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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Bosnia: land of Pyramids, perfect stone Spheres and new wonders?

Not too far from Medjugorjie..Could this connect Egypt and Marian Apparitions
References to the Sun and to the Moon.. and a Dragon herein!
Bosnia: land of pyramids and new wonders
By Zdravko Ljubas
Sarajevo - New wonders related to purported pyramids in central Bosnia-Herzegovina may soon transform the tiny Balkan country into a world archaeological giant, backers of the pyramids theory are arguing.

A Sarajevo-born American Semir Osmanagic, who strikingly resembles the famous action-movie hero Indiana Jones, still claims that the alleged pyramids in Bosnia were built by a highly-developed civilisation thousands of years ago.

The new evidence discovered in the system of tunnels under the biggest alleged pyramid - the Pyramid of the Sun - in the central Bosnian town of Visoko, Osmanagic told a press conference in Sarajevo, proves the existence of a developed civilisation in that area some 12 000 years ago.

The alleged pyramids in Bosnia were built by a highly-developed civilisation,
"While working in the tunnel, we recently discovered huge sandstone monoliths with some symbols engraved on one of them," said Osmanagic.

Symbols, something like arrows and some also looking like today's letter "E" Osmanagic said, were probably letters of an ancient writing system.

The sample pictures of the symbols discovered in the tunnels under the local Visocica Hill were sent for further analyses to Egypt. An expert for ancient letters and languages, he said, should join a team of Egyptian experts, expected to arrive soon in Bosnia and examine what is believed to be Bosnian Pyramid Valley, about 30km north from Sarajevo.

Besides three purported pyramids - one each for the sun, the moon and a dragon - that he discovered since April last year, when first researches started near Visoko, Osmanagic now claims another two significantly smaller pyramids exist in the valley.

He called them the Pyramid of Mother Earth and the Pyramid of Love.

They accuse Osmanagic of damaging the archaeological artefacts
Thorough research of the alleged Pyramid Valley in Bosnia started earlier this year after preliminary tests - soundings and satellite imagery of the terrain - offered some evidence that at least one, and possibly a couple more may really exist in Visoko.

The soundings showed some materials, such as clay and polished stone pieces, as well as some stones with metal traces which were believed not to have been created by nature.

A local and an Egyptian expert in geology, according to Osmanagic, also confirmed that the huge sandstone blocks were connected by the concrete.

In the foothill of the Pyramid of the Moon, he said, stone tiles with a characteristic pattern, and arranged like a mosaic, was also found, which further confirms the existence of an ancient civilisation there.

An Egyptian geologist, expert in pyramids Ali Abd Alla Barakat of the Cairo-based Egyptian Mineral Resource Authority said he believed in the existence of the pyramids in Visoko.

Barakat, who worked on the famous Egyptian pyramids in Giza, said the ancient builders in Bosnia used the same techniques to link huge stone blocks like those who constructed Egyptian pyramids.

Enver Buza of the Sarajevo-based Geodesy Institute, which also conducted geodetic researches of the terrain, confirmed that the basis of what is believed to be three biggest pyramids in Visoko, perfectly matches with four major sides of the world.

The northern side of so-called Pyramid of the Sun - the biggest suspected pyramid under the Visocica Hill, said Buza, deviates not more than 12mm from the position of the polar star.

The three alleged pyramids have also been positioned to make a perfect triangle.

"There is no doubt that this is a pyramid hidden under vegetation of the Visocica Hill," said Buza and added: "There is no dilemma that we talk about colossal buildings, pyramids."

Bosnian archaeologists and historians, however, still reject the theory on pyramids in central Bosnia, claiming that the most of today's Bosnia was empty or populated by very primitive, underdeveloped tribes in the time when Egyptian pyramids were built.

Through open debates in media they accuse Osmanagic of damaging the archaeological artefacts at the top of the Visocica Hill - remains of a medieval town and a fortress of Bosnian kings.

The local population and businessmen in Visoko accepted the pyramid theory as a perfect magnet for tourists, and as a chance for the fast development of that tiny central Bosnian town.

The pyramids, or the alleged Bosnian Pyramid Valley, however, did not stop Osmanagic in searching for other wonders in Bosnia- Herzegovina.

His Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation has just started research into ancient stone spheres, huge stone balls discovered on several locations from central- to northern Bosnia.

More than 40 such spheres, the biggest reaching a circumference of 5,3 metres, the foundation claims, were found only in the region of the northern town of Zavidovici, while several dozens of the stone balls could also be found in the wider northern region of Bosnia.

The stone spheres, found also in Latin America, according to Osmanagic, were probably built by the same people who built the pyramids in Visoko. The strange, perfectly-shaped balls, he believes, were some sort of "energetic spot" in the ancient world for the region. Nowadays, that region is known as Europe.

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