The West has Illusions about Islam |
From Front Page Magazine:
A Beheading Ends All Illusions About Islam
The article concluded that indeed it was.
Three months later, Foley had been kidnapped. Two years later, on another August, a former branch of Al Qaeda chopped off his head.
In a New Yorker interview this year, which seemed to focus on the Lakers more than anything else, Obama wrote off ISIS as what happens when a “jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms”. He suggested that the answer lay in training the Iraqi police forces better.
In April, Peter Bergen, the original author of the CNN article, had another piece contending that “right wing extremists” were now even “more deadly than Jihadists.” On August 18, he produced a CNN piece claiming that ISIS was no threat to Americans.
On the next day, ISIS chopped off James Foley’s head.
The incredibly deadly right-wing extremists have yet to show off the severed head of a journalist.
A Beheading Ends All Illusions About Islam | FrontPage Magazine:
Christian Prince Exposes True Islamic Spirit of Murderous Hatred
Kimmy • 2 days ago
no joke when people say liberal is a mental disease, CNN and Peter Bergen definitely suffer from a severe disorder.
BS77 Kimmy • a day ago
The West is facing the worst, most horrible enemy since the Nazis.....but due to PC liberal groveling and apathy, is doing little, so far. MR. FOLEY, RIP Unbelievable ....un freakin believable. Makes me sick.
Yehuda Levi Kimmy • 19 hours ago
I agree that liberals/progressives have a faulty way of thinking, but it is always helpful to discover where the disconnect with reality is.Since their view of reality is inconsistent with actual reality, why is that?Plato and Aristotle had two very different views of reality as well. It may be the mystic idea of forms clashing with the reality and constraints of the particulars.
Edward Cline • 2 days ago
Also, just who are these "right wing extremists"? What deadly actions have they taken? I haven't see any videos of right wing extremists invading Toledo, Ohio, enslaving women and girls, capturing dams, fighting the National Guard, or sawing through a hostage's neck. Is the MSM suppressing these events?
Pete Edward Cline • 2 days ago
The Right Wind extremist thesis has been bubbling up again.Like every other thesis if the Left they never let it go. It gets beat back, they get dismayed for a while and 'Move on' to other things. Then they resurrect it again.
UCSPanther Pete • 2 days ago
Even during times that Right Wing terrorists were supposedly active (The Farm Crisis of the 1980s, (See also: Posse Comitatus Movement), the 1990s militia movement), they generally were mostly talk, but little action.The Radical Left's very own Militia Movement in the late '60s-'70s ultimately proved to be a far bigger threat.It spawned such "lovely" groups like the Symbionese Liberation Army, Black Panthers, Black Liberation Army (See also: 1981 Brinks Robbery), FLQ (See also: October Crisis), Weather Underground, Red Army Faction, FALN, Los Macheteros and many others.All of those groups accumulated quite a few violent crimes to their names, and were way more active in their approaches than the Militia Movement.In fact, many of those violent leftist groups used tactics that were developed by Islamic Terrorists...
Pete UCSPanther • 2 days ago
My spouse is a foreigner and a different race. So I look out for any racists of any color. The last Klan rally at the state capital 20 years ago had about 50 people out of a population of 9 million or so. I have not heard anything period in the last 15 years locally.A lot of people have but 2 degrees of separation from a black relative be it a grandchild, nephew or niece or something like that. There is not a whole lot of racism as the Left likes to ballyhoo.Timothy McVeigh frequented Elohim City in Oklahoma.There are so many informants there that the government would know anything they did before they did it. Now what the government does about La Raza or NOI is another matter. I doubt they have informants and I doubt they would do much about any trouble they cause or would cause.
Yehuda Levi Pete • 19 hours ago
The fact is that human beings are 99.5% genetically identical - we are all virtually twins.From a social perspective, we have problems when we concentrate on the slight differences instead of emphasizing the commonalities (which are a much larger part of who we are).Treating each individual as the unique individual they are instead of grouping them is a good step in the right direction.
