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Friday, November 06, 2015

Secure the Border Now!

Secure the Border Before it's Too Late!

ACT for America
ACT for America is committed to seeing the border secured to ensure that those who emigrate do so in search of a better way of life, rather than in a quest to do us all unimaginable harm.
Stopping terrorism means stopping terrorists before they reach the United States. In most cases, that means stopping them at the border. Despite clear Congressional mandates, the vast majority of the southern border remains unsecured.
Violent drug cartels use this thinly patrolled region for smuggling operations, and coyotes smuggle would-be illegal immigrants through the desert to the interior of the U.S. 

A porous, uncontrolled border is an open invitation for those who mean to kill Americans to enter our country unnoticed, potentially bringing the tools to wreak unimaginable havoc with them.
ACT for America is committed to seeing the border secured to ensure that those who emigrate do so in search of a better way of life, rather than in a quest to do us all unimaginable harm.
"The simple truth is that we've lost control of our own borders, and no nation can do that and survive." - Ronald Reagan
Securing the Border:

Brigitte Gabriel is the Founder and President of Act for America. Ms. Gabriel is one of the leading national security experts in the world -providing information and analysis on the rise of Islamic terrorism. Ms. Gabriel lectures nationally and internationally about national security and current affairs. Her expertise is sought after by world and business leaders. Ms. Gabriel has addressed the United Nations, the Australian Prime Minister, members of the British Parliament/House of Commons, members of the United States Congress, the Pentagon, the Joint Forces Staff College, the U.S. Special Operations Command, the U.S. Asymmetric Warfare group, the FBI, and many others. In addition, Ms. Gabriel is a regular guest analyst on Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC, and various radio stations daily across America. She serves on the board of advisers of the Intelligence Summit.
Ms. Gabriel is the author of two New York Times Best Sellers, BECAUSE THEY HATE and THEY MUST BE STOPPED. Ms. Gabriel is named one of the top 50 most prominent speakers in America. She speaks Arabic, French, English and Hebrew.

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