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Friday, December 30, 2005

Tropical Storm Zeta!!!!

What alphabet do we go to after this?

WONT41 KNHC 301605
1100 AM EST FRI DEC 30 2005


Portal ..

Quake shakes Pakistan-India border region- Again?

Earthquake shakes Pakistan-India border region


29 December 2005

ISLAMABAD - A moderate earthquake measuring 5.3 on Richter Scale shook parts of northern Pakistan and India early Thursday but there were no reports of any casualties or damage, seismic center officials said.
The epicenter of the quake, which occurred at 3:04 a.m. local time, was located in Hazara division, about 120 kilometers north of capital Islamabad, officials at the seismic center in Pakistan?s northern city of Peshawar said.
The earthquake was felt in Islamabad, Peshawar and Muzaffarabad, capital of Pakistan-administered Kashmir.
India?s Meteorological Department measured the quake at 5.2 on Richter Scale, according to the PTI news agency.
The agency quoted officials as saying there were no reports of damage to buildings or structures due to the tremor in India?s Jammu and Kashmir state.
At least 1,800 aftershocks and moderate earthquakes have been felt since October 8 when a 7.6-magnitude quake wreaked havoc in northern Pakistan and Kashmir, killing some 75,000 people and injuring some 100,000 others.
Portal ..

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Pole Shift in Progress... More booms.. more earthquakes.. Mid America breaking up?

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Earth's north magnetic pole is drifting away from
North America and toward Siberia at such a clip that Alaska might lose
its spectacular Northern Lights in the next 50 years, scientists said

Despite accelerated movement over the past century, the possibility
that Earth's modestly fading magnetic field will collapse is remote.
But the shift could mean Alaska may no longer see the sky lights known
as auroras, which might then be more visible in more southerly areas
of Siberia and Europe.

The magnetic poles are part of the magnetic field generated by liquid
iron in Earth's core and are different from the geographic poles, the
surface points marking the axis of the planet's rotation.

Scientists have long known that magnetic poles migrate and in rare
cases, swap places. Exactly why this happens is a mystery.

"This may be part of a normal oscillation and it will eventually
migrate back toward Canada," Joseph Stoner, a paleomagnetist at Oregon
State University, said Thursday at an American Geophysical Union

Previous studies have shown that the strength of the Earth's magnetic
shield has decreased 10 percent over the past 150 years. During the
same period, the north magnetic pole wandered about 685 miles out into
the Arctic, according to a new analysis by Stoner.

The rate of the magnetic pole's movement has increased in the last
century compared to fairly steady movement in the previous four
centuries, the Oregon researchers said.

At the present rate, the north magnetic pole could swing out of
northern Canada into Siberia. If that happens, Alaska could lose its
Northern Lights, which occur when charged particles streaming away
from the sun interact with different gases in Earth's atmosphere.

The north magnetic pole was first discovered in 1831 and when it was
revisited in 1904, explorers found that the pole had moved 31 miles.

For centuries, navigators using compasses had to learn to deal with
the difference between magnetic and geographic north. A compass needle
points to the north magnetic pole, not the geographic North Pole. For
example, a compass reading of north in Oregon is about 17 degrees east
of geographic north.

In the study, Stoner examined the sediment record from several Arctic
lakes. Since the sediments record the Earth's magnetic field at the
time, scientists used carbon dating to track changes in the magnetic

They found that the north magnetic field shifted significantly in the
last thousand years. It generally migrated between northern Canada and
Siberia, but it sometimes moved in other directions, too.
American Geophysical Union:
Scientists do not realize how quickly these events are going to occur as we approach the D-DAY of the literal pole shift itself. They have been taught that these changes take place of millions of years, while the ancients tell us they take place in a matter of days once a "trigger point" is reached. However, more and more scientists are beginning to realize that catastrophic change does occur, but they still do not realize how often. The precursor events IN THE SUN have now been with us over a decade. The Solar activity will continue to grow more and more unstable as time goes by.
From Liz:  Stuart Best comments..
Larry Park, in his book "Forbidden Secrets of the Earthquake Revealed" has an entire chapter on "Earthquake booms". He says in that earthquakes are very deep and very powerful. "A rare event that occurs in seismically active conditions." Notice that Mr. Park says there are RARE EVENTS. These booms are being reported almost weekly now. This should not be unexpected to those who understand and know Bible and occult prophecies concerning North America and the horrible judgments that are now rapidly approaching.
Commentary - December 19, 2005
Sorry for the long delay in updating this site, that can only be done when time permits. I have been ill with something like a flu but not. In any event, what is now going on around the world is so serious it needs to be brought to everyone's attention. From the approval of torture (don't let the recent news fool you), to the war drums beating against Syria and Iran, to the repeated calls to divide Israel, and the rapid rise of a police state here in America, to Earth Changes, it appears that the Psalm 90 timeline might be correct, If so, hang on to your belts.
The fracturing of the North American Plate has now begun in earnest, it seems. Earthquake booms are being reported in numerous places across the United States, although they are not being reported as such. It seems that the "authorities" are being mum as to what is really going on here as the Lord readies America-Babylon for her final judgment and demise.
At the same time this is happening, George Bush and his administration are applying massive pressure for Israel to divide her land further, and give up part of Jerusalem. The Lord will respond to this in a very angry manner, as has already been seen in previous moves.
Jerusalem again takes center stage
PA, EU and US want city divided; Sharon, Peretz want 'peace' at any cost

As Israelis prepare to choose a new leader and the international community circles, waiting for the day after when it will unleash renewed pressure for the birth of a Palestinian Arab state, the future status of the divinely-chosen city of Jerusalem has again taken center stage.
From what appears to be a major out-gassing event or new volcano forming in Oklahoma, with massive mud and gas geysers that were of last report spreading into a large area, to a low rumbling "boom" heard down south, the pressure on the North American Plate continues to build and will most likely lead to a massive fracture in the middle of the nation in and around the New Madrid Fault zone area. Christian visions seem to confirm this event, with entire towns and cities vanishing as a huge and very deep rift suddenly develops through Oklahoma spreading eastwards towards the New Madrid area. 