IslamDownpressesHumanity UCSPanther • a day ago
Some Communist groups allied w/the islamic-natzi terrorist groups (i.e. Black September, who helped in the hijacking of an airliner to Entebbe). A Japanese Communist terrorist gunned down Puerto Rican pilgrims at Lod Airport.
Keith Edward Cline • a day ago
I wish they would name a few of these right wing extremist organizations that are so dangerous to our western lifestyle that we even have to ignore the threat form Islam. I really thought the news channels would be reporting on these deadly extremists 24 hours a day they are so violent.
truebearing Keith • a day ago
They have to be careful about getting too specific. It makes it too easy to refute them. Vague, sweeping allegations make for better smears. They are trolling for the people who don't really pay attention, or do their own research. Snippets on the news stick in the minds of the uninformed. It's why the Left dumbed down our schools. Critical thinking capability is an enemy to the collective lying.
Edward Cline Keith • a day ago
They can't name any, because they don't exist. Maybe they have Rand Paul in mind, or some survival militia group Napolitano and the DHS issued a memo about a few years ago, you know, all those returning soldiers from Afghanistan, etc. with combat skills. The phrase "right wing extremists" could apply to anyone who isn't a welfare statist or the like.
watling Keith • 13 hours ago
I suspect they only exist in Hollywood. CNN staff have been watching too many films and believing them to be real. e.g. the white terrorist in Source Code who planned to blow up Chicago.
cep32101 Edward Cline • a day ago
I LIVE in Toledo, and I haven't seen any either! Lets remember, the left like to FEEL good about their intentions, and won't take any action.
rebaaron • a day ago
Bravo! Another tour de force. We are all in mortal peril until the American people realize that Islam is the enemy, and stop voting for anti-Americans who are aiding and abetting the creation of a caliphate.
IslamDownpressesHumanity rebaaron • a day ago
Islam is an ideology, a religion. How can you defeat a religion without defeating the adherents of that faith? Moslems are the enemy. Moslems who embrace an ideology of evil.
Evermyrtle IslamDownpressesHumanity • a day ago
I have never had any delusions about Islam. Human life means absolutely nothing to them. They worship an evil GOD, and are throwing GOD and HIS SON JESUS CHRIST to the wolves, which is what will bring America to her knees.They will do whatever it takes to control every aspect of American life. World population will be controlled and cut to about 30% of what it is now, I beleive and it makes no difference what it will take to do that, either. In fact the millions of babies being murdered in the USA and around the world is part of the plan. Murdering people on the street and harvesting their organs from their dead bodies is part of the plan. Destroying the right of people to worship GOD and HIS SON JESUS CHRIST is part of the plan. They even have a one world church called "Chrislam" which is an abomination to GOD. This is something that we hear little about, today.
IslamDownpressesHumanity Evermyrtle • a day ago
I've read rumors that moslems in the former Yugoslavia were harvesting the organs of Christians they murdered. I never saw any proof of it though.
Americana IslamDownpressesHumanity • 5 hours ago
Interesting TWIST on the OLD BLOOD LIBEL! Way to go to update the whole blood libel concept and stick it to the Muslims. It's such a contemporary twist to claims Muslims are making money the old-fashioned way — harvesting organs from their dead infidel enemies. However, I've got a question for you, what Allah-fearing, Allah-respecting Muslim is going to want INFIDEL ORGANS INSIDE HIS/HER BODY? Didn't get quite that far w/your whole organ-harvesting premise or you didn't think that would occur to your audience to question who the recipients would be? I mean given that the infidel victims Muslims are currently killing for this organ harvesting operation, it doesn't look to me like there's much hope of getting a kidney or a lung or a heart or anything else out of most of those regions in time for the organs to be viable.Have you got a clue how sensitive organs are to being removed from their owner's blood supply? You can only take a couple of organs out of people if you don't have extensive support laboratory to preserve the organs and/or an IMMEDIATE HOST ready for the recipient transfer. This link below features a chart about organ preservation if you've got the equipment and the laboratory environment to do so:
Pete Americana • 4 hours ago
You seemed to have missed the whole child grooming ans ex trafficking scandal in Britain. But of course you wouldTaqiyya Pet!You are so good looking things up, go look it up.they would touch that with a 10' pole. they would touch that with their junk. So why not extend their lives with infidel organs especially if it deprives a kafir dog of theirs?
