The United Nations, Western governments, media, universities, and talking heads everywhere insist that Palestinians are suffering tremendous abuses from the state of Israel. Conversely, the greatest human rights tragedy of our time -- radical Muslim persecution of Christians, including in Palestinian controlled areas -- is devotedly ignored.
The facts speak for themselves. Reliable estimates indicate that anywhere from 100-200 million Christians are persecuted every year; one Christian is martyred every five minutes. Approximately 85 percent of this persecution occurs in Muslim majority nations. In 1900, 20 percent of the Middle East was Christian. Today, less than 2 percent is.
In one week in Egypt alone, from where my Christian family emigrated, the Muslim Brotherhood launched a kristallnacht -- attacking, destroying, and/or torching some 82 Christian churches (some of which were built in the 5th century, when Egypt was still a Christian-majority nation before the Islamic conquests).
Nor is such persecution of Christians limited to Egypt. From Morocco in the west to Indonesia in the east and from Central Asia to the north to sub-Saharan Africa to the south; across thousands of miles of lands inhabited by peoples who do not share the same races, languages, cultures, and/or socio-economic conditions, millions of Christians are being persecuted and in the same exact patterns.
Indeed, during a recent U.S. congressional hearing, it was revealed that thousands of traumatized Syrian Christians -- who, like Iraqi Christians before them are undergoing a mass exodus from their homeland -- were asking “Why is America at war with us?”
The answer is that very few Americans have any clue concerning what is happening to their co-religionists.
Few mainstream media speak about the horrific persecution millions of people are experiencing simply because they wish to worship Christ in peace.
There, is of course, a very important reason why the mainstream media ignores radical Muslim persecution of Christians: if the full magnitude of this phenomenon was ever know, many cornerstones of the mainstream media -- most prominent among them, that Israel is oppressive to Palestinians -- would immediately crumble.
Why? Because radical Muslim persecution of Christians throws a wrench in the media’s otherwise well-oiled narrative that “radical-Muslim-violence-is-a-product-of-Muslim-grievance” -- chief among them Israel.
Consider it this way: because the Jewish state is stronger than its Muslim neighbors, the media can easily portray Islamic terrorists as frustrated “underdogs” doing whatever they can to achieve “justice.”