Posted By: Kaspel <Send E-Mail>
Date: Saturday, 17 December 2005, 3:14 p.m.

A mysterious force shook buildings from Pascagoula, Mississippi to Chumuckla, Florida Friday morning, but no one News 5 talked to knows exactly what caused it. Sometime between 9:00 and 9:30 am, a thunderous sound rumbled through the Gulf Coast. Not everyone felt it, but those who did all described it in much the same way. Ruthstein Woods in Eight Mile said, "I was laying in the bed watching TV and all of a sudden, it was like big boom, like the ceiling or something was like falling. I jumped up and ran and looked, and I looked outside, but I didn't see anything. It was like real, real shaking and stuff."

Donny George in Midtown felt it, too. "It was more like a sonic boom. I questioned whether or not the space shuttle had come back into the atmosphere, because I'm from Florida. And when the space shuttle comes in there, it makes a sonic boom, rattles the windows," said George. He added, "It rattled the building, rattled the windows. I thought somebody had hit our building."

It shook Harvey Smith as well. "I just heard a loud boom, I thought maybe some kind of sonic boom or something like an airplane breaking the sound barrier, or...but it shook my house. I still don't know what it was."

People from as far away as Pascagoula, Mississippi to Flomaton, Alabama to Chumuckla, Florida called News 5 to tell us they heard and felt something. But because not everyone felt it, speculation rose from the ground to the air. Some suspected military aircraft causing sonic booms by breaking the sound barrier. But News 5 was unable to confirm whether it was a jet. So, the mystery and the speculation continue.
Larry Park, in his book "Forbidden Secrets of the Earthquake Revealed" has an entire chapter on "Earthquake booms". He says in that earthquakes are very deep and very powerful. "A rare event that occurs in seismically active conditions." Notice that Mr. Park says there are RARE EVENTS. These booms are being reported almost weekly now. This should not be unexpected to those who understand and know Bible and occult prophecies concerning North America and the horrible judgments that are now rapidly approaching.
Sorcha Faals just released an update concerning these booms and other Earth Changing events as we read from her latest release:
More concerning are the reports from the United States New Madrid Fault Zone Region where these ?Booms? are being heard without an accompanying earthquake, and as we can read as reported by the KTVO TV News Service in their ?sanitized? November 25th article titled "Explanation found for mysterious boom" and which says, "The mystery surrounding a loud, explosion-like noise that had much of Northeast Missouri talking Tuesday afternoon is now solved. It was apparently a sonic boom, an explosive sound caused by the shock wave preceding an aircraft traveling at or above the speed of sound."

These reports further state that the only modern day comparison to the earthquake events occurring within the North American Plate today are those of this past years 9.3 magnitude Sumatra earthquake catastrophe, and of which we can read, "This was no small earthquake. It ruptured the planet along 750 miles (1,200 kilometers) of fault. Scientists estimate the Indian plate slipped 33 to 50 feet (10 to 15 meters) under the Burma microplate. The fault shook for at least eight minutes. A typical large earthquake lasts 30 seconds or so. Earth's very gravity balance was altered, and the North Pole shifted by an inch."

Not being reported to the American people are how rare in fact these earthquake ?booms? are, and as we can read as reported by the United States Terra Research Instituted in their report titled ?Mystery of 'The Earthquake Boom?: a real earthquake" and which says, ?Earthquake Boom is a very loud, deep sounding explosion, which emanates from the earth. If directly above emanation, directional determination may be difficult as sound is not from a distinct direction as it is from a wide area of earth?s surface. It is a higher frequency audio form of the traditional shaking earthquake even though current seismographs cannot ?see? or ?record? them.

Scalar devices are able to clearly ?see? these events along with the rest of the earthquake ?family? of earth-generated events such as the ?silent? or ?slow? earthquake. Another relative to the ?family? is the earth ?lurch? and a ?fast version of slow? earthquake ? these yet to be discovered by mainstream science. These loud explosions have been witnessed by many over the years. They also accompany traditional earthquakes as these are part of the mix of seismic activity

City residents of Spokane, Washington in the summer of 2001 experienced a classic series of explosions (earthquake booms) and earthquakes in a flurry of shallow earthquake swarms. Seismologists were unable to record these booming events on seismographs.?

And since that report these earthquake ?Booms? have continued, and as we can read as reported by New Jersey?s Daily Record News Service in their article titled "Earthquake jolts northeast Morris: Reports of loud boom from 2.1 temblor" and which says:

"The loud boom came first. Then, the house shook. Shortly after 10:30 p.m. Thursday, Nancy Wood jumped from her chair inside the living room of her Lakeview Drive home in Kinnelon's small Lake Reality community. "Did the furnace explode?" she wondered. "Or did somebody slam the garage door really hard?" Shortly afterward, she felt a tiny jolt, like a little wiggle, she said. It was an aftershock. "As soon as I went out and asked my husband, 'Did someone slam the garage door?' we looked at each other and said, 'Oh, no,'" Wood said. The boom was exactly what they feared: an earthquake."

Unlike other Regions of the World where the signs for a greater catastrophic earthquake to come are always heeded, by both citizens and governments alike, in the United States there is no evidence that their citizens are preparing.  Even more concerning about them is that with their Darwinian Mindsets, and where everything is ?broken into pieces?, the do not even see the full meanings of the signs they are being given.

This cannot be said though about the animals in their Nation, and who when ?knowing? of the dangers to come protect themselves, and which they are doing in the United States today, and as we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled "Scientists Say Global Warming Causing Migration In Yosemite" and which says:

"Scientists studying Yosemite National Park's wildlife say the effects of global warming may be forcing several animal species to move to higher altitudes. A team of scientists from U-C Berkeley were retracing a recorded account of the park's mammals, birds and reptiles catalogued about 90 years ago when they made the discovery."

