~ From 2004:
In Reply to Carol:
Yes, I have a gauss meter - so I will start checking.
Tonight I drained Roy's battery powered searchlight he brought in for me to
use while checking something in my computer microscope which needed more
light. It came on, then went out. Now it doesn't work!
My latest word from the universe has been 'power'.. and I have not received
another word since. Not for a couple of weeks.
Ever since going to Coral Castle with Richard Hoagland and Dr. Falkov, then
Gregg Braden's seminar, re-reading the Sefer Yetzirah, getting a
reading/treatment with the QXCI machine, and using the Name in prayer one
morning, these strange electromagnetic things have been happening.
My computer monitor zapped itself and burned up while showing the Coral
Castle pictures, my digital camera disk containing the photo's of the orbs
totally UNFORMATTED itself - by itself. And now Roy's searchlight.
From: Caralou
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 3:22 PM
To: drrohe
Subject: Re: The Mysterious Disappearance of my Chemtrail/Orb/Sunset
Hi Dee,
Gene thinks you should get a gauss meter to check for unusual electrical
activity around you.
Love Carol
Original Message:
> Yesterday evening there was an extraordinarily beautiful sunset - so I ran
> inside to quickly get my digital camera to be able to post them on the
> internet immediately. I took one with a regular 35 mm camera and seven
> my digital camera.
> Believe it or not, there was a chemtrail in the upper western sky also, so
> included that, too in most shots. While photo'ing, two commercial jet
> planes also flew over, so I took shots of them, some of them straight
> me in the sky.
> When Roy came home I showed them to him.. we agreed they were beautiful.
> looking at them, we noticed several strange circular spots in the west,
> close to the chemtrail -- disks? And in one photo, there was a really
> one, the size of the moon, somewhat translucent, with markings on it.
> of the photos straight above had any of these orbs.
> Wow! Something to send to Art Bell!
> Well, I didn't copy the pictures off my floppy into the hard drive, but
> the floppy disk containing them on a shelf over my keyboard, intending to
> shortly copy, date and name them chronologically.
> Later on, my daughter Lorrie came over and I went to show them to her -
> they had disappeared from the disk!
> Not only that, the disk was unformatted! An error message came up asking
> if I wished to format the disk. I put it back into my Panasonic camera
> received a "disk error" message. This has never happened before with my
> camera or the pictures. These disks come already formatted anyway.
> Somehow, the disk had been zapped clean.
> (Strange things electromagnetically have been happening around me lately -
> I had to buy a new PC monitor a couple of weeks ago as it zapped - and
> burned up as I was showing photos from Coral Castle that I had taken with
> Richard Hoagland and Dr.Robin Falkov when they were down here in Miami.)
> Dee
> "God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change,
> courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.
> If you worry, you didn't pray. If you pray, don't worry.
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