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Friday, September 02, 2005

Repent America ~~Let's just hope the estimates of 40-50,000 dead are just that...estimates

New Orleans Cleared as "Thousands Dead"

El Salvador On Alert For Volcanic Eruption
All Headline News - USA
San Salvador, El Salvador (AHN) - Emergency plans have been activated by Salvadoran authorities as a western volcano continues to spew gas and vapor in what ...

From an email friend:  ~~In Mississippi bodies are starting to pile up at the morgue in hard-hit Harrison County. Forty corpses have been brought to the morgue already, and officials expect the death toll in the county to climb well above 100.

Tempers were beginning to flare in the aftermath of the storm. Police said a man fatally shot his sister in the head over a bag of ice in Hattiesburg, Miss.~~

If RFK, Jr. truly believes that Bush and Barbour are remotely responsible for Hurricane Katrina, he must then believe they are Gods. Am I not correct? Good grief--what next? Rita

~~ Posted by: Glenmore | August 28, 2005 :

Mich. Governor Declares Gas Emergency
Aug 31, 2005, 01:36 PM

The governor has declared an energy emergency for the state of
Michigan,saying the state needs additional fuel supplies to meet driver
demand. Meantime, gas prices soared even higher as stations hit $3.19.

The worst absolutely appears to be ahead of us. Production is still
s hipping lanes are still blocked, t hat means the supply of petroleum
starting to dry up,and soon drivers could be facing not only higher
but also a shortage of fuel at the pump. In the wake of the storm,oil
production in the gulf has come to a standstill.

Dan Webster Avery, oil owner: "T here are 8 refineries down because of
hurricane, 2 more running at diminished capacity."

Dan Webster heads an oil distribution company in Mason. Because of the
in gulf production,distributors are making cuts of their own.

Dan Webster Avery: "Normally we take a transport into 1 location.
Today, we
took it to 4 stations just to keep them going."

That means stations that normally get 14,000 gallons got just 3,500
That kept the stations in mid-Michigan open for business, b ut soon
distributors say even that might not be possible.

Dan Webster Avery: "There is a possibility of some outages at certain

And while distributors are watching supply,drivers are keeping their
eye on
the price. It was $3.19 in Lansing a nd higher in some places around
country, a ll because oil companies are demanding higher prices for

Dan Webster Avery: "Yesterday it was up 46 cents a gallon, highest I've
seen in 28 years."

Combine increasing prices with decreasing supply and the likelihood
refineries in the gulf won't come back on line any time soon,and
distributors say the price likely still hasn't hit its high.

Dan Webster Avery: "With the tightness of supply, you're going to see
keep increasing."

There is a little bit of good news on the fuel front. The President
plans to
increase the supply by tapping into a reserve. Of course only time will
whether it will be enough to curb the skyrocketing price.

School Buses May Stop Because Of Gas Shortage

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The Orange County School district canceled busing for
extracurricular activities Wednesday, including sports, and may have to
cancel all busing Friday.

It's all because of fuel shortages caused in the hurricane's wake, WESH
News reported.

"Hurricane Katrina has impacted central Florida more than we know,"
Orange County Schools Superintendent Ron Blocker. "I'm temporarily
terminating or canceling the transportation we normally provide for all
field trips, and after-hour events."

That means band members and football players will have to find their
transportation to games. So will athletes in all other Orange County

The nation's 12th largest school district is getting barely enough
fuel from suppliers to run its 1,100 buses a day.

It's gotten so bad for several local school districts that some drivers
pulling up to regular fuel stations to get their diesel.

Driver Juan Diaz found out Wednesday he is only allowed to fill half
tank because buying from retailers is more expensive. It could add 50
percent to 75 percent onto the regular cost of running buses.

And it could get much worse. If Orange County does not get its regular
diesel delivery Thursday, the district may cancel all busing to and
school as soon as Friday.

"If the supplies do not come through, I want to give our parents,
specifically our community in general, as much notice as possible that
will have to be adjustments in how our students come to school,"

In short, without buses, students will have to walk, ride bikes or get
to and from school.

