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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Another 17 Year Old Kid Shot, No Struggle

Police chief: Marley Lion 'did absolutely nothing to be murdered'

Surveillance video shows Marley Lion, pictured below, losing his life.

Like Trayvon Martin, he was only 17.

Unlike Martin who beat Zimmerman's head to the cement, there was no struggle.

This is an open and shut case. Marley Lion was killed in Charleston, South Carolina, at around 4 am on June 16, 2012. That was just a few months after Trayvon Martin. He was 17.

 The media is silent on this issue.

Obama won't mention him either. 

. Doesn't fit their agenda.

Inquisitr reported:
Police found him lying on the ground outside his Nissan Pathfinder, bleeding to death. Before dying he told police that two black males approached his car, one of them shooting him several times.

Surveillance video was released of the scene showing Lion's SUV in the parking lot of Famous Joe's Bar and Grill. It clearly portrays a gunman approaching his door with a gun at the window where Lion was sleeping. The alarm of the vehicle was set off and the gunman briefly retreated. The gunman then returned again and opened fire.
Charleston police would later arrest four people in connection with the shooting. The Charleston Police Department said they came across the suspects when one of them tried to sell the gun that had been used in Marley’s murder.

17 Year Old Kid Shot, No Struggle, Media Silent:

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