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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Quaking, Shaking and Freezing

Its True Global Warming Predictions have failed for the past twenty years. The Sun is entering a grand maunder minimum. CO2 is over 400P/M and yet the cold records have dominated the heat records. This Mini Ice Age could last for 200 years. More and more scientist can't go along with the lie of global warming. Humans have survived the last Ice age and we're capable of surviving this one.
Be prepared. Eyes Open, No Fear!


I'm tired and confused about this whole "Global Warming" thing. Half the YouTube Videos say it's getting hotter and half say it's getting cooler.Radio Talk shows say it's all a hoax!. And the Government is regulating us to death with higher gas,Utility,and Carbon Tax. Hell I don't know who to believe.All I know that 2014 was the first time since 1993  I had to wear gloves inS.E.Alabama.So I guess this year I'm leaning toward Global Cooling!. Now watch next year be hotter than hell...

Note- Below is an entire copy of alan caruba's important blog post about recent earth happenings.

I would suggest following his blog, Warning Signs, as he has in my estimation, been very accurate in most subjects. ~ Dee Rohe

Facts, not fantasy Blogspot

AUGUST 31, 2014

Shaking, Quaking, and Freezing

By Alan Caruba

Have you noticed how much earthquake and volcanic activity has been occurring lately?

There was a major earthquake in Napa, California on Sunday, August 24th as well as considerable volcanic activity from Iceland to Papua, New Guinea. August was also a month that set records for colder U.S. temperatures.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there were some 1,097 “low max” temperature records broken in the U.S. between August 1 and August 23, meaning that the maximum temperature during that time period was the lowest it has ever been. NOAA reported that summer across much of the U.S. has been colder than normal.

Most of us, after decades of global warming predictions that became more and more absurd, rising sea levels drowning Manhattan and Miami, an upsurge in hurricanes, forest fires, and every other calamity, have concluded that none of these things have happened in the volume or intensity predicted. In the 70s we were told the Earth would get colder. In the 80’s and 90’s we were told it would get warmer.

A new book is advising us to prepare for a serious cold spell that is not only going to arrive in twenty to thirty years, but will likely stay around to become the next ice age. This time, though, the prediction is based on well-established climate cycles and the behavior of the Sun that was known as far back as Galileo’s day.

The new “normal” is colder weather and this is because the Sun’s sunspot activity has been in a cyclical decline since about 1998, producing the latest cooling cycle for the Earth. 

In combination with the earthquakes and volcanic activity, says John L. Casey’s new book, “Dark Winter: How the Sun is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell” ($24.95, Humanix Books, Boca Raton, FL) what we’re really looking at is a repeat of the Dalton Minimum, a solar sunspot minimum that occurred between 1793 and 1830. His earlier book, “Cold Sun” addressed this cyclical phenomenon.

Casey asks “Will we also experience volcanic activity that will add to the solar cooling?” and the answer, given the fifty active volcanoes around the world, is that “We should expect to deal with multiple geological disasters, including volcanoes and earthquakes, during the next solar hibernation.” We have in fact already entered that “hibernation.”

Casey is the president of the Space and Science Research Corporation. It specializes in independent research regarding the coming decades of cold weather. For thirty-five years Casey has been active in science and high tech industries. He has been a national space policy advisor to the White House and Congress, and a former space shuttle engineer, consultant to NASA headquarters.

Casey has formulated a “Bicentennial Cycle of 206 years correlated with near 100 percent accuracy to every major cold-temperature period of the past 1,200 years.” His Theory of “Relational Cycles of Solar Activity” accounts for its effects and those of other solar cycles.

He is not the first scientist to recognize the relationship of diminished sunspot activity and cooling cycles, but he is the first to have synthesized the earlier work of others who made comparable observations. His Relational Cycles theory, however, is more specific than preceding ones, pegging the arrival of significant global cold climate to begin as early as 2024 or as late as 2036. “My math says 2031” says Casey.

Casey’s book is a prediction of a coming ice age that will have devastating effects for all life on Earth, but my readers know I have been writing about this for several years based on Robert W. Felix’s book, “Not By Fire, But By Ice” ($15.95, Sugarhouse Publishing, Bellevue, WA). I have frequently referenced his website, for its daily updates on cold weather events, records established and broken, and reports on volcanic and earthquake activity around the world.

Before I proceed, the reader should contemplate the fact that not one single child entering or returning to school this year has ever lived in a period of “global warming.” The cooling cycle began around 1997.

