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Thursday, January 22, 2015



When a nation murders 57 million babies and her leaders ignore the threat of Radical Islam, the State of the Union is not "strong."
By Joel C. Rosenberg (@joelcrosenberg on Twitter)
(Costa Mesa, CA, January 21, 2015) -- “America, for all that we have endured; for all the grit and hard work required to come back; for all the tasks that lie ahead, know this: The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong.” 

So began President Obama on Tuesday night in his 2015 State of the Union address to the nation and to a Joint Session of Congress. 

He was not the first American President to declare the state of the union “strong.” But with all due respect, the President is wrong. 

When a nation murders 57 million innocent babies, the state of the union is not strong. 

When a nation overtaxes and overregulates and over burdens the economy and drives manufacturers and other businesses overseas and leaves 92 million Americans out of the labor force with no jobs and few prospects to get a good-paying job, the state of the union is not strong. 

When a nation heaps $18 trillion of national debt on the backs of her children and grandchildren, and keeps creating more and more national debt with no end in sight, the state of the union is not strong. 

When a leader ignores the rising threat of Radical Islam -- does not take decisive action to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons, does not take decisive action to crush terrorist movements like al Qaeda and ISIS, and refuses to even mention “Islam” or “Islamism” or “Radical Islam” or even “al Qaeda” is his address to the nation -- the state of the union is not strong. 

My goal in saying this is not to score partisan political points. Rather, I am deeply concerned about the future of America, and Christian leaders and lay people must speak out. 

Indeed, at this critical hour, let us consider Ezekiel 33:1-9 and how it applies to us and our times....

[To read the rest of this column, please go to the blog.



First, let me say thank you so much to all of you who are reading the new novel and telling your friends about it. We've just learned that the book has hit all the major hardcover fiction bestseller lists (New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and USA Today), and actually hit #4 on the Publishers Weekly, the industry trade journal. Lynn and I are deeply grateful by the widespread interest in the book and its message. 

Second, amidst the horrific attacks by ISIS terrorists in France, Christians throughout North America and around the world are asking many questions. Who is ISIS? What do they believe? What do they want? How serious is the threat to us? Is it true that genocidal conditions are emerging for Christians in the Middle East? And is there any good news? How can the Church advance the Gospel amongst Muslims? 

I am pleased to announce that Tyndale House Publishers, In:ciite Events and I are partnering to present a special simulcast event on Sunday evening, April 19th, to answer these questions. You, your small group, and/or your church — small, medium, or large — can register now to view the simulcast and to share the message with family, friends and neighbors. 

Full details are available at the link at the bottom of this email, and on the blog.



* Russia & Iran forge military compact as Iran & Hezbollah vow massive attacks on Israel’s northern tier. Here’s the latest. 

* Novel about ISIS threat debuts at #4 on Publishers Weekly bestseller list. Also hits NYT, WSJ & other major lists. 

* How serious is the ISIS threat to Israel & Jordan? My interview with “The Times of Israel.” 

* A conversation with fmr. Senator Rick Santorum on ISIS & The Third Target. 

* Is the President’s ISIS strategy working? No. New reports indicate that after months of US & allied airstrikes, the Islamic State is gaining ground Syria. The latest. 

* Why I’m meeting with potential presidential contenders: to discuss Israel, Iran & ISIS. (Today’s meeting: Gov. Rick Perry) 

* Will President Obama abandon or fully turn against Israel in last two years in office, amidst ISIS & Iran threats? Exclusive poll results. 

* Wake up America: We’re in a winner-takes-all war with Radical Islam. 

* Here’s The Joshua Fund’s 2014 Donor Report (full text & short video). “Thank you so much to all who are investing financially & prayerfully to bless Israel & her neighbors at such a critical time!” 

[To read these and other stories, or to pre-order THE THIRD TARGET -- or to find links to the latest news and analysis of events and trends in the U.S., Israel, North Africa, Russia, and the Middle East -- please go to:] 

PRAYER NEEDS -- please pray for...

* a Third Great Awakening -- a sweeping spiritual revival -- in the U.S. and Canada. 

* the peace of Jerusalem -- geopolitical but also spiritual peace through the Prince of Peace 

* for the Palestinian people in Gaza to be liberated from the reign of terror imposed by Hamas and other terrorist groups 

* for Israeli leaders to have wisdom to know how best to protect their citizens going forward and live in quiet and calm with their neighbors 

* for the President of the United States and his top advisors to have a change of heart and to truly stand unequivocally with Israel, America's best friend and most faithful ally in the Mideast 

* for the President and other nations to know how best to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons, defeat ISIS and stop the genocide, and prevent terror attacks on the U.S. and our allies 

* for the Lord to comfort Israelis and Palestinians on both sides, especially those who are grieving the loss of loved ones 

* for persecuted in Christians in Iraq & Syria to be brave and bold for Christ and safe from spiritual and physical harm 

* for the protection of moderate Arabs and other Muslims in the region from Radical Islam 

* for the Lord to strengthen His Church and reveal His Word and the transforming power of the Gospel to all the people of the epicenter, and that the Father would draw them to His Son 


* TWITTER -- Please track the latest developments @joelcrosenberg.
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to forward to others.

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