But not to the reasons of ?Global Warming? are the animals of the American Western Coastlines seeking higher ground, but rather for the event that we can read as described by seismologists in the United States, and as reported by the United Press International News Service in their article titled "Giant tsunami could hit U.S. West Coast" and which says:

"Seismologists are warning the U.S. West Coast could be hit by a catastrophic tsunami, with waves as high as 100 feet or more.More than a million people in California live in areas that might be affected by a tsunami, and another million visit the state`s beaches on a typical summer day, according to a California Seismic Safety Commission study, the Los Angeles Times reported Tuesday.

There have been 80 tsunamis in California during the past 150 years, and geological records show previous waves reached heights of 60 feet or more. The indications are simple, said Lucy Jones, scientist-in-charge for the U.S. Geological Survey in Southern California -- a long earthquake after which the water recedes. Jones says beachgoers seeing the water recede should run far inland and stay away from the beach for at least 12 hours, since tsunamis are actually a series of waves that can last for hours.

'You need to know that if you have a five-minute earthquake, there will be a tsunami,' Jones told the Times. 'That`s inevitable.... The really terror scenario is that it`s a summer day and there`s a million people on the beach."

© December 14, 2005, EU and US all rights reserved.
Now the fact that these events are both deep and powerful and rare, should indicate to anyone that something is going on deep underneath the North American Plate, and when this is coupled to the time lines of the Bible for the Return, one should at least come part way out of their comatose state and begin to stir. But the people of Babylon-America are totally oblivious to all of it.
Fractures are now underway deep within the plate, as a prelude to surface activity in the form of new volcanic activity and major rips in the surface and a prelude to magma uprisings and new volcanoes forming in areas never known to have them previously, such as what appears to be happening on Oklahoma, although it will not be reported to the general public.
The event in Oklahoma is far more serious than people realize when coupled with all of the other earth changes throughout the world, and in fact went unreported by major media that we watched, but may have been presented as a short blurb and then removed as part of the overall censorship of Earth Changes that is going on at all levels of government. We quote from the Saucha Faals news release:
"Mysterious Kingfisher-area gas geysers leave officials puzzled"

?Mysterious unrefined natural gas leaks erupting in rural Kingfisher County in recent days continue to have officials puzzled as to their cause. "We originally thought a pipeline had exploded," said Matt Skinner, Oklahoma Corporation Commission public information manager. "We had the pressure to zero pressure, and the leaks seemed to get bigger. So that's not it." Skinner had said at a press conference Monday geologists and hydrologists are beginning to study underground maps of the area to find an explanation. "We've ruled out the probables, and now we're into the unprobables," he said. "We've never seen one like this before, one that covers such a large area. It's another animal."Skinner  said the leak was unusual because of its size and that it was "moving with no explanation."

Russian Scientists have long noted that one of the first areas of the North American Continent that will begin to experience the mid-continent splitting of the North American Plate would in fact be the near Meer?s Fault Zone Region, and which has further been confirmed by United States Scientists, and as we can read from one of the United States reports on this Region titled "Evaluation of Potential Aseismic Creep Along the Ouachita Frontal Fault Zone, Southeastern Oklahoma" and which says:

?This fault is the westernmost of a series of thrust faults within the Paleozoic southern Ouachita fold and thrust belt (Figure 2). The orientation and location of the Choctaw fault are favorable to re-activation in the present-day stress field observed in the mid-continent. Based on our initial field reconnaissance, we cannot rule out the possibility of aseismic tectonic creep on the fault, as suggested by previous workers. In the town of Atoka, the fault traverses a small, linear hill upon which there is an alignment of historic damage to cultural features (e.g., sidewalks, curbs, pipelines, rock walls) from left-lateral ground movement. On the basis of about 140 mm of left-lateral offset of a sidewalk (dated October 27, 1914), we estimate a rate of left-lateral offset of about 1 to 2 mm/yr. In a qualitative sense, this rate seems reasonable given the degree of deformation observed in houses and other cultural features along this alignment i. Early workers concluded that the damage is not related to downslope movement, freeze-thaw processes or dissolution collapse, and instead is due to faulting in the absence of earthquakes (i.e., aseismic creep).?

To these events we have likewise reported on many times, including our November 26th report titled "United States Prepares For ?Catastrophic Event? As US Justice Department Orders New Crackdown on Journalists and Dissenting American Citizens", and wherein we had evidenced the growing numbers of ?Booming? earthquakes in North America, and which are associated with Massive Plate Fracturing, and as we reported:

As reported by the Post and Courier News Service in their November 20th article titled "Quake surprises Summerville [South Carolina]" and which says, "The boom heard across much of Summerville, and the vibration that followed, was actually a little earthquake, the second this year in the area, according to Pete Jenkins, director of the Earthquake Center at Charleston Southern University. The quake, which struck about 3 p.m. Saturday, raised eyebrows and worried children, but caused no damage. The U.S. Geological Survey took note of the event but did not report its magnitude as of late Saturday."

As reported by the KOMO TV News Service in their November 23rd article titled "4.1 Quake Rattles Bellingham Area" and which says, "A small earthquake shook the area around Deming in Whatcom County Wednesday. There were no initial reports of any injuries or property damage. In the first half hour after the quake, 25 people reported feeling it, describing the shaking as moderate. Some people who called the media reported hearing a loud boom before the quake."

As reported by the Associated Press News Service in their November 23rd article titled "Tiny earthquake shakes St. Louis region" and which says, "No major damage was reported after a minor earthquake shook the St. Louis region. The tiny quake [2.5 magnitude], centered 10 miles southeast of St. Louis, struck around 11 p.m. Tuesday in East St. Louis, Ill., said Waverly Person, a geophysicist at the National Earthquake Information Center in Denver."

As reported by the Thunder Bay Chronicle News Service in their November 25th article titled "Big bang shakes up Dryden area" and which says, "What seismologists are calling a ?small? 1.5 magnitude earthquake, also reported that the couple heard a deafening bang, like a sonic boom or explosion."

