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Friday, April 07, 2006

Preparations for Tribulation and thoughts

Thanks to Larry Taylor for this!
---- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 12:54 PM
Subject: Warning of Tribulation to Come

Message from the Lord heard on April 3/06
Warning of Tribulation to Come
O, My precious children, I tell you, you must give ear to the prophetic voices whom I have sent forth to warn My people of impending disasters sceduled to come upon many parts of the world. You ignore My words of warning at your peril for there is much that you can do to prepare for these time.
~ Have you considered being able to help others by preparing a storage of food?
~ Have you considered gathering neighbors and friends into a group where you can share ideas and use your talents in making preparation to minister to those in need?
~ Have you considered what you would need if you were unable to buy or sell?
~ Have you thought of stockpiling medications?
~ Have you sought ways of reinforcing your dwelling place?
~ Are you spending time in prayer for My guidance and direction?
I will bring to your minds many other things you can do to prepare for days of tribulation which lie ahead.
Of utmost importance is for everyone to be in spiritual preparation by having all sin confessed and forgiven and by staying close to Me in prayer and in studying My Word. I shall use you, My people, in reaching out to the lost and bringing them to Me. I shall use all your talents in choosing your ministries in these last days.
Now, My beloved, put away all fear of what is to come upon the world for have I not told you in My Word?....
Fear not for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned nor shall the flame scorch you for I am the Lord your God. (Isa. 43: 1b-3a)
As you follow Me, My people, in obedience to My instructions I shall surely protect you and care for you. I shall send you forth on missions for Me and bring you back to nestle under My wings. Know My message of salvation so well that you can present it at a moment's notice to those whom you meet. Commit to memory as much of the Scripture as possible to share with new converts. Obtain as many Bibles as possible to give to the new converts.
I have not said that I would keep you from all tribulation but I do say that I will be with you through all trials. I will keep you strong and help you to minister to those in need. I shall endue each of you with healing ministries so that when you pray for the sick all shall be healed. So, My children, I am calling each of you to join My end time army and I shall teach you to go forth as I direct you. Again, I ask you to discard all fear in your hearts and stand strong for Me. 



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