Americana Pete • 3 hours ago
What on earth does child sex trafficking have to do w/this organ harvesting business? Surely you've got an explanation for me what the connection is in your mind, Unmenschanable Man. As for Muslims being willing to be given infidel organs, I'm going to have to think about how best to establish whether or not Muslims would be willing to have infidel organs inside them or not. (I'm betting not but I'll wait to hear one way or the other.)Of course, Pete, you wouldn't bother attempting to verify anything like that. You're quite content to simply add your off-topic comment to the general blood libel slur of "they're organ stealers now too, on top of their child sex trafficking!" Well, start your research on child sex trafficking and general sex trafficking so we can have an informed discussion. I think you'll find the U.S. has a thriving sex trafficking business with and without Muslim participation.
Americana Evermyrtle • 4 hours ago
If the Muslims reduce the world's population by about 30%, then what's going to happen to their organ-harvesting operation? There'd be a lot less need for harvested organs if there were 30% fewer people. Besides, if the Muslims intend for Muslims to be the dominant demographic, then why would Muslims want INFIDEL REPLACEMENT BODY PARTS inside their Muslim bodies?
nobullhere • a day ago
9/11, Beslan, Bali, 3/11, 7/7, Mumbai, Nairobi and many other atrocities didn't make people sit up and take notice and neither has the atrocities carried out by ISIS on Christians and Yazidis, plus Boko Haram in Nigeria. If people slept through all of that and still kept up the mantra that Islam is a 'religion of peace', then what difference will one more beheading of Foley make? Diddly squat, I'll say, because the usual excuses and platitudes are still coming out thick and fast.
wildjew nobullhere • a day ago
The question is, why do people / Americans prefer ("Islam is a religion of peace") lies over the truth?
nobullhere wildjew • a day ago
Because kidding themselves makes them feel better, and they fear being called racists and bigots more than anything else. Same with Western Europe, and I suspect Australasia as well.
cep32101 nobullhere • a day ago
That's right. PC leftists don't OFFEND anyone. Offending someone is a crime these days, so look for the people who walk around looking for people to hurt their feelings.
rebaaron wildjew • a day ago
Because of a massive propaganda campaign coming right from the top, aided and abetted by a relentless leftist media and academia, on a scale that matches Goebbels.
wildjew rebaaron • a day ago
There were Germans (a few) who did not believe Goebbels, who listened to the BBC. Today we have 1,000 times more alternate news and information. Another question. For seven plus years, George W. Bush propagated these despicable lies about Islam. Why didn't any conservative challenge his lies? Every time a prominent conservative or Republican leader (like Mitt Romney) acts as an apologist for these savages, shouldn't he be challenged?
KenoshaMarge wildjew • a day ago
Any apologist for these savages should be challenged immediately and unmercifully.
IslamDownpressesHumanity wildjew • a day ago
There were Germans who weren't Nazis. There were Germans who tried to kill Hitler. How many muslims aren't muslims?
wildjew IslamDownpressesHumanity • a day ago
I have a friend who used to (maybe still does) work with pro-Israel +++Italian+++ Sheikh Professor Abdul Hadi Palazzi. You can still find the interview Jamie Glazov did with him this site by Googling "Anti-Terror, Pro-Israel Sheikh." My Israeli friend is certain all the 'crazies' out there are either Wahhabis or instigated by or followers of Wahhabis. I think this is a very dangerous doctrine.