Other school districts in Central Florida are wrestling with the fuel
crunch. Seminole County has canceled busing for field trips and will
Thursday if sports and other transportation will be cut.

Lake, Marion, Volusia, and Brevard counties are monitoring the
situation but
have made no changes as yet.


CRISIS - Florida: Katrina's Effect on Power Means Rationing and


Katrina's effect on power means Fla. brownouts

Robert Perez | Sentinel Staff Writer
Posted August 31, 2005

Florida utility companies began rationing power Tuesday to hundreds of
thousands of customers because of disruptions in natural-gas supplies
by Hurricane Katrina.

Utility officials, who asked all customers in Florida to conserve
electricity, warned that shortages could affect the state's ability to
produce power for weeks and possibly months.

The brownouts are targeting homes, businesses and government offices
participate in voluntary energy-management programs. Power is being cut
temporarily to air conditioners, water heaters and pool pumps during
peak-demand periods.

Power is not being shut off completely to anyone and those not in an
energy-saving program are unaffected.

But all customers are being encouraged to eliminate non-essential
use by turning off unnecessary lights and appliances and avoiding use
dishwashers, pool pumps and other appliances during the late-afternoon
evening hours.

 P.O. Box 30000, Philadelphia, PA  19103                                                                                                     1-800-3-REPENT

For Immediate Release  8/31/05

Contact: Michael Marcavage
1-800-3-Repent, Ext. 4


PHILADELPHIA -  Just days before ?Southern Decadence?, an annual homosexual celebration attracting tens of thousands of people to the French Quarters section of New Orleans, an act of God destroys the city.

?Southern Decadence? has a history of filling the French Quarters section of the city with drunken homosexuals engaging in sex acts in the public streets and bars. Last year, a local pastor sent video footage of sex acts being performed in front of police to the mayor, city council, and the media. City officials simply ignored the footage and continued to welcome and praise the weeklong celebration as being an ?exciting event?. However, Hurricane Katrina has put an end to the annual celebration of sin.

On the official ?Southern Decadence? website (, it states that the annual event brought in ?125,000 revelers? to New Orleans last year, increasing by thousands each year, and up from ?over 50,000 revelers? in 1997. This year?s 34th annual ?Southern Decadence? was set for Wednesday, August 31, 2005 through Monday, September 5, 2005, but due to massive flooding and the damage left by the hurricane, Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco has ordered everyone to evacuate the city.

The past three mayors of New Orleans, including Sidney Barthelomew, Marc H. Morial, and C. Ray Nagin, issued official proclamations welcoming visitors to ?Southern Decadence?. Additionally, New Orleans City Council made other proclamations recognizing the annual homosexual celebration.

?Although the loss of lives is deeply saddening, this act of God destroyed a wicked city,? stated Repent America director Michael Marcavage. ?From ?Girls Gone Wild? to ?Southern Decadence?, New Orleans was a city that opened its doors wide open to the public celebration of sin.  May it never be the same,? he continued.

New Orleans is also known for its Mardi Gras parties where thousands of drunken men revel in the streets to exchange plastic jewelry for drunken women to expose their breasts. This annual event sparked the creation of the ?Girls Gone Wild? video series.

?Let us pray for those ravaged by this disaster. However, we must not forget that the citizens of New Orleans tolerated and welcomed the wickedness in their city for so long,? Marcavage said. ?May this act of God cause us all to think about what we tolerate in our city limits, and bring us trembling before the throne of Almighty God,? Marcavage concluded.

?[God] sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust?. (Matthew 5:45)

Link to press release:

So Help Me God now on sale at the Repent America Bookstore!
"The Ten Commandments Judge" tells his story, including his pledge before his election, his refusal to obey an order by the Federal District Court, and why he believes this issue is the most crucial of all political questions.


Repent America is an evangelistic organization based in the birthplace of America, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Fuel Factor, the Gasoline Saver and engine Performance
Enhancer is now on our website! 
Dee and Roy

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