Not just to the increasing frequency of these earthquakes upon the North American Plate, but also to the ?Boom? noises being reported that are accompanying them are most significant according to these reports as these ?booms? are the indicators of earthquakes of massive plate fracturing, and not associated with normal earthquake movements.

More concerning are the reports from the United States New Madrid Fault Zone Region where these ?Booms? are being heard without an accompanying earthquake, and as we can read as reported by the KTVO TV News Service in their ?sanitized? November 25th article titled "Explanation found for mysterious boom" and which says, "The mystery surrounding a loud, explosion-like noise that had much of Northeast Missouri talking Tuesday afternoon is now solved. It was apparently a sonic boom, an explosive sound caused by the shock wave preceding an aircraft traveling at or above the speed of sound."

These reports further state that the only modern day comparison to the earthquake events occurring within the North American Plate today are those of this past years 9.3 magnitude Sumatra earthquake catastrophe, and of which we can read, "This was no small earthquake. It ruptured the planet along 750 miles (1,200 kilometers) of fault. Scientists estimate the Indian plate slipped 33 to 50 feet (10 to 15 meters) under the Burma microplate. The fault shook for at least eight minutes. A typical large earthquake lasts 30 seconds or so. Earth's very gravity balance was altered, and the North Pole shifted by an inch."

You can see how the news is censored, and a new spin it applied to it, as the sleeping Americans await their demise. We have confirmed all of her reports, except that of the Russia scientists, but see nothing wrong with their assessment concerning the North American Plate.
The earth has entered in a very serious increase in major earthquake activity, with quakes of major magnitude being reported over the globe. These quakes, along with volcanic activity increasing, indicates that that magma is slowly moving upwards towards the surface in preparation for the coming judgment of the nations. Out-gassing smells have been reported in many places across the United States.
Bible prophecy is very clear concerning this rising magma, as is the Book of Enoch and many occult prophecies.
Along with the event on Oklahoma came the bursting of a major dam right after a 1.9 earthquake in the region: The AP reported:
"The Upper Taum Sauk Lake Dam failed this morning, causing large amounts of water to move rapidly downstream and creating what officials called a "very dangerous situation." The break occurred at 6:24 a.m. at the dam in Reynolds County, about 120 miles southwest of St. Louis. A family of five was rescued, and one person was missing, Reynolds County Sheriff's dispatcher Ginger Bell said. But she said authorities have not yet been able to get to nearby Johnson Shut-Ins State Park.

A National Weather Service bulletin warned that the water would move rapidly downstream along the Black River, creating a "dangerous and life-threatening situation." Residents of Lesterville and elsewhere downstream from the dam were urged to move quickly to higher ground."
Earthquake activity is increasing to the world over with no let up in sight. So what is really happening? Rogue scientists have proposed a concept known as the EXPANDING EARTH, at that the Earth has undergone expansion before - usually accompanied by magnetic pole shifts and literal surface pole shifts. Ancient documents report that the Earth underwent violent trembling and shook violently. The Book of Isaiah indicates this is going to happen again in the not far distant future:
Isa 24:19-22
The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.

The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.
 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.

The cause of this appears to be the possibility of ANOTHER EARTH EXPANSION, with pressure building in the core of the Earth as a result of both Central Sun and Solar activity, along with the approach of the destroyer. We know that all of the planets in the Solar System, along with the Sun itself, are undergoing major changes. The Earth is obviously not exempt. The Book of Enoch may give us a clue as to just how serious these reports are:
"Great fear and trembling shall seize them (people of the Earth), even to the ends of the earth. The LOFTY MOUNTAINS SHALL BE TROUBLED, and the EXALTED HILLS DEPRESSED, MELTING LIKE A HONEYCOMB IN THE FLAME. The Earth shall be immerged, and all the things which are in perish, while judgment shall come upon all, even upon all the righteous..."
The above indicates that the rising magma finally breaks through all over the world, and the world as we know it vanishes under the lava seas that break fourth.  I believe that this event is the judgment of the nations that are thrown into the "lake of fire".
Reports are coming in from all over the world as to undersea volcanic "vents" that appear to be mush more widespread than thought. Volcanic activity under the oceans is increasing at a very rapid and alarming rate:

Hydrothermal "Megaplume" Found in Indian Ocean
Brian Handwerk
for National Geographic News
December 12, 2005

An enormous hydrothermal "megaplume" found in the Indian Ocean serves as a dramatic reminder that underwater volcanoes likely play an important role in shaping Earth's ocean systems, scientists report.

The plume, which stretches some 43.5 miles (70 kilometers) long, appears to be active on a previously unseen scale.

"In a nutshell, this thing is at least 10 times?or possibly 20 times?bigger than anything of its kind that's been seen before," said Bramley Murton of the British National Oceanography Centre.

Scientists reported the finding last week at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco. Researchers also announced newly discovered deep-sea hydrothermal fields in the Arctic Ocean and the south Atlantic.

The appearance of hydrothermal vents around the world suggests that they are a far more common part of the ocean system than once believed and could be a major influence on circulation patterns and ocean chemistry.

Scientists are only beginning to identify the tectonic conditions that may indicate where the fields can be found, but the possible locations are increasing.

"I'd be surprised if in the next five years we didn't experience a mini-revolution in terms of finding these [fields] in places where they are not supposed to exist," said geophysicist Robert Reves-Sohn of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Volcanic Bombshell

Hydrothermal vents are volcanic hotspots that emit gasses and mineral-enriched water as hot as 760°F (400°C). The heat from these vents supports unique ecosystems where creatures survive using thermal and chemical energy in place of sunlight.

Megaplumes like the one found in the Indian Ocean are probably caused by undersea volcanic eruptions, though scientists aren't yet certain.

"Once formed they can possibly hang around for years," Murton said. The heat from such events could have a dramatic effect on ocean circulation, which plays a role in determining Earth's climate.