IslamDownpressesHumanity wildjew • a day ago
The Shiite Ayatollahs aren't crazy? The Iranian Ayatollahs are fond of calling for the destruction of Israel and the USA. The present Ayatollah has stated, publicly, that he has had a personal audience w/the mahdi down the well. Although I hope they had their confab in more comfortable accommodations than the well. One of the Ayatollahs of Iraq stated in a fatwah that all kafir are unclean (najjis), as well as dogs, feces and blood.
OOtar59 wildjew • a day ago
Very true. That was one lie by W that "Islam is a religion of peace" that I could never accept. I'm sure he used that phrase just to quell the anger, yet he should have been called out on it anyway.
Michael Garfinkel OOtar59 • a day ago
The "Islam is a religion of piece" line was the stupidest thing Bush ever said; in fact, it will be regarded, historically, as perhaps the most stupid statement ever uttered by an American president.
wildjew cep32101 • a day ago
I did NOT vote for Barack Obama. I voted for George W. Bush. I have higher expectations for a self-professed Christian conservative than I do a radical Muslim-born Marxist who sympathizes with the world of Islam. I have no good or great expectations from Barack Obama. Obama is fulfilling my worst fears, and then some.
Janet Ann wildjew • a day ago
What you say wildjew?"Islam is Peace" Says President
Remarks by the President at Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
September 17, 2001
Michael Copeland Janet Ann • 9 hours ago
Nine simple statements that can easily be verified, but which the main stream media never state…..
mtmla nobullhere • a day ago
No matter all the atrocities under people's noses, there will be people who affirm the violence and murder have nothing to do with Islam because it is a religion of peace(Bush), and the terrorists have hijacked the religion (Sean Hannity). These people of influence should educate themselves about Islam, or they are intentionally lying to the public out of PC.
ConcernedCitizen999 mtmla • 13 hours ago
Probably out of who pays them. Trillions in petro-dollars buys a lot of influence.
Damaris Tighe nobullhere • a day ago
It's not even the first beheading of an American (or a Brit) & previous videos weren't edited in the way Foley's was, so the utter savagery was even more obvious.
swemson • a day ago
Nobody who thinks rationally has had any illusions about Islam since well before the Foley beheading. The real powers that be in our government, know the truth as well... The difference between them and us, is that in the arrogance of their elitism, they think that they can use radical Islam to make the American people give up their freedoms & liberties NOW, as they clamor for safety & security from this very real menace, and then, once the far left progressives solidify their political advances over the right, they think they'll be able to manipulate and control the Islamic world, so that it's no longer a danger to THEM.In the end, unless we manage to do something really significant to change things, they'll wind up paying the price for their own arrogant elitist attitudes, when they find their own heads on the chopping block of radical Islam.......The only question that remains is who is the biggest menace to civilized people... our own elitist progressive politicians or the Islamic world itself....Then again, with Obama being the Manchurian Candidate many of us feared he was, there may be no difference any longer between the two.fs
rebaaron swemson • a day ago
Great post, and the answer to your question is, as Pogo said, I have seen the enemy and it is us. The Arabs are nothing against a determined US. George Bush had his foot on their throat with the American army in the heart of the Arab world. They were shaking in their boots. The perfidious Obama snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, and is planning to give Iran the nuclear bomb. If he succeeds the price of victory is going to be a nuclear war.
Christian Prince vs Muslim " Adult Only Watch This Debate "- You Tube

the only way muslims CAN KNOW christian Prince is lying to us.. is by googling everything he has shown us - once they find OUT - IT IS TRUE WHAT christian Prince says - he will either curse christian prince, or muhammad. as a muslim he must curse christian prince - so in the end only people who want the TRUTH will KNOW GOD.

