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Friday, April 14, 2006

The 11 Universal Laws and 11 Spiritual Laws of Creator

From Antarah Rose:
2pm-4:30pm EST
The 11 Universal Laws and 11 Spiritual Laws of Creator
Chief Golden Eagle ~
Standing ElkIn Janauary of 1988 Standing Elk had a Dream~Vision. He sought guidance in a Sweat Lodge. He was Guided to Vision Quest. He was sent to the tallest hill overlooking the Missouri river by the Bald and Golden Eagle, where he was to pray. With the aid of a benedictine priest, Abbot Dennis from Blue Cloud Abbey, they prepared the area on the hill for vision. He was taken to the hill by supporting family members on a cold night. Four days and four nights without food or water, he stood and prayed. A light in the sky appeared during the morning and afternoon hours of his fast. Believing he could 'see' through the blue atmosphere, he thanked the Spirit for allowing him to see the stars during the day. It was soon learned that these were not stars. A medicine from the stars, A Star Altar, the Elk way of the Canupa Wakan was gifted to him through his prayers.
In Savory, Wyoming August 1994
Standing Elk was inivited to help those that needed spiritual enlightenment on a small ranch known as the Antelope Retreat Center in Savory, Wyoming. During the night of August 18, Standing Elk was taken from his room by a Tunkasila and a tall Star relative. He was taken about 50 yards to the north of the house. There were two other star relatives that were standing and holding a metallic beam about 5 feet long. There were many symbols that were embedded into the metal beams. The Star relatives had no hair on their body and they were very beautiful in appearance. The began to communicate, translate and interpret the symbols that were on the bar. In the middle of the transmissions they were interrupted by Standing Elk's son who was looking out the window from the house.
They took Standing Elk back into his room and they left.
Later that year at the International UFO conference in Mesquite, Nevada these same star symbols were presented by ufologist Michael Hesemann. Suddenly, flashbacks of the Orion representatives and the symbols brought back some insights. There were also pictures of the control panels of the Soccorro starcraft. Standing Elk, understood that the symbols interpretation was far from being complete, so he sought further inspiration from his Vision with the Orions.
Returning to South Dakota, Standing Elk began a series of ceremonies utilizing the Sun Dance Altar of his grandson, Deer Man, and the Inipi (sweat lodge). Soon a spirit teacher named Ista Wanzi, One Eye, emerged from the inner worlds to interpret one by one, ceremony by ceremony 11 Universal and 11 spiritual Laws of Creator - grounding our understanding through a name and a basic understanding. The teachings from these ceremonies were the beginning of the writings of MAKA WICAHPE WICOHAN.
At the first Star Knowledge Conference held in Wagner, South Dakota in June 1996, Standing Elk released the 22 Star Laws of Creator through name and a brief interpretation. He then put out a call for further spiritual interpretation to fully ground the Universal and Spiritual teachings.
In July of 1996, on a hilltop in Wyoming, Hehaka Inazin, Standing Elk a Ihanktowan Dakota, was praying during a four day fast, Hamblecia. He was praying for a blessing and direction from the Star Nations . Later that night he was visited by a tall young Native Elder with no eyes. The Elder who he recalls as Ista Wanica came and sat down beside him. No Eyes asked Standing Elk what was the reason for his vision quest. Standing Elk shared the star dream, star visitation and vision and asked for further instructions and understanding. No eyes looked at Standing Elk and laughed. He instructed Standing Elk to go into the Black Hills and do ceremony.
Later in the fall of 1996, Standing Elk, Pathfinder, Silverstar and several spiritual teachers held ceremonies through Canupa Wicohan, (the way of the sacred pipe), to bring through the spirit Grandmothers and Grand fathers. The messages of these ceremonies came to represent the Galactic Federations out reach to Earth's peoples. Approximately 70 spirit helpers of Earth, Stars, and Ascended Realms extended their influence to Earth's kingdoms through the 11:11 Universal and Spiritual Laws and thus created the doorway of Maka Wicahpi Wichohan for the People and all the Relations.
"A Gathering of Native America Elders, Spiritual Leaders and Others has been called, to share the teachings of the Tunkasila and Unci (Grandfathers and Grandmothers), and the spiritual knowledge of the Star Nations, with the people of the Americas and the world. Through my personal contacts, some medicine men have agreed that it is time, because of the closeness and the fulfillment of the prophecies that are vital for our existence as a human race. The sharing of the dreams and visions of the Tunkasila will strengthen the foundation of Nations that are sincerely interested in being that element that will be the foundation of the Thousand Years of Peace. We are all part of the Sacred Hoop that needs to be mended, and we must make a humble effort in this task, if the seventh generation, our grandchildren and unborn are to survive the next awareness."
Mitakuye Oyasin
Standing Elk,
Dakota Spiritual Advisor and Sundance Chief
June 1996


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