"Words from the Father" to Stephen Hanson
May 18, 2013

14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 2 Cor. 11
"Press in to my Spirit during these times, says the Lord. For you will need my guidance in following after Me more and more. For the days are hastening more and more towards the darkness that is pervading the earth. The enemy will attempt to show signs and wonders through his servants. Some will be deceived by these counterfeit signs. Remember that he goes around parading as an angel of light. For his subtle forms can easily lead many astray.
But you my people, clothe yourselves with my wisdom in this hour. See through the
mists that he clothes himself with. For the darkness has never understood my
But an arsenal is building in the east. Troops will be assembling in an hour when you
know not. They will travel across the plains of eastern Europe, and this battle will
usher in the final strokes. For the pages of my book are being turned, one by one.
Civil unrest will fill the land. Brother will rise up against brother. The love of many
will wax cold. But those of my Spirit will rise to their full maturity in Me. They will
have a new song in their heart, and signs and wonders will follow after them."
Stephen Hanson
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