I am outraged and you should be also. President Bush is in Saudi Arabia. He has just agreed to sell the Saudis $20 billion worth of military equipment. This is the same country that refused to recognize Israel's right to exist, the same country that will not allow one Jew to set foot on its soil.
I was completely outraged when I heard that Ehud Olmert, whom I have known for 26 years, stood next to President Bush and declared that he would work to fulfill the final status solution to the Road Map to Peace. In essence, this means the division of Jerusalem (with all Christian Holy Sites being under Islamic rule of law) and Judea and Samaria turned over to the Palestinians.
This is outrageous. These are terrorist organizations.
As this absurd ceremony was going on, they were singing; they had music playing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." The only rainbow that I believe in is the rainbow at the time of Noah. God made the covenant that He would never again destroy the world with a flood.
God's word says I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee. America must not touch prophecy. The nation of Israel was born by a royal land grant given by God Almighty. It was birthed before there was a United States or a United Nations. All nations were only pagan nations at that time.
Presently we have 119,000 who have signed the Save Jerusalem Petition.
Do you realize that the U.S. Government is shuttling around with almost a dozen Arab states that refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist and, in fact, fund terrorists to kill Jews? It's outrageous!
Please, get one friend today to sign the Save Jerusalem Petition. This will double the number. Our ultimate goal is one million, but our goal right now is to reach 200,000.
Pray today that the Lord will help us with this and that every Jerusalem Prayer Member will get
one friend to respond in the next 24 hours.
There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that the State Department is going to push this through if we remain silent. If it happens, God's hand of protection will be lifted from our country in a way that we couldn't possibly have imagined. I will not allow that to happen. I will do everything in my power to resist that.
If people do as the Prophet Daniel declared, the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits. This is a battle between light and darkness, a battle between politics and prophecy.
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