You do not need to be a meteorologist to know nothing humans do affects or alters the weather. The claim that “greenhouse gases” such as carbon dioxide are making the Earth warmer is false.

We have been experiencing this as the Earth has cooled, along with increased volcanic activity and earthquakes, and yet on September 23rd the United Nations will hold a “Climate Change Summit” that will be attended by more than a hundred of the world’s presidents and prime ministers. They will continue the greatest international scientific fraud ever perpetrated.

Despite the cooling cycle that is occurring and which will grow in intensity, the U.S. government has devoted billions to global warming research and, as Casey notes, “not one research dollar has been dedicated to the science and planning needed for the United Sates to be prepared for the only climate change that we can expect—a long and potentially dangerous cold climate!”

The U.S. is not taking the steps necessary for the cold that is coming. It has not only failed to encourage the use of our multi-generational reserves of coal, the Obama administration has declared “war” on it, putting several hundred plants out of business, reducing the amount of electricity the nation needs now and will require. Power plants and refineries cannot be built overnight and the lack of them will severely impact our lives and the economy.

Despite thousands of miles of pipelines that safely distribute oil and natural gas, Obama has refused to permit a new one, Keystone XL, for oil to be shipped to gulf state refineries from Canada. Railroad cars needed to transport food crops in a timely manner are being diverted to transport oil. No new nuclear plants are being built on a scale that will be needed. The “grid” that distributes electricity nationwide is in vital need of repair and expansion.

Cold weather will reduce the amount of crops needed to feed the nation’s human population and the stocks of cattle, pigs, sheep, and chickens upon which we depend. This will happen here and worldwide. Famine will be rampant. In countless ways ours and worldwide societies that depend on all manner of technology will be impacted.

Nations and people will fail to prepare for what is coming because (1) they have been deceived by the global warming hoax and (2) we will be leaving behind one of the longest climate cycles other than an ice age, the interglacial warm period. Casey notes that “For the past 11,000 years, we have been living in one of these rare interglacial periods, called the Holocene warm period.”

What we call civilization is the result of the Holocene warm period and, without it, civilization and a global population nearing or surpassing eight billion will be largely decimated as the next, entirely predictable, ice age occurs.

© Alan Caruba, 2014

6 COMMENTS in Alan Caruba's post:

Bruce AB said...
Alan, add 'The Whole Story of Climate' by E. Kirsten Powers to your list of global cooling authors.
Ronald Barbour said...
I agree with you and the Global Cooling experts - We are headed into a New Ice Age.

Also, I listen to President Obama, who has stated on many occasions that we are headed towards Global Warming Götterdämmerung; however, since Obama is a pathological liar, the opposite must be happening.
Harry Dale Huffman said...
I am an independent physicist, not bound to any of the modern dogmas of climate science, on either side of the scientific debate. The mean temperature of the northern hemisphere for the last 1,000 years has been remarkably stable, long-term, as the graph in this April 2014 post shows; as I commented on that site, it shows a modest variation of 1/2 of a degree C, to either side of the long-term mean. Since the new theory you mention here only goes back 1,200 years, it can only be said to match modest global mean temperature changes of approximately that 1/2 degree magnitude or smaller, which of course does not include "ice age" conditions. It cannot be claimed to confidently predict a coming ice age, because such a condition is far outside of its tested range. Actually, global temperature has been just as stable for the last 10,000 years (although I don't have a link to direct your readers on that).

Your readers should know that the choice is not between runaway global warming and oncoming global ice age. The public is poorly served by such false dichotomies in today's public debates (actually, political wars, and continuing as they are, vain, unthinking rehearsals for real war, as they falsely polarize public opinion). My simple Venus/Earth temperatures comparison, utilizing the Earth Standard Atmosphere known for over a century, confirms the Standard Atmosphere model of the troposphere as the true, inherently stable state of the atmosphere, subject to neither runaway warming or cooling. Predictions of doom--warming OR cooling--are no more than misdirected hysteria. The real warnings should be about the ascendancy of religiously-held but false dogmas in the affairs of mankind today, and a crisis of incompetence in even our "best" scientists and most "authoritative"--and supposedly trustworthy--institutions.
Dee Rohe said...
I've been following and reporting on earth changes, climate change, etc. for many years and frequently report on my Global Rumbling blog and Yahoo group of the same name. 'Global Warming' is a convenient lie. So are the two stupid Nobel prizes given shortly after the ridiculous book, and the puppet's being put into office. These earth changes are part of a natural cycle, the whole solar system is going through these changes. I'll feature your blog posting in my blog and give you well-deserved credit. Keep up the good work, Alan!
Alan Caruba said...
Thank you, Dee!

