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Thursday, September 01, 2005

EARTH CHANGES UPDATE - America Under Siege




The damage done by Katrina will take months to assess because of the utter devastation caused along the coast. New Orleans is being totally flooded by breaches in the levees which will not be fixed in time. Parts of it may never be rebuilt. Pray for all those affected by this massive disaster, but be warned - this is only the beginning for many more disasters of this type are on the way and there will be millions of "refugees" in America. We have been warning people for the last 10 years AT LEAST to get out of the EAST COASTAL REGIONS, THE GULF COASTAL AREA AND THE WESTERN COASTS OF THE UNITED STATES AND MOVE INLAND. People simply refuse to listen, and thus have to pay the PIPER when disaster comes their way.

These warnings we have issued were based upon the best intelligence this world has ever had: THE PROPHETIC WORD OF THE HOLY BIBLE. If you ignore it, you will pay a terrible price. It is backed up and confirmed by many scientific facts, which are also totally ignored.

Sad to say, however, a lot of people just cannot and will not face up to the facts of what is happening or why it is happening. This includes our leaders, almost all government officials, and the vast majority of our population, including the vast majority of our so-called "Christian Leaders" who are the blind leading the blind, and they shall all fall in the ditch together.

 Sin in America is reaching epic proportions, with abortion, sex sins of every type and descriptions, drug addicts, rapes, murderers, thieves, all forms of corruption, a supreme Court that HATES GOD WITH A PASSION, with judges all over this nation ruling against the Lord of Lords, with community leaders all over this nation stopping Christian practices, the all but OUTLAWING OF CHRIST and  the VERY MENTION OF HIS NAME,  but God has no right to send a WARNING? ARE YOU FOLKS OUT THERE THAT SEND NASTY E-MAILS BRAIN DEAD OR WHAT? Do you all honestly think that God is not going to deal with America the same way He has always dealt with sin of such huge and epic proportions?

I have news for all of you. America is in the cross hairs of God's judgment, and that judgment will not stop until America ceases to be. That means you and I, that means Gramma and Grampa, our sisters and brothers, it means EVERYONE. But most of all, it means YOU. The only way, and it is THE ONLY WAY, to stop this is for the American Government and its people to REPENT OF THEIR GROSS AND EVIL SINS WHICH THEY REFUSE TO DO. No, instead they write nasty letters, threaten the watchmen with their very lives, and the government, through the FBI issues PROJECT MEGIDDO, which brands those Christians who actually BELIEVE WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS as "possible terrorists"!! They raise their fists in anger and shout "GOD BLESS AMERICA!"

But then, The Bible itself says that the American people, the modern day Babylonians, and so dead in their trespasses and sins, so materialistic in their outlook, that they have GROSS DARKNESS OVER THEIR SOULS AND SPIRITS, and are BLIND, and CANNOT SEE, and WILL NOT SEE, and thus CANNOT REPENT, CANNOT CHANGE THEIR WAYS, but must, as all nations in the past, go down in utter defeat. What a sad story when WARNING JUDGMENTS COME that people are totally unable to comprehend the WHAT, WHY, AND HOW of these judgments.

I have been warning the American people for the last 20 years that JUDGMENT WAS ON THE WAY. In 1989 I was told by the Lord THE JUDGMENT HAD STARTED. It has now begun in earnest - and you better take heed, lest you die in your sins, for what is happening to the people in New Orleans is nothing compared to an eternity in hell, which Jesus Christ says MOST OF HIS OWN PEOPLE WILL BE VISITING IN THE NEAR FUTURE because of their gross refusals to do as He commanded them.


The latest from Larry Taylor - Oh, how people HATE THE REAL TRUTH!


Well, God forbid, I posted another Sorcha Faal article yesterday and today some quit the list and few sent emails that I'm helping the enemy?  Many of you have no idea what's really going on right now! I will not post quite a number of things that I have information on. There are many sources but so many don't like the source.......  If my purpose is to just 'tickle' EARS, then just find a BLOG you like and makes you feel all warm and good..!  Most of what I call 'friends' are I admit, STRANGE FOLKS, me included and there are voices crying out day after day, to avoid their material or writings like the plague. All my friends are DEMONS according to so many....!  BUT, those screaming and yelling the warnings never have an answer and never fill in the gaps of those they call names and put down daily!  I have friends who pray for me and I pray for them. I can call them on the phone and say 'Help' and trust them......Those are my friends!  Some of my radical frends are such as: STEVE QUAYLE - Boy, does he suffer angry mobs; STEWART BEST - must be the most hated man in America, according to some Blogs!; STAN DEYO - talks in terms some can't spell; ZEPH DANIEL - don't never say it like everyone else; TOM HORN - writes fiction that drips of truth!; PATRICK HERON - Talks bad about the Nephilim? And what does he mean, "They're coming back...!" ; etc, etc, etc,........  anyway, I used to think Art Bell was 'full of it' when he kept saying," You can't handle the truth!"  I have written so many times: " Just DELETE what you don't like without reading it." But some just have to read what they so obviously don't like and then WRITE ME their warning or dislike!  Just a tad irritated at people that take it upon themselves to set me straight "early in the morning"....  I'm not a morning person and as a friend of mine remarked one day joking with me," I don't play well with people!"  Just going to continue to POST what I feel needs to be posted....!  Larry Taylor <> August 31, 2005  10:20am Central

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