Donald Trump Quietly Helped a Marine that Obama Ignored.
The Marine was Left To Rot In Mexican Prison for 214 days.
Donald Trump has promised a $25,000 donation to Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the Marine released Friday from a Mexican prison after 214 days of confinement and physical .
Some of Donald Trump's Charitable Works
Many wonderful causes received a ton of money because of Donald Trump. Some of them that received funds were the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, The American Diabetes Association, Magic Johnson Foundation, and the Red Cross just to name a few.

He is outspoken in supporting many other causes through his Donald Trump Foundation. This is the umbrella organization over several other charitable projects such as the Eric Trump Foundation which is run by his 31-year-old middle son. The purpose is to raise money in support of children battling cancer at the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. They have raised over 30 million dollars for this vital organization which gives medical care to their patients without charging them a cent.

Another charity close to Trump’s heart is the Girl Up United Nations Foundation which is spearheaded by his oldest daughter, Ivanka. This program helps underprivileged young women achieve their education goals. Trump knows how lucky his five children were having received the best education possible through private schools. Giving back in this way through a fund like this is only a small way he shows his appreciation. Even his current wife Melania does work with the Red Cross, the Boys Club, and her personal favorite, the Make a Wish Foundation which grants requests for children who are suffering illnesses such as trips to Disney World, or meeting a treasured celebrity. Cached
Newlywed Ivanka Trump has a nice life and she’s doing something to ensure that other young women have the same. She’s working with the United Nations Foundation ...
Living in New York City as one of his main homes for the past thirty five years since he built Trump Towers has given him a love for the city like no other. He’s also passionate about his support of the police force, the NYPD, and all the amazing work they do for the people of this vital city. Through the New York Police Foundation and The Police Athletic League he is able to donate valuable funds to help police development strategies to make the city safer for all its residents. The Police Athletic League also sponsors a variety of programs geared towards improving the lives of many children in the city.
So don’t listen to the left wing propaganda that says that Trump isn’t a charitable guy. It’s just not true. Over the past five years alone he’s given away an estimated 102 million dollars worth of land to organizations that promote beautiful public spaces. This has been proven by financial statements he has willingly shared.
Source: American Liberty Report
Donald Trump on Veteran's Care _55f8e... Cached
TOPICS: Culture/Society; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2016; charity; election; trump
Donald Trump on Veteran's Care
U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump appealed to veterans on Tuesday by saying aTrump administration would let them go to private hospitals and see private ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2016; charity; election; trump
Some are rabid on this forum demanding that Trump donate more to charity. A simple google of the charitable activities of Eric, Ivanka, and Melania Trump shows how many hundreds of millions they have raised. Even Donald Trump has donated over a hundred million in the last few years. All you have to do is a simple google to see that. In the link provided you can see how involved Eric Trump is. People who demand Trump needs to donate seem more driven by hate than by the truth!
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- * Rose Hamid, the "silent" protestor..NTR.
Jean N. - Sunday at 4:43 PM
ALL protestor's at political rallies are up to no good, IMO...
?North Carolinians are no strangers to the ?C-word,? either. At a recent Charlotte-Mecklenberg school meeting of parents, Rose Hamid, who heads a group called Muslim Women of the Carolinas, expressed her enthusiasm for censoring ?Silent Night? in the schools. She won. ?Joy to the World? was similarly banned, though apparently the parents were stumped on what to do about ?Jingle Bells?: some said it was okay, but others were smart enough to say that the song is still linked to Christmas.
* Re: Rose Hamid, the "silent" protestor..NTR.
NYPoke - Sunday at 5:59 PM
NYPoke - Sunday at 5:59 PM
When she just stood there, dressed as a Muslim, I'm surprised nobody just took her down. Seriously, when she didn't say anything, the people around her were thinking "bomb?".
Those people should get props for not doing anything. I don't think I would have been as kind. With that outfit, she could have been wired with a very large amount of explosives.
Just like the kid from Dallas, she knew what the reaction would be.
Islam comes with various degrees of "Martyrs". Not a one of them fits the English definition.
Source: MarketForum
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