At 06:43 CP says:
"Everybody in the world buys watermelons to eat except muslims"
Hadith 525 says that even tho it is halal(to use a watermelon) it is still easier than masturbating by hand!
How does Islam consider itself to be credible or truthful advocating sex with animals or all people whether they are dead or alive young or old?
These type of directions can NEVER be from God's book but from Satans book.
Further proof we do NOT share God's, prophets, Jesus, heaven or the Pentateuch with Islam.
"Everybody in the world buys watermelons to eat except muslims"
Hadith 525 says that even tho it is halal(to use a watermelon) it is still easier than masturbating by hand!
How does Islam consider itself to be credible or truthful advocating sex with animals or all people whether they are dead or alive young or old?
These type of directions can NEVER be from God's book but from Satans book.
Further proof we do NOT share God's, prophets, Jesus, heaven or the Pentateuch with Islam.

STOP! making fool out of yourself my dear brothers and sisters, what all book he is referring to, are not hidden from the whole world, just type the chapter and verse number in Google you will get whole information and I challenge you, rather wasting your time commenting worst of the best, find out the real truth by yourself.
however for your reference here are the verses before and after of the VERSE num 23 he mentioned. please go through with it.
Verse 17:
Bear with what they say, and remember Our bondman David, lord of might, Lo! he was ever turning in repentance (toward Allah).
Verse 18:
Lo! We subdued the hills to hymn the praises (of their Lord) with him at nightfall and sunrise,
verse 19:
And the birds assembled; all were turning unto Him.
verse 20:
We made his kingdom strong and gave him wisdom and decisive speech.
verse 21
And hath the story of the litigants come unto thee? How they climbed the wall into the royal chamber;
Verse 22:
How they burst in upon David, and he was afraid of them. They said: Be not afraid! (We are) two litigants, one of whom hath wronged the other, therefor judge aright between us; be not unjust; and show us the fair way.
Lo! this my brother hath ninety and nine ewes while I had one ewe; and he said: Entrust it to me, and he conquered me in speech.
Verse 24:
(David) said: He hath wronged thee in demanding thine ewe in addition to his ewes, and lo! many partners oppress one another, save such as believe and do good works, and they are few. And David guessed that We had tried him, and he sought forgiveness of his Lord, and he bowed himself and fell down prostrate and repented.
Verse: 25
So We forgave him that; and lo! he had access to Our presence and a happy journey's end.
however for your reference here are the verses before and after of the VERSE num 23 he mentioned. please go through with it.
Verse 17:
Bear with what they say, and remember Our bondman David, lord of might, Lo! he was ever turning in repentance (toward Allah).
Verse 18:
Lo! We subdued the hills to hymn the praises (of their Lord) with him at nightfall and sunrise,
verse 19:
And the birds assembled; all were turning unto Him.
verse 20:
We made his kingdom strong and gave him wisdom and decisive speech.
verse 21
And hath the story of the litigants come unto thee? How they climbed the wall into the royal chamber;
Verse 22:
How they burst in upon David, and he was afraid of them. They said: Be not afraid! (We are) two litigants, one of whom hath wronged the other, therefor judge aright between us; be not unjust; and show us the fair way.
Lo! this my brother hath ninety and nine ewes while I had one ewe; and he said: Entrust it to me, and he conquered me in speech.
Verse 24:
(David) said: He hath wronged thee in demanding thine ewe in addition to his ewes, and lo! many partners oppress one another, save such as believe and do good works, and they are few. And David guessed that We had tried him, and he sought forgiveness of his Lord, and he bowed himself and fell down prostrate and repented.
Verse: 25
So We forgave him that; and lo! he had access to Our presence and a happy journey's end.

In the south of Spain i remember one donkey`s owner realised somebody was hurting his donkeys, so he stayed all night hidden watching, with a shotgun, and guess who found raping the animals, three morroccan, not a legend i saw the owner on tv he was really angry they killed some donkeys , really nasty , a watermelon it`s ok but this

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