by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
Note: Only 2 days left to make ECM a Free news service for everyone. (see 2nd article below).
With a storm of historic proportions headed toward the Jersey Shore, a mandatory evacuation of the barrier islands was issued late Friday by the Cape May County Office of Emergency Management. The county announced a voluntary evacuation Saturday before it becomes mandatory Sunday.
Hurricane Sandy is predicted to make landfall Tuesdaybetween Ocean City, Md., and Ocean City, N.J., could bring record-setting floods and extended power outages to the area as it is on a collision course with a winter storm. Variously called "Frankenstorm," "the Halloween Hurricane" and "a nor'easter on steroids" by national weather forecasters, the hybrid storm is predicted to linger through as many as eight high tides while a high pressure system to the north holds it in place.
Some have speculated a contributor to this late outburst of hurricane activity is submarine volcanoes heating the oceans. As a result, a thermal influence affects the atmosphere which includes jet streams and ocean currents. Further speculation suggests it is a weakened magnetic field allows charged particles to enter the atmosphere and has on the Earth's core.
While New Jersey is generally spared by hurricanes, forecasters say the state will not escape this one as the jet stream is acting to pull Sandy toward the coast. No forecast models predict Sandy will turn out to sea.
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