"The energy content is an order of magnitude greater [than ordinary plumes], and the thermal power may be many orders of magnitude greater," Murton said.

This undersea activity is increasing, and will lead to an increase in ocean temperatures, which in turn will lead to further melting of the both poles, and a change in sea currents, which in turn will lead to severe climate and weather changes all around the world. The prophecies against America-Babylon include A NATIONWIDE DROUGHT of such severe proportions that it dries up all the rivers, lakes, streams and ponds all across the nation. This is true of both Bible prophecy and occult prophecies.
Along with all of these increasing changes is a with a more rapid shifting of the magnetic poles:
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Earth's north magnetic pole is drifting away from
North America and toward Siberia at such a clip that Alaska might lose
its spectacular Northern Lights in the next 50 years, scientists said

Despite accelerated movement over the past century, the possibility
that Earth's modestly fading magnetic field will collapse is remote.
But the shift could mean Alaska may no longer see the sky lights known
as auroras, which might then be more visible in more southerly areas
of Siberia and Europe.

The magnetic poles are part of the magnetic field generated by liquid
iron in Earth's core and are different from the geographic poles, the
surface points marking the axis of the planet's rotation.

Scientists have long known that magnetic poles migrate and in rare
cases, swap places. Exactly why this happens is a mystery.

"This may be part of a normal oscillation and it will eventually
migrate back toward Canada," Joseph Stoner, a paleomagnetist at Oregon
State University, said Thursday at an American Geophysical Union

Previous studies have shown that the strength of the Earth's magnetic
shield has decreased 10 percent over the past 150 years. During the
same period, the north magnetic pole wandered about 685 miles out into
the Arctic, according to a new analysis by Stoner.

The rate of the magnetic pole's movement has increased in the last
century compared to fairly steady movement in the previous four
centuries, the Oregon researchers said.

At the present rate, the north magnetic pole could swing out of
northern Canada into Siberia. If that happens, Alaska could lose its
Northern Lights, which occur when charged particles streaming away
from the sun interact with different gases in Earth's atmosphere.

The north magnetic pole was first discovered in 1831 and when it was
revisited in 1904, explorers found that the pole had moved 31 miles.

For centuries, navigators using compasses had to learn to deal with
the difference between magnetic and geographic north. A compass needle
points to the north magnetic pole, not the geographic North Pole. For
example, a compass reading of north in Oregon is about 17 degrees east
of geographic north.

In the study, Stoner examined the sediment record from several Arctic
lakes. Since the sediments record the Earth's magnetic field at the
time, scientists used carbon dating to track changes in the magnetic

They found that the north magnetic field shifted significantly in the
last thousand years. It generally migrated between northern Canada and
Siberia, but it sometimes moved in other directions, too.
American Geophysical Union:
Scientists do not realize how quickly these events are going to occur as we approach the D-DAY of the literal pole shift itself. They have been taught that these changes take place of millions of years, while the ancients tell us they take place in a matter of days once a "trigger point" is reached. However, more and more scientists are beginning to realize that catastrophic change does occur, but they still do not realize how often. The precursor events IN THE SUN have now been with us over a decade. The Solar activity will continue to grow more and more unstable as time goes by.
As to whether or not an major quake that results in a "rift" and sea inundation through the middle of America occurs before the break-up of western coastal regions remains to be seen. One may obviously trigger the other, and we do not know which way this will go. The obvious answer is that America-Babylon is being set up for the kill, which includes dire punishments for the apostate Christians as well as sea inundations, land sinking under both the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific. We are also warned by the mystics and seers that major changes will occur throughout the GREAT LAKES REGION and that massive water inundations will occur in that region as well.  As America-Babylon splits Israel, so too will the Lord split America into two parts.
The point of all of this is that massive changes are coming, and appear to be coming much more rapidly than anyone expected, and that "normal" is past history, and nothing will be "normal" from this time forward. It must also be pointed out that the end result is far worse than anything ever recorded in history, and only a small group of mankind will survive. One cannot fathom waves of water rushing over entire nations over a mile or two miles high when the literal polar shift occurs. One cannot fathom winds in excess of 1200 miles per hour. One cannot fathom the Sun giving off seven times the light it does now. One cannot fathom the moon giving off the light of Sun, or the moon changing its orbit and moving much closer to the Earth, yet all of this awaits us in the near future as we enter deeper and deeper into phase one of the EARTH CHANGES.
We have long advocated that those who live on the coastal regions all around America strongly consider moving inland to safer ground. The time is NOW. The vast majority of Americans are fast asleep, and many who are not do not connect the dots, or realize who is who in Bible prophecy, due to the lies and fabrications of the false prophetic teachers than abound in Babylon. No one likes NEGATIVE NEWS. Few respond to the actual truth, even when proven right before their eyes. It is not a new thing, it is as old as Mankind.
Keep your eyes and ears open wide as we enter 2006 and look for WORLD WAR THREE TO DEVELOP IN THE NEAR FUTURE, from 2006-2008. Watch for the continued breakup of the North American Plate and for severe fractures of the Earth in places not known for earthquake activity prior to now. Watch for news of NEW VOLCANOES forming where none were in previous history, and watch as ancient volcanoes come to life all over the globe. Watch for more and more articles to appear concerning the strange activity of the Sun, and soon the moon and the heavens.
Portal ..