I will visit your blog.
Alan Caruba said...
I hope you are right, Harry, but what I have read of climate cycles tends to make me believe we are on the cusp of the next ice age.

Here's another Global Rumblings postings with excerpts from Warning Signs, by Alan Caruba:

  1.   Cached
    May 20, 2012 · Piers Corbyn believes that the last three winters could be the harbinger of a mini ice age that could be upon us by 2035, and that it could start to be ...
Of interest:


Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Why Earth may be entering a new Ice Age

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Why Earth may be entering a new Ice Age

"The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars."  

"Look to Mars for the truth on global warming," Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post

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Friday, August 29, 2014

Ebola Outbreak Spreads-But Drug worked,Monkey Study

A Liberian health worker prepares his Ebola protective gear Friday, Aug. 29, 2014, in Monrovia, Liberia. The Ebola outbreak spreading through Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria has reportedly reached Senegal.
A Liberian health worker prepares his Ebola protective gear Friday in Monrovia, Liberia. The Ebola outbreak spreading through Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria has reportedly reached Senegal.
Senegal on Friday confirmed its first case of Ebola during a week that has seen more new Ebola infections than any other since the deadly outbreak began in December.

  1. This undated handout photo provided by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and GlaxoSmithKline (NIAID/GSK) shows a vaccine candidate, in a vial, that will be used in the upcoming human Ebola trials. Federal researchers next week will start testing humans with an experimental vaccine to prevent the deadly Ebola virus. The National Institutes of Health announced Thursday that it is launching the safety trial on a vaccine developed by the agency’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and GlaxoSmithKline. It will test 20 healthy adult volunteers to see if the virus is safe and triggers an adequate response in their immune systems. (AP Photo/NIAID/GSK)

