Yesterday we were "put on the spot" to have to give a little talk and demonstration at yoga class.I demonstrated a Balance posture and explained about how in disciplining the body, we discipline our minds also. Another talked about turning her face to a light and imagining the Source of Light, and having itinfuse her whole body, calming her many worrisome thoughts with adoration of our dear Lord Jesus.This same dear young woman asked me about how balancing our bodies would help our minds, and I explained the connection of mind and body, one influences each other - as above, so below.A lesson in Balance I needed to be reminded of, especially in these unbalancing times!deexxooThanks to Janis for this:
"Personal Notes" Tracking update on : The Biggest Cosmic Wave ever has
arrived on Planet Earth!
The Cosmic Egg (New Earth) has Hatched!
May 24th 2007
The mental matrix hologram is being scrambled. The old program is
defunct. This is subtle but will become more and more apparent.
This Cosmic Wave is in pouring and likened unto what I would call a
white out.
The power of this Comic(sic) Wave of Light is being received, absorbed and
rippling as Ocean waves arriving upon the shores of consciousnesses.
It is infilling the Rivers of life (the new crystalline grids & all DNA).
The Power of this Source Wave begins the nullifying of the old mental
control patterns. The infilling is with the Heart flow the head will
follow as we catch up.
The illusions of separation on all levels begin to fade quickly into
this (photon) Light.
There is no veil all dimension merge and blend. There is a new spin.
No more fear is served as it is organically spun and transmutes to
higher frequency. there are no enemies or boundaries to protect against.
Our collective Diamond Hearts Unite. Our visions are forthcoming into
As all concepts of time (past, present, future) begin to fade into the
eternal "Now".
All is remembered. No more pain or sufferings to endure. No more
waiting for the rapture of so many distortions as these distortions
are erased forever thru Grace..
The Power of Light/Love of this "New/Now Galactic Day" contains the
only power of this change.
The Planet Earth Shifts as if the Light switch was just flipped on.
The rivers of our life essence begin to flow unimpeded . No more blood
to loose in sacraficaly modes..
Our life force is restored to its orginal idenity once more. The whole
Planet is being Resurrected of the cross of duality by the force and
power from this Cosmic Wave of Light.
No other power but exists here on Planet Earth.
No need to control as there is nothing but the need to Flow.
Free at last! The remaining chains disappear before our eyes. They
were only lies.
The Lion lies down with the Lamb of Peace.
All come home to rest in the arms of Source Creator.
We are the cradle.
The only Power there ever really was is remembered.
We are nothing but this Power called Love.
Nothing else is real.
Many are coming awake in a holy instant. All will become infused with
this Light!
In this scrambling of the mental matrix some are asleep who (think)
they are awake.
Some are awake and think they are asleep.
There will be no sleeping thru this Wave my friends this I know.
All will come to "BALANCE" in this Wave.
It is time to celebrate!!!!!
Many Blessings Kara Kincannon
In Service to the "Planetary Shift of the Ages". 5D realities and
Source Of Light Center> 16790 C.R. 46.0 Aguilar, Co. 81020
Phone:719-941-4129> Leave message
Building the Now Age>
Saturday, May 26, 2007
The Cosmic Egg has Hatched. It'll be Interesting to Watch it Develop!
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