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Huge Waves Crash Onto California Coast

Amazing.. we had lots of surf and waves in Daytona Beach on our vacation last week.. not as big as these but very unusual.  Made me wonder if there was a storm out there.  deexxoo
Huge Waves Crash Onto California Coast
Dec 21, 11:08 PM (ET)

(AP) Spectators line the bluff at La Jolla Cove to get a good look at the large surf in San Diego,...
Full Image
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Huge waves pounded the Southern California coast Wednesday, forcing the rescue of struggling surfers, closing piers and causing minor flooding.
The National Weather Service warned of breakers 15 feet to 20 feet or higher in coastal areas northwest of Los Angeles, and waves exceeding 15 feet along San Diego County.
The swells were generated by storms in the Pacific, but the first day of winter in Southern California was summerlike and crowds gathered on beaches to watch the churning surf.
The piers at Santa Monica, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach were closed, said Los Angeles County lifeguard Capt. Terry Harvey. In San Diego County, piers at Ocean Beach and Imperial Beach also were closed.
"We're trying to warn surfers that we have high surf and strong rip currents and they should use extreme caution," said Venice Beach lifeguard Capt. Mike Cunningham.
At Seal Beach, a surfer trying to ride big waves broke a leg when he was thrown into the sand, said lifeguard Capt. Ross Pounds.
Huge surf also pounded San Diego's beaches. In Encinitas, a north San Diego suburb, thousands of spectators - mothers with strollers, bicyclists in helmets, and businessmen in suits and ties - stopped for a glimpse. In San Diego, extra lifeguards were posted.
"This is the kind of day we all wait for," John Roseman, who rode waves in La Jolla, told The San Diego Union-Tribune.
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

700,000 People affected in Thailand flooding..

 More rain predicted..

Southern Thailand floods remain serious

Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said flooding across southern provinces remained "very serious" as forecasters predicted more rain in some areas.
Prolonged floods across eight provinces have left 27 people dead and three missing since late November, while almost 700,000 people have sought government help, been evacuated or suffered property damage.
"The southern flood situation is very serious now with the unprecedented rainfall so far, especially with Hat Yai city facing problems with drainage, and Pattani province worsened by a high tide," Thaksin told reporters.
Speaking in between meetings of his cabinet on Tuesday, Thaksin said the refusal of residents to move from homes along waterways in Hat Yai was complicating efforts to widen the canals.
"I have learned that during December 21 and 22 there will be more rain from a tropical storm, the last storm of this season," Thaksin said.
Interior Minister Kongsak Vantana said the flood situation in Pattani province remained critical because of water flowing from neighbouring Yala province, which borders Malaysia, and a high tide.
Kongsak said residents of almost 180,000 households in the region, representing about 670,000 people, had suffered property damage or needed help, although waters were receding in Narathiwat and Satun provinces.
"The government has endorsed a budget for reconstruction of up to 800 million baht (19.5 million dollars)" or about 100 million baht per province, Kongsak said.
Government spokesman Surapong Suebwonglee said the cabinet had held a video conference Tuesday morning with eight governors from the flood-hit provinces for an update.
He said the Education Ministry estimated about 560,000 students from 2,200 schools across the region had been affected.
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Ancient Frozen ground THAWS... collapses!


Ground Frozen Since Ice Age Thaws and Collapses

Robert Roy Britt
LiveScience Managing Editor
Tue Dec 20,12:00 PM ET
Melting permafrost is damaging roads and buildings in Alaska and Russia and threatens to get much worse as the planet grows warmer, researchers said this week.
Up to 90 percent of the permafrost at the surface of the Northern Hemisphere could melt by the end of this century, leaving gaping holes in the ground and collapsed structures, roads and railways in northern regions.
In what scientists predict to be a vicious cycle, the thaw will release more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, further exacerbating global warming.
The meltdown of northern soil is already underway. Other teams have noted sunken railways, damaged structures and increased numbers of rock-falls at high elevations owing to thawed boulders.
Getting worse
Permafrost is soil that remains frozen through summer. Even in regions where a surface "active layer" thaws seasonally, a deep layer of permafrost exists below and has been frozen since the last Ice Age.
Permafrost covers about a quarter of the Northern Hemisphere's land area.
The top 10 feet (3 meters) or more of this perennially frozen soil could be decimated in the next few decades, altering ecosystems and causing damage across Canada, Alaska, and Russia, according to new computer simulations from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
By 2050, the topmost layer of permafrost could be gone across more than half this region, with 90 percent of it melted by 2100 [map].
"Thawing permafrost could send considerable amounts of water to the oceans," said study team member Andrew Slater of the University of Colorado's National Snow and Ice Data Center.
Water runoff to the Arctic has increased about 7 percent since the 1930s, Slater said. That could jump by up to 28 percent by the end of the century depending on the extent of greenhouse gas emissions which, according to a report today, are on the rise in the United States, which refuses to agree to an international plan to cut the output.
Early signs
Other studies have documented actual permafrost reductions already under way. Several researchers presented preliminary findings on the problem a year ago at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
Slater and NCAR's David Lawrence, who led the new study, reviewed some of the observed changes: Pocket of soil have collapsed in central Alaska, causing buckled highways, destabilized homes, forests with trees that lean at wild angles, and outright holes in the ground; industrial facilities in Siberia have reported significant damage.
The new work is the first to project future change in permafrost based on a global model that takes into account changes in the atmosphere, ocean, on land, and with sea ice and the overall effects on freezing and thawing in the soil.
The researchers also estimate that permafrost holds up to 30 percent of the world's carbon. As the ground melts, it could put more greenhouse gas into the atmosphere than what is produced by burning fossil fuels.
"If the permafrost does thaw, as our model predicts, it could have a major influence on climate," Lawrence said.
The study, announced yesterday, is detailed in the Dec. 17 issue of the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
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Mag 3.0 Earthquake in Louisiana, close to New Orleans

Oh great. First Hurricanes, now Earthquakes.
Getting too close for comfort.
    FEMA is gonna get busier.

