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Monday, May 27, 2013

Earthquakes Arrive...

May 27 just this morning:

Mag 5.8 Uzbekistan
Mag 5.7 Owen Fracture Zone
Mag 5.6 Panama - near Costa Rica border

From Larry Taylor, From the Edge Alerts:

 Urban Survival...May 26, 2013

George Ure's Blog................May 24

Larry Taylor

May 26, 2013 12:18pm Central

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Quakes Arrive: Language Fill Begins

Bridge Collapse!
Linguistically "hot" words are popping off like mad!

Reader email about our "quake spotting" and predictive process flooded the inbox this morning.  Reader Dean figures 'em this way:

"George we just got that major quake an 8.3 in Sea of Okhotsk near Kamchatka Siberia with all the volcanoes popping off in that area last few days and small to medium quake swarm not surprised. Not sure if there was a tsunami generated yet but I doubt it look at the extraordinary depth over 600 miles deep! also note two significant quakes in South Pacific near Tonga both well over 100 miles deep! these are some unusual extreme depths, maybe all these medium sized CME's the last week had a cumulative effect. Note Tonga area is where Cliff noted the likely epicenter of a Global Coastal event emanating from in one of the webbot predictions a while back, that is the area with the thin mantel and bulge with a huge reservoir of magma the size of a small country.

The South Pacific quakes near Tonga today were a 6.3 and 7.4 and the 8.3 quake near Kamchatka in Sea of Okhotsk is large enough that its one of the 25 largest quakes ever recorded! (that's since 1900 AD when we were first able to measure quakes). In the last 9 years 2004-2013 we have had 6 of the 13 largest quakes ever recorded."

What's so darn interesting about the large quake off Kamchatka is that it comes right smack dab on top of news in Skagit County (north of Seattle) about a bridge collapse on Interstate 5!  Dean's email picks it up from there:

"Cliff predicted bridges would go down in the NW and areas would be isolated, well he nailed this, major bridge on I-5 (the main West Coast North South route from San Diego to Vancouver Canada) just North of Seattle collapsed, effectively isolating one of North America's major cities, Vancouver Canada from other major West coast cities via road as well as other smaller cities like Bellingham, WA.

Cliff predicted  this would be due to earthquake but this would not be the first time Cliff predicted something that came true through his Webbot but he misinterpreted the cause of the incident.

Maybe webbot predicted a earthquake and also predicted bridges collapsing in NW isolating cities and Cliff naturally assumed one was the cause of the other, instead maybe we get a 9.0 off Kamchatka Siberia (maybe causes major Tsunami fulfilling start of global coastal event prediction also) which is rumbling and has a history of huge 8.5+ quakes and we get this major bridge collapse in NW that isolates some major cities fulfilling both webbot predictions but not together as Cliff thought.

This collapse story is getting major national media play already so no wonder it popped up in webbot linguistics."

Another reader, Michael, points to the California quake action overnight:

"G, folks may not realize there were 2 earthquakes in CA overnight, Northern, CA and Southern, CA.  The PNSN is showing more consistency of movement over all the monitors than I have seen in all the years I have watched them.  It is not clear to me whether they are reflecting the CA movement or the movement of the Cascades. What is clear is it that a heads up attitude is warranted.

That soCal wake was removed as an echo by USGS... Still, I was going to put up a post yesterday because I had a round of "earthquake tired" (as several other folks reported, too, fwiw).  But I was thinking I'd just talked myself into it.  A bottle of high caffeine poison high fructose corn juice later, I talked myself out of it.
I talked to Clif and he's specifically worried about 2 PM Saturday (West Coast Time) so we'll keep watching the data roll in but absent all the dead people which are supposed to accompany the mega quake, tsunami, and global coastal event (1.289 billion) it's definitely got the right language but we're still missing a bunch of dead people.  Would I bet against more major quaking, shaking, and flooding through the weekend?  Nope.

Not when that bridge up on the Skagit river is just 33 miles southwest of Mount Baker and 18 miles from where we had a little 2.5 earthquake on Wednesday 11 miles north of Anacortes.  Details: M2.5 - 11km N of Anacortes, Washington.

I think I'm supposed to mention that quake because it's where? Oh...2½ miles from what Streets and Trips 2013 shows as "Urban" on Sinclair Island in the San Juan Islands?

Naw...but that bridge collapse is just 9-miles from the front gate of the big Shell Oil refinery at Cherry Point/ Anacortes.  So seismicity up that was is certainly of major interest (but only to people who drive or use petroleum products...).

Let's add it up: The little quakes, falling down bridge, big quakes and the word tsunami popping all over the net.  Reader Ethan's been collecting the tsunami words all over the net:

"The pacific plate is going nuts. This just today. 
  • HCCDA Message: Pacific Tsunami Center reports an 8.2 earthquake occurred in the Sea of Okhotsk. No Pacific Wide tsunami and no tsunami threat to Hawaii. 
  • HCCDA Message: Pacific Tsunami Warning Center reports a 6.5 earthquake occurred near Tonga. No Pacific wide tsunami and no tsunami threat to Hawaii. 
  • HCCDA Message: Pacific Tsunami Warning center reports 7.4 earthquake in Fiji Islands. No Pacific wide tsunami and no tsunami threat to Hawaii. "
Nothing more to be added (except some Nostracodeus notes in the Coping section to follow.)  Reader Clay here in Texas has a positive outlook:
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