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Friday, December 09, 2005

Just say Merry Christmas ! - a backlash to's about time!

I want a bunch of those bracelets!  Red and Green - yay!
Feliz Navidad!  Merry Christmas, y'all..
Christmas wristbands make brisk sales


Washington, December 9, 2005

Red and green plastic bracelets bearing the inscription Just Say 'Merry Christmas' are selling like hot cakes on the Internet, highlighting a backlash to political correctness in the US.
The idea stems from a Roman Catholic couple, Jennifer and Dan Giroux, who have launched a campaign known as "Operation: Just Say Merry Christmas".
On an explanation on their website, the couple writes, "The enemies of Christmas have succeeded in making Christians feel as if we are bad and intolerant to wish someone a 'Merry Christmas'. This is political correctness run amok."
"In an effort to help turn the tide, we have created this Christmas wristband to help emphasize once again that the central focus of this season is the Birth of the Christ Child," the website says.
The Giroux's own a Catholic shop in Madeira, Ohio, said in an interview that they had sold 15,000 bracelets for two dollars each plus shipping.
A new shipment of 20,000 was to arrive Monday, with 10,000 already reserved, she said.
"We've seen the slow removal of religion from society. It's worse this year than ever before," said Jennifer, mother of nine children, in a phone interview.
Jennifer added that the campaign is designed to encourage Christians nationwide and around the world to "proudly proclaim the Christ Child as the centre of the Christmas Season once again."
"It's time to return the pendulum to the centre here," she said.
Earlier this week, the White House caused a furore among Christian conservatives, who consider it unacceptable that the First Couple's Christmas cards failed to mention the Christian holiday.
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