies washed out to sea at Gonaives, dozens remained in still-high waters or floating in flooded houses in the city, he said, indicating that the toll could reach as high as 2,000.

In this impoverished Caribbean nation, the poorest in the Western Hemisphere, that could be the highest toll ever in a country where disaster strikes frequently and hard.

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Remnants of Ivan swing back into Gulf

Sep 22, 11:03 PM (ET)

(AP) McKinleyville, W.Va. resident Bob Ohler walks through the debris left behind in Buffalo Creek,...
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NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Remnants of Hurricane Ivan swung back into the Gulf of Mexico and developed into a tropical depression, prompting tropical storm warnings Wednesday in Louisiana and southeastern Texas.

The remnants kicked seas up several feet, posing a threat to fragile barrier islands and their beaches in both states, and forced some offshore oil and gas crews to head home.

The National Weather Service said the depression was likely to strengthen into a tropical storm by the time it makes landfall, possibly near Galveston, Texas, late in the week. Sustained winds as of Wednesday evening were 35 mph.

A tropical storm warning was issued from the mouth of the Mississippi River in Louisiana west to Sargent, Texas.

(AP) West Virginia Gov. Bob Wise talks to emergency workers at the Emergency Operations Center in...
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Three dozen oil platforms and drilling rigs  ...

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