Magnitude 3.0 - LOUISIANA
2005 December 20 00:52:20 UTC

Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver
A minor earthquake occurred at 00:52:20 (UTC) on Tuesday, December 20, 2005. The magnitude 3.0 event has been located in LOUISIANA. (This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.)
Small globe showing earthquake
Small map showing earthquake
Magnitude 3.0
Date-Time Tuesday, December 20, 2005 at 00:52:20 (UTC)
= Coordinated Universal Time
Monday, December 19, 2005 at 6:52:20 PM
= local time at epicenter

Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
Location 30.275°N, 90.703°W
Depth 5 km (3.1 miles) set by location program
Distances 10 km (6 miles) ESE (110°) from French Settlement, LA
15 km (9 miles) ESE (118°) from Port Vincent, LA
17 km (10 miles) SW (232°) from Killian, LA
47 km (29 miles) ESE (116°) from Baton Rouge, LA
70 km (44 miles) WNW (299°) from New Orleans, LA
Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 29.8 km (18.5 miles); depth fixed by location program
Parameters Nst= 10, Nph= 10, Dmin=412.1 km, Rmss=0.96 sec, Gp=234°,
M-type="Nuttli" surface wave magnitude (MLg), Version=6
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Mammatus Clouds.... Not often seen....

Definitely not chemtrails.
These photos are by Jorn Olsen.

Jorn Olsen works for the Dutton-Lainson Co. in Hastings, Nebraska, and lives next to Hastings College. The stadium lights are at the Hastings College stadium just east of his home.  The clouds are called Mammatus clouds and there's a link on this URL that tells about them.  They do not precede a tornado, or fortell a storm, but  are formed when the air is already saturated with rain droplets and/or ice  crystals and begins to sink.  The worst of the storm is usually over when  these kind of clouds are seen.  They are quite rare, but really beautiful.
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Solar System is getting Crazier... per scientists..


The Solar System Gets Crazier

Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
Mon Dec 19,11:00 AM ET
A swath of space beyond Neptune is getting stranger all the time as astronomers find an ever-more diverse array of objects in various orbits and groupings.
A pair of discoveries this month along with a handful of others in 2005 have begun to reveal what some astronomers long suspected: The outer solar system contains a dizzying array of round worlds on countless odd trajectories around the sun, often with multiple satellite systems.
The problem is, current theories of the solar system's formation and evolution can't account for it all.
Several discoveries
What is now called the Kuiper Belt was proposed in the 1940s by Irish economist and astronomer Kenneth Edgeworth and separately by American astronomer Gerard Kuiper in 1951. The first object out there was found in 1992. Now several worlds a third as massive as Pluto and larger are known to roam the solar system's outskirts, including one revealed this year that is at least as big as Pluto and considered by some to be the 10th planet.
Meanwhile, discoveries of binary setups in the Kuiper Belt have led experts to estimate that at least 10 percent of large Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) have moons.
The premier KBO is actually Pluto, considered by most astronomers to be a member of the region rather than a true planet (though many say its historical and cultural significance as a planet suggest it should have dual status). In October, Pluto was found to have two small satellites in addition to its large moon Charon.
A KBO known as 2003 EL61, which is about one-third as massive as Pluto, was found in January to have a moon. This month, researchers led by Mike Brown at Caltech announced it has a second small satellite. Many other KBOs could have multiple moons that can't yet be detected.
"It appears likely, now, that other [large] Kuiper Belt Objects ... might also have multiple satellite systems," Brown said.
Inexplicable path
On Dec. 13, another group said they'd found an object half the mass of Pluto orbiting twice as far from the Sun as Neptune. The object's path has them puzzled.
The faraway world is catalogued as 2004 XR 190 and known temporarily as Buffy. It was discovered as part of the Legacy Survey on the Canada France Hawaii Telescope.
"It was quite bright compared to the usual Kuiper Belt Objects we find," said the University of British Columbia's Lynne Allen, who was part of the international discovery team. "But what was more interesting was how far away it was."
Buffy never gets closer than 52 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun, or 52 times the distance from Earth to the Sun. Neptune is 30 AU from the Sun. Pluto ranges from 30 to 50 AU.
What makes Buffy special is its nearly circular path, which extends out to just 62 AU.
"To find the first known object with a nearly circular orbit beyond 50 AU is indeed intriguing," said Brian Marsden, who runs the Minor Planet Center where all of these objects are catalogued.
Most other known KBOs are on highly elliptical orbits and off-center orbits, typically coming to within 38 AU of the Sun and then soaring out beyond 50 AU. Theory suggests Neptune has acted on them like a gravitational slingshot to produce these eccentric paths.
A passing star?
Other than the KBOs that slice in and out of the zone, the space beyond 50 AU seems fairly empty, as though it represents the outer edge of the Kuiper Belt.
But then there is Sedna, which ranges from 76 to 900 AU.
In late 2004, Scott Kenyon of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Benjamin Bromley from the University of Utah proposed a passing star long ago may have played a role in all this.
At a distance of 150-200 AU, the star could have stolen objects from the outer Kuiper Belt and lured Sedna into its present orbit without affecting Neptune or the inner planets, the researchers concluded through computer modeling.
Intriguingly, the model suggests some KBOs in our solar system (not including Sedna) are actually alien worlds that were captured from the passing star in a two-way swap of material.
"A close fly-by from another star solves two mysteries at once," Bromley said then. "It explains both the orbit of Sedna and the outer edge of the Kuiper Belt,"
Buffy baffles
The stellar flyby scenario does not appear to explain Buffy, however.
Buffy is too far out there to have been affected by Neptune, at least given Neptune's current position, say its discoverers. Yet Buffy's very extreme orbital tilt, which takes it 47 degrees above and below the main plane of the solar system, raises another question. All of the planets, asteroids, comets and KBOs are thought to have formed from a relatively flat disk that circled the newborn Sun 4.5 billion years ago. Most of them remained in that plane after formation, unless perturbed by something.
"If a star could have affected Buffy so strongly, it should also have disrupted much of the main Kuiper belt as well," write the researchers who found Buffy. "Since astronomers do not detect that strong disruption, a more complex theory is needed to explain Buffy's orbit."
Perhaps, they speculate, the answer lies in some as-yet unknown event early in the solar system's history. Maybe Neptune's orbit slowly grew bigger, as theorists have previously proposed, pushing some KBOs into tilted circular orbits by means that have yet to be modeled, they said.
Answers await technology that can detect fainter and more distant objects, so researchers can make a fuller inventory of the out solar system. That inventory is likely to include many objects in what is called the Oort Cloud, extending 1.5 light-years away and nearly half the distance to the Alpha Centauri star system.
Defining 'Planet': Newfound World Forces Action Crazy Names: The Solar System's Nomenclature Wars Nemesis: Does the Sun Have a Companion Star?
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Monday, December 19, 2005

Thunderous Sound, Strange Shaking and Boom.. from Mississippi to Florida..