    This undated handout photo provided by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and GlaxoSmithKline (NIAID/GSK) shows a vaccine candidate, in a vial, that will be used in the upcoming human Ebola trials. Federal researchers next week...
    • AFP/File 
      1 day ago
    • A man, left, walk past a Ebola awareness campaign poster, in the city of Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Monday, Aug. 25, 2014. (AP Photo/Sevi Herve Gbekide )
      A man, left, walk past a Ebola awareness campaign poster, in the city of Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Monday, Aug. 25, 2014. (AP Photo/Sevi Herve Gbekide )
      4 days ago
    • A quarantine officer decontaminates a bulk carrier at Qingdao port in China that arrived from Ebola-hit Sierra Leone, August 20, 2014 (AFP Photo/)
      A quarantine officer decontaminates a bulk carrier at Qingdao port in China that arrived from Ebola-hit Sierra Leone, August 20, 2014 (AFP Photo/)
      3 days ago
    • Medical staff in protective clothing transport a patient infected with the Ebola virus from a plane to an ambulance at Hamburg airport, northern Germany, on August 27, 2014 (AFP Photo/Axel Heimken)
      Medical staff in protective clothing transport a patient infected with the Ebola virus from a plane to an ambulance at Hamburg airport, northern Germany, on August 27, 2014 (AFP Photo/Axel Heimken)
      2 days ago
    • During a training session participants listen as they stand over a mannequin on a stretcher during a training course to instruct non-governmental organisation (NGO) workers and doctors on how to deal with the Ebola virus in Brussels on Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2014. The course, provided by Doctors Without Borders, trains volunteer and medical personnel on precautions to take when entering a zone that contains the Ebola virus. (AP Photo/Olivier Matthys)
      During a training session participants listen as they stand over a mannequin on a stretcher during a training course to instruct non-governmental organisation (NGO) workers and doctors on how to deal with the Ebola virus in Brussels on Tuesday, Aug....
      3 days ago
    • A Liberian soldier, right, scans people for signs of the Ebola virus, as they control people from entering the West Point area in the city of Monrovia, Liberia, Saturday, Aug. 23, 2014. (AP Photo/Abbas Dulleh)
      A Liberian soldier, right, scans people for signs of the Ebola virus, as they control people from entering the West Point area in the city of Monrovia, Liberia, Saturday, Aug. 23, 2014. (AP Photo/Abbas Dulleh)
      6 days ago
    • Liberian soldiers patrol the West Point area as people's movement is controlled due to fear of the Ebola virus spreading, in the city of Monrovia, Liberia, Saturday, Aug. 23, 2014. (AP Photo/Abbas Dulleh)
      Liberian soldiers patrol the West Point area as people's movement is controlled due to fear of the Ebola virus spreading, in the city of Monrovia, Liberia, Saturday, Aug. 23, 2014. (AP Photo/Abbas Dulleh)
      6 days ago
    • People with foodstuff for family members in the West Point area wait to be allowed into the area as Liberian soldiers control people from entering due to the fear of the Ebola virus spreading, in the city of Monrovia, Liberia, Saturday, Aug. 23, 2014. (AP Photo/Abbas Dulleh)
      People with foodstuff for family members in the West Point area wait to be allowed into the area as Liberian soldiers control people from entering due to the fear of the Ebola virus spreading, in the city of Monrovia, Liberia, Saturday, Aug. 23,...
      6 days ago
    • Liberian soldiers scan people for signs of the Ebola virus, as they control people from entering the West Point area in the city of Monrovia, Liberia, Saturday, Aug. 23, 2014. (AP Photo/Abbas Dulleh)
      Liberian soldiers scan people for signs of the Ebola virus, as they control people from entering the West Point area in the city of Monrovia, Liberia, Saturday, Aug. 23, 2014. (AP Photo/Abbas Dulleh)
      6 days ago
    • A man, right, working for a humanitarian group, throws water in a small bag to West Point residents behind the fence of a holding area, as they wait for a second consignment of food from the Liberian Government to be handed out, at the West Point area, near the central city area of Monrovia, Liberia, Friday, Aug. 22, 2014. (AP Photo/Abbas Dulleh)
      A man, right, working for a humanitarian group, throws water in a small bag to West Point residents behind the fence of a holding area, as they wait for a second consignment of food from the Liberian Government to be handed out, at the West Point...
      1 week ago
Monkeys infected with Ebola survived after being treated with an experimental drug from Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc., in a study that suggests the drug may be effective even after severe symptoms are present.
Monkeys were given three doses of the antibody-based treatment ZMapp starting three to five days after being infected with a lethal dose of Ebola. All 18 monkeys treated with ZMapp survived, while three that weren't given the medicine died, according to the results published today in the journal Nature.
"It is a really, really important study" as it is the longest researchers have waited after infecting monkeys with Ebola to protect all of them with a drug, said Thomas Geisbert, a virologist at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, who wasn't involved in the research. "This has real-world utility."
Some Ebola patients, including the American health workers Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol, have been treated with ZMapp, though the closely held San Diego-based company has said its supply is exhausted. Three health-care workers in Liberia have also been treated with ZMapp. Liberian officials have confirmed that one of them, Abraham Borbor, the deputy chief medical officer of Liberia's John F. Kennedy Medical Center, died.
    Aug 29, 2014 · An experimental Ebola drug healed all 18 monkeys infected with the deadly virus in a study, boosting hopes that the treatment might help fight the outbreak ...

Published Aug. 21, 2014

One of the US aid workers who recovered from an Ebola infection is "thrilled to be alive" as he and another patient are discharged from hospital.

'Miraculous day' As American Ebola Patients Released from Hospital.
American Ebola doctor 'terrified' after catching disease while trying ...
Dr. Kent Brantly and Family

Dr. Kent Brantly, U.S. Ebola patient, releases remarks on discharge ...
Dr. Brantley Thanks Supporters at Discharge from Emory

Dr Kent Brantly, 33, thanked supporters for their prayers at a news conference in Atlanta. Nancy Writebol, 59, was discharged on Tuesday.

The two were brought to the US for treatment
Nancy Writebol

Ebola Drug Used on Two Americans Works in Monkey StudyBloomberg via Yahoo! Finance  - 1 hour 
Monkeys infected with Ebola survived after being treated with an experimental drug from Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc., in a study that suggests ...
Ebola arrives in Senegal, health officials sayThe Christian Science Monitor  - 3 hours 
Authorities say a man who traveled to the West African nation has been confirmed as having been infected with the deadly virus.
Ebola Drug Used on Two Americans Works in Monkey StudyBloomberg  - 2 hours 
Monkeys infected with Ebola survived after being treated with an experimental drug from Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc., in a study that suggests ...
S: Senegal Reports 1st CaseABC News  - 3 hours 
The Ebola outbreak is expected to reach 20,000 in six months.
Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leone Began at a via Yahoo! News  - 20 hours 
An extensive look at the genome of the Ebola virus reveals its behavior, when it arrived in West Africa and how it spread in the region to ...

EBOLA ORIGINS: WHERE...Ebola Vaccine To Be ...Ebola outbreak could...

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