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Monday, May 21, 2007

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007 ??

The Obituary of the World

Part of a continuing proof the our Earth will be dead by 2065, by Virgil Kret, the only audible mental telepath in human history, tortured and enslaved by the United States of America since 1972..
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
9:48:30 PM EDT
The $243 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight
Shark America Two  (Expect A God's Space War Attack on Shark America Zero)
Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days:  176
Note:  Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event
Today:  Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 4--The Village Atheist)
The Battle of Smallville is shaping up; we know how it goes; we know how the dead die; we know how the village atheist comes to fear God.
It is as a movie we have seen before.
We can hear the drumbeat of it, we can pierce the mist of Time and see the big hit right smack in the middle of the psycho-fascist slime, those two cowardly neighboring American "men" who threatened to burn me alive in my home, and we can see the village atheist going from impervious to nervous to shocking understanding.
The fear the village atheist will experience, no, the terror, comes from the fact he supports my neighbors in their attacks on me, and to the hilt supports America's torture-enslavement of me; but that's another story.
We know how this battle is going to go; we have seen this battle before.  Time is my friend, My Friend; I have traveled through Time and walked this battlefield when the battle was over; and only because physics would permit it did I not bring back a cowardly psycho-fascist American "man's" head on my pitchfork as a trophy.
Dear Reader, are you ready to take a paranormal battle ride?  You can get off this tank now, you can go somewhere and hide; but if you see what is about to be seen you will never be the same again; you will have lost your God's Space War cherry.
Mark these addresses, 316 Second Street and 211 Juniper, Smallville, California.  God's Angel of Death will visit one of these households..
Not I, I will not visit, oh no, not I, no such luck, I am an Angel of a Different Duty, this will be a true holy killing of evil for all to see; and all I am commissioned to do is tell you how and why this Earth will be dead by 2065.
After I first came to Smallville a few months ago, in effect driven here by the constant persecution of me by America because I think too loud, I made a promise in this work I had never made before. I promised God would perform a miracle in Smallville; a beautiful miracle, a nice miracle; not lightning striking the preacher's ass, not the river turning blood-red.
After having come under such attack and hatred by the cowardly psycho-fascist American "men" at the above two addresses, I began to describe for you what I call the Battle of Smallville, my confrontation with them taking place on a nearly square piece of land of approximately five acres, the approximate center of which is occupied by my home; a confrontation I say will evolve into Armageddon.
Had this attack not occurred, had these two cowardly psycho-fascist American "men" not threatened to murder me, the Battle of Smallvile would not be taking place; instead, standing alone like a tall red flower in tall green grass, God's miracle would have simply suddenly appeared.
Therefore, as this story develops we are beginning to see two apparently contradictory promises; a miracle by God in Smallville that will be pleasurable to the citizens of Smallville, and the killing by God of one of the two psycho-fascist American "men" who in their glee of torture told me in the pitch black of night of their intent to burn my home down with me in it.
(It is not my house, I do not own it, but it is my home.)
Further, I said the umpire of this event would be the village atheist, who would say yes, it was an Act of God that killed the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man" or no, it was not; meaning the death would be so obviously an act of God that even the most smugly atheistic person west of Reno could see it to be just that.
And yet further, perhaps not yet fully explained, this Act of God will terrify the atheist.
So the dichotomy. what miracle or miracles could happen in Smallville, northern California, south and east of Mount Shasta, that would give the community a rosy glow, kill a wicked coward, and scare the willies out of the village atheist? 
Tall order, don't you think; but God gave me the code which in no uncertain terms covers this, and God has repeated this code at least twice in the past week.  "Two Birds With One Stone".
Unless I have bigger fish to fry I will continue this narration of the Battle of Smallville tomorrow, when I will further describe for you how you are about to lose your God's Space War cherry, and how the psycho-fascist American coward at 316 Second Street has already lost his.

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