Strange Shaking
Andrew Findley
News 5
Friday, December 16, 2005

A mysterious force shook buildings from Pascagoula, Mississippi to Chumuckla, Florida Friday morning, but no one News 5 talked to knows exactly what caused it. Sometime between 9:00 and 9:30 am, a thunderous sound rumbled through the Gulf Coast. Not everyone felt it, but those who did all described it in much the same way. Ruthstein Woods in Eight Mile said, "I was laying in the bed watching TV and all of a sudden, it was like big boom, like the ceiling or something was like falling. I jumped up and ran and looked, and I looked outside, but I didn't see anything. It was like real, real shaking and stuff."
Donny George in Midtown felt it, too. "It was more like a sonic boom. I questioned whether or not the space shuttle had come back into the atmosphere, because I'm from Florida. And when the space shuttle comes in there, it makes a sonic boom, rattles the windows," said George. He added, "It rattled the building, rattled the windows. I thought somebody had hit our building."
It shook Harvey Smith as well. "I just heard a loud boom, I thought maybe some kind of sonic boom or something like an airplane breaking the sound barrier, or...but it shook my house. I still don't know what it was."
People from as far away as Pascagoula, Mississippi to Flomaton, Alabama to Chumuckla, Florida called News 5 to tell us they heard and felt something. But because not everyone felt it, speculation rose from the ground to the air. Some suspected military aircraft causing sonic booms by breaking the sound barrier. But News 5 was unable to confirm whether it was a jet. So, the mystery and the speculation continue.
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Friday, December 09, 2005

ALERT: 5.2 Mag TURKEY NW Kargapazar 10/12/2005

ALERT: mb 5.2 TURKEY 16 km NW Kargapazar 10/12/2005 00:09 (UTC)
                  Centre Sismologique Euro-Mediterraneen                European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre                    Rapid Determination of Source Parameters             operated at LDG (Paris) and IGN (Madrid)    *********************************************************************  ***********************  ALERT  MESSAGE  ****************************  *********************************************************************    WARNING : These parameters are preliminary and subject to revision.  Location and magnitude estimations may be revised if necessary in   an  INFORMATION message.  _____________________________________________________________________        EARTHQUAKE on 10/12/2005 at 00:09 (UTC)  TURKEY                            16 km NW Kargapazar    MAGNITUDE: mb 5.2     Data provided by: BRA  BUC  GFZ  INGV LDG  LED  LJU  NEIC NEWS ODC                      OGS  SED  SKO  ZAMG                                   Latitude    =  39.44 N  Longitude   =  41.01 E  Origin Time =  00:09:48.5 (UTC)  Depth       =  10 Km  RMS         =   1.22 sec  Gap         =  81 degrees  95% confidence ellipse: - Semi major = 8.7 Km                          - Semi minor = 5.9 Km                          - Azimuth of major axis = 164 degrees    Number of data used = 232    Preliminary location computed on Sat Dec 10 00:34:29 2005 (UTC)  Done by Remy Bossu    Comments :    Message number: 631    All magnitudes estimations :  mb5.3 (BRA)   Ms4.7 (BUC)   mb5.1 (GFZ)   mb5.8 (INGV)    mb5.2 (LDG)   mb5.1 (LED)   mb5.2 (NEIC)  mb4.9 (NEWS)    mb4.7 (ODC)   mb5.5  (SED)   mb5.1 (SKO)   mb5.1 (ZAMG)      P.S.: For additional information, please contact EMSC at:               - Email: mazet[at]               - Web  : (maps available)  

'Merry Christmas' Lunch Menus Kicked Out Of Schools"

" - Weird Headlines - 'Merry
Christmas' Lunch Menus Kicked Out Of Schools"
11,500 menus recalled... Stupidity and wasteful spending just to be 'politically correct' - but polls show that more than 78 percent prefer the 'Merry Christmas' greeting.  Duhh..

the link:

 On, the other hand, there's a "Just say Merry
Christmas" bracelet!

Just say Merry Christmas ! - a backlash to's about time!

I want a bunch of those bracelets!  Red and Green - yay!
Feliz Navidad!  Merry Christmas, y'all..
Christmas wristbands make brisk sales


Washington, December 9, 2005

Red and green plastic bracelets bearing the inscription Just Say 'Merry Christmas' are selling like hot cakes on the Internet, highlighting a backlash to political correctness in the US.
The idea stems from a Roman Catholic couple, Jennifer and Dan Giroux, who have launched a campaign known as "Operation: Just Say Merry Christmas".
On an explanation on their website, the couple writes, "The enemies of Christmas have succeeded in making Christians feel as if we are bad and intolerant to wish someone a 'Merry Christmas'. This is political correctness run amok."
"In an effort to help turn the tide, we have created this Christmas wristband to help emphasize once again that the central focus of this season is the Birth of the Christ Child," the website says.
The Giroux's own a Catholic shop in Madeira, Ohio, said in an interview that they had sold 15,000 bracelets for two dollars each plus shipping.
A new shipment of 20,000 was to arrive Monday, with 10,000 already reserved, she said.
"We've seen the slow removal of religion from society. It's worse this year than ever before," said Jennifer, mother of nine children, in a phone interview.
Jennifer added that the campaign is designed to encourage Christians nationwide and around the world to "proudly proclaim the Christ Child as the centre of the Christmas Season once again."
"It's time to return the pendulum to the centre here," she said.
Earlier this week, the White House caused a furore among Christian conservatives, who consider it unacceptable that the First Couple's Christmas cards failed to mention the Christian holiday.
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