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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Video: Sotloff’s mother appeals to ISIS leader

My family is personally acquainted with Shirley Sotloff here in Miami - Her anguish is real and understandable. My heart goes out to her.
Steven's Mother in TV appeal.

Please sign the petition asking the White House administration to do all possible to save Steven's life!

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Dee Rohe

The Sotloff family would like to see more than 100,000 people sign on to this petition by September 18.

Link to petition:

Steven Sotloff's Mother in Plea to ISIS: Free My SON 


Published on Aug 27, 2014

Steven Sotloff's mother in plea to ISIS: Free my son | BREAKING NEWS - 28 AUG 2014

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The mother of Steven Sotloff, a US journalist being held by Islamic State (IS) militants, has made an emotional video appeal for his release.

Shirley Sotloff addressed her plea directly to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the militant group.

Mr Sotloff, who vanished last year in Syria, appeared in a video showing the killing of US journalist James Foley.
The militant on the video said his life depended on the next move of US President Barack Obama.

The US has recently carried out dozens of air strikes against IS targets in Iraq.

In her video message, Mrs Sotloff described her son as a journalist who had travelled to the Middle East to cover the "suffering of Muslims under the hands of tyrants".

"Steven has no control over the actions of the US government. He's an innocent journalist. I've always learned that you, the caliph, can grant amnesty. I ask you to please release my child," said Mrs Sotloff.

"I ask you to use your authority to spare his life and to follow the example set by the Prophet Muhammad."
Mr Sotloff's case was not widely reported after his mother was told by IS militants he would be killed if she publicised it.

But last week, Mr Sotloff appeared at the end of an IS video showing the beheading of James Foley.

The masked militant who beheaded Mr Foley held Mr Sotloff by the collar and said: "The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision."

Went shopping for groceries for her family, like any loving mother.

In the video aired on the Al-Arabiya television network, Shirley Sotloff directly addresses Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of Isis, referring to him as ‘caliph’, his self-proclaimed titile.

“I am sending this message to you, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Quraishi al-Hussaini, the caliph of the Islamic State. I am Shirley Sotloff. My son Steven is in your hands,” she says.
She asks his captors to be merciful by not punishing her son, “an innocent journalist”, who always had sympathy for the suffering of Muslims.

“Steven is a journalist who travelled to the Middle East to cover the suffering of Muslims at the hand of tyrants.

"Since Stephen's capture, I've learned a lot about Islam. I've learned that Islam teaches that no individual should be held responsible for the sins of others.

"Stephen has no control over the actions of the US government. He's an innocent journalist.

As a freelance journalist, Mr Sotloff published articles from Syria, Egypt and Libya in a variety of publications, including Time, theWorld Affairs Journal and Foreign Policy.
His family are calling on people on social media to sign a White House petition asking President Barack Obama to “do everything possible” to free Mr Sotloff. The petition has garnered over 11,000 signatures to date.

The Sotloff family would like to see more than 100,000 people sign on to this petition by September 18.

Link to petition:

White House spokesman Josh Earnest  said he does not know if Mr Obama has seen Shirley Sotloff's video, but he said the administration is "deeply engaged" in trying to gain release of all Americans held hostage in the Middle East.

"She obviously, as is evident from the video, feels desperate about the safety and well-being of her son, and understandably so," said Mr Earnest. "That is why our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Sotloff's family at this very difficult and trying time."

Video: Sotloff’s mother appeals to ISIS leader - Al Arabiya News:

Steven Sotloff,Shirley Sotloff,ISIS,islam,beheading,petition

Statement ... John Foley, far left, and his wife Diane, back to camera ..

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