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Monday, May 02, 2011

New Radiation Alert West of Tokyo (Tsuruga)

Much Appreciation to Ken of Modern Survival Blog with urgent news

and disaster survival preparation advice.

During Monday, May 2, Kyodo News sent an urgent headline reading, URGENT: “Radiation leaks from fuel rods suspected at Tsuruga plant: local gov’t”


Leaks of radioactive materials from fuel rods have been suspected at a nuclear power plant in Tsuruga, located 200 miles west of Tokyo, citing a rise in the level of radioactive substances in coolant water.

They are now shutting down the No. 2 reactor of the plant on the Sea of Japan coast to examine the primary cooling system.
According to Japan Atomic, 4.2 becquerels of iodine-133 and 3,900 becquerels of xenon gas were detected per cubic centimeter Monday, up from 2.1 and 5.2 becquerels, respectively, during previous measurements conducted last Tuesday.

Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant
The Tsuruga nuclear power plant has two operating reactors and two additional reactors under construction.
Reactor No. 1
357 Megawatt
BWR (Boiling Water Rector)
Reactor No. 2
1,160 Megawatt
PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor)

Tsuruga Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)


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Source: Modern Survival Blog

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    We both reported this event on May 2. No mainstream media in US picked up the story and only today, Sunday May 8, did Japanese media report the problem (Asahi).

    First reports (May 6) of a shutdown at Tsuruga were attributed only to an "unplanned inspection."

    Japan is keen on humble apology, not so on honesty.


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