As an "all Egyptian" archaeological team moves in to find answers we hope they will reveal what's really there.
Something extremely strange is happening in Giza, both under the pyramids and in the office of Dr. Hawass. Even skeptics of the "Hall of Records" from Atlantis are now forced to admit that something big is being hidden. It's the perfect set of circumstances for conspiracy theorists -- especially with the coming of 2012.
In August of 2008 a system of caves was discovered under the pyramids. Certainly this is very big news. But look at the reaction of Dr. Hawass on his website:
The alignment of the three pyramids with the stars of Orion's belt [above] is not perfect.
The Hall of Records -- as prophesied by Edgar Cayce?
According to the legendary psychic, Edgar Cayce, the pyramids were constructed by an ancient civilization that had its origins in Atlantis. This great civilization existed somewhere around 10,000 to 11,000 BC and was responsible for building the Great Pyramid, and for burying the lost history of mankind in a chamber called "The Hall of Records."
"The records are one... [They contain] "...a record of Atlantis from the beginnings of those periods when the spirit took form or began the encasements in that land." -- CayceThe records extend through the first destructions of that ancient civilization, the exodus of Atlanteans to other lands, and the final destruction of Atlantis. They contain a description of the building of the Great Pyramid, as well as a prophecy of "who, what, where, would come [to make] the opening of the records."
Collins says,
"This has never been found. So perhaps it is still there, awaiting discovery, somewhere close to where Salt and Caviglia reached nearly 200 years ago."I do believe that the caves that we have entered are part of a much larger complex that stretches right beneath the entire Giza plateau."
Satellite images help verify the caves
According to Collins, "Satellite images would tend to suggest that the caves... go all the way to the Second Pyramid." A little west of here archaeologists have found a collection of bird mummies. Since the constellation of Cygnus is historically depicted as a bird, specifically a swan, it is theorized that worshippers left mummified birds as an offering associated with this star configuration or perhaps to Socar, the bird-like figure that was the ruler of the underworld.

From the entrance of the caves it appears that you can travel towards the Second Pyramid and directly under the spot where the Cygnus star, Deneb, would be aligned with the three pyramids and the wings of Cygnus. Is this where we will find the famed "Hall of Records"? Will the Egyptian government allow the world to know about what's really there? Why are they being so secretive?
What's in the caves
As of February 2010, Dr Zahi Hawass revealed that the system of caves was being probed by a host of experts.
A British man named Richard Gabriel and his partner Judith was able to gain access to the tomb and cave system and take a sequence of breathtaking pictures. The top 5 photos are from the actual tomb.

Notice the many electrical cables [above, left] indicating the level of activity currently being undertaken in the caves.

One photo [above, right] displays rock simulacrum in the form of a snake's head, making sense of local folk stories which claim that the caves are haunted by a giant snake called el-Nahash. So now we wait. What will these "Experts" find in the maze of caves? Are there records of a prior civilization, describing their accomplishments in science and philosophy? Are there warnings of a fate that they once survived and is yet to befall us? And will they tell us if they do find these things?
What do you think?
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Hawass is bought and paid for.
Goos article. Some other facts you might want to know... In his lectures, Collins states that Cygnus is a powerful source not only of x-rays but of gamma radiation and cosmic rays which make it all the way to the surface of Earth and even penetrate deep inside caves. He suggests that these rays can be observed as flashes of light when a person is in total darkness and when one of the particles strikes the retina. Apparently miners and even astronauts have experienced this. H also suggests that the effects of this radiation can alter genetic material in subtle ways that can take generations to show up and that this single constellation could be responsible for evolution. So Cygnus is no small constellation and certainly is much more significant to humanity than Orion.
Barbara H.
I, think that Hawas just like many other people in power won’t tell us anything.
My oppinion and recommendation we should go there with a Group of openminded people and make them tell us or find out our selfs.
As soon as a goverment body comes along, were surtain to hear, see, and nothing and they will keep us in the dark, afraid to lose control.
Our history is not as they have thought us.. its all before our eyes to see, and for those who are willing to accept.
I hope this discovery will give us the means to really become aware globaly.
With kind regards,
H. van Poelgeest
What's in the caves
As of February 2010, Dr Zahi Hawass revealed that the system of caves was being probed by a host of experts.
"We have experts in all fields working with us," he revealed this week. "Archaeologists, geologists, engineers, and architects, to name a few... I will be posting information about our excavation at Giza on my web site and will be publishing the results of our work in due course."Work at the cave-tomb, designated "NC2" by American Egyptologist George A. Reisner, has discovered two new rock-cut shafts and stairways leading into a maze of underground chambers and galleries never seen before in recorded history. Dr Hawass has suggested that they may date to the Old kingdom period. It appears that the caves were originally used as catacombs but leter were used for a bird necropolis, where mummified birds and other small animals were offered as sacrifices.
A British man named Richard Gabriel and his partner Judith was able to gain access to the tomb and cave system and take a sequence of breathtaking pictures. The top 5 photos are from the actual tomb.
What do you think?
Hawass is bought and paid for.
Goos article. Some other facts you might want to know... In his lectures, Collins states that Cygnus is a powerful source not only of x-rays but of gamma radiation and cosmic rays which make it all the way to the surface of Earth and even penetrate deep inside caves. He suggests that these rays can be observed as flashes of light when a person is in total darkness and when one of the particles strikes the retina. Apparently miners and even astronauts have experienced this. H also suggests that the effects of this radiation can alter genetic material in subtle ways that can take generations to show up and that this single constellation could be responsible for evolution. So Cygnus is no small constellation and certainly is much more significant to humanity than Orion.
Barbara H.
I, think that Hawas just like many other people in power won’t tell us anything.
My oppinion and recommendation we should go there with a Group of openminded people and make them tell us or find out our selfs.
As soon as a goverment body comes along, were surtain to hear, see, and nothing and they will keep us in the dark, afraid to lose control.
Our history is not as they have thought us.. its all before our eyes to see, and for those who are willing to accept.
I hope this discovery will give us the means to really become aware globaly.
With kind regards,
H. van Poelgeest
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Caves discovered under the pyramids raise excitement, questions.:
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