Thanks to Larry Taylor, From the Edge Alerts for this.
--- On Tue, 7/28/09, Glenn Beck <> wrote:
 | July 28, 2009 On Today's Program Obama TOLD us this was coming... Glenn goes through audio clip after painful audio clip of 'The One' basically telling us what he had in store for us. Unfortunately, too many people got caught up in creating funny 'Obama' euphemisms while he was describing his plans to destroy America. Glenn wonders how the woman who giddily professed 'he'll pay my mortgage and put gas in my car' feels now. Because she's most likely still filling up her own car with her own gas money, and paying her own mortgage with her own money. ( Transcript, FREE AUDIO) America: Past, Present and Future...Part IIYes, Mr. Doomsday himself actually believes America has a future! In a special series to the email newsletter all week, Glenn lays out the history of how we got here, where we currently sit in the grand plan and most importantly answers the question fans ask most: what can we do about it? Yesterday showed where we currently stand. Today, the second installment of the series focuses on how we can learn from history and avoid their devastating mistakes. READ | |
 | Gates-gateThe longer this story goes on, the worse and worse it gets for President Obama. He defended his Harvard friend (Henry Gates) and now he's paying the price. After saying the police acted 'stupidly,' the facts are starting to come out and (gasp!) the only stupid person in this situation is Henry Gates. Listen to the 9-1-1 call of the woman who saw the possible B & E in progress. She doesn't even say anything about race until she's asked, and after that she only commits to 'maybe Hispanic.' Good job bashing police with no facts, Barack. Glenn goes over the details and audio of the 9-1-1 call AND the audio of the officer calling in. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) ALSO watch this interview of Officer Crowley's fellow co-workers. It's another devastating blow to Obama in regards to this story. Flushing Taxpayer money...literallyGovernments waste money, this we all know. But usually they at least attempt to cloak the fact they are wasting money. The Obama administration is finding it's pretty difficult to cloak $787 billion in wasteful spending. Spending money on things (not making this up) such as toilet restoration -- tens of millions of dollars in fixing crappers. Amazingly, it gets worse. Where is $2.8 million of the crapper fund going? Glenn explains. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) | |
 | How's the Messiah polling?He's the chosen one, who sends thrills up the legs of many MSNBC news anchors. He captivates members of the mainstream media with his sultry, dazzling, methodical speeches that offer solid annunciation and zero substance. People faint when in proximity of this man because, as Michelle Obama says, he is one of the most brilliant men you will ever meet. So, how is the Messiah faring in the polls after six months? Glenn takes a look at how he stacks up against his predecessors. ( WATCH) More...Glenn's Interview with Michelle Malkin about her new book, Culture of Corruption, in hour 3 of the program today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Just for you, Jill: Glenn took another misguided liberal caller who was off on so many things. Especially annoying was her point about Glenn 'lying' on The View. Just for you Jill, here's the truth about what happened on The View...not that you are interested in that or anything. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Tonight on TV: Didn't know Obama was far left? You should have. Tonight Glenn shows you, in Obama's own words, what he had in store for America. Don't miss Glenn tonight at 5pm on the Fox News Channel. | | | | | 
Gun owners, look what is on the 2010 tax return, All guns must be listed!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGun owners, look what is on the 2010 tax return, All guns must be listed!!!!!