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Thursday, January 10, 2008

The fabric of this world is about to be shaken...

We all may have been too busy to notice this when first written.  deexxoo
Kings Are Refined In Times Of Trouble
December 17, 2007

The fabric of this world is about to be shaken, as kings are awakened from their slumber and robe themselves with heavenly garments of eternal destiny. Do not fear the shaking that is coming upon the world. The unexpected fires which are about to burst forth will not touch a hair on our head, but only free you from your chains. You have been held like a prisoner within a world that is not your own, but remember that you are only a pilgrim passing through this small speck of dust as an ambassador on assignment from Heaven. The kings of this world are about to be judged, and many leaders will soon fall. After the fires have settled, only true kings will remain. The church age began with the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher (Ephesians 4:11), but will end with the final two ministry offices of the king and priest appearing on the scene (Revelation 1:6). The hour of the seven-fold ministry has now arrived, for the kingdoms of this world are about to become the kingdoms of our God and King, and the world stage is now set for the final battle between darkness and light.
Kings are refined in times of trouble. Do not run away from the fires, run to them! Into nations of great opposition I am sending you. Into trials and persecution you shall be launched. As an emisary of truth and stability, you will suddently find yourself standing in hurricane-force opposition, but do not fear, for you shall prevail and tear down the ancient gates of the enemy. You must be willing to GO at a moments notice, for I tell you in truth, many of those nations would cease to exist and be burried underneath the sea without your timely presence and the anointing you bring into the region.
America and the Dividing of Israel
Much prayer from across the nation rose into heaven during the November peace conference in Annapolis, Maryland. On the opening day of the conference, a 6.6 quake shook the Solomon Islands on Nov. 27 (Solomon representing the Temple Mount, which Israel is being pressured to concede, along with portions of East Jerusalem.) On the final day of the peace conference, a rare 7.4 quake shook the Caribbean on Nov. 29, which faced both the US Gulf Coast and East Coast. If this quake had generated a tsunami, two-thirds of US coastlines would have been affected.
America was extremely fortunate in November, in that we only received a warning on November 29. This was largely due to the fact that nothing significant was accomplished in Annapolis, and no agreements were made involving the concession of land. However, President Bush is reportedly traveling to Israel on January 11 to push his plan for the creation of a Palestinian state. This is not good news for America. The current financial crisis we are experiencing is nothing compared to what is coming if God is forced to remove his hand of divine protection from the borders of America.
Financial Kingdoms in Crisis
While the U.S. Dollar has plummeted in 2007, the Philippine Peso has risen astronomically. The exchange rate is now 40-Pesos Per US-Dollar, in comparison to 57-Pesos per US-Dollar barely a year ago. What does this mean for Americans living in the Philippines? It means that $1,000 is now worth only $660, and dropping regularily. Beach clubs and tourist resorts are now becoming empty, while Americans are leaving the country by the droves as the US Dollar continues to plummet. Some experts believe that the US-Philippine exchange rate will drop as low as 30-Pesos per US-Dollar in 2008.
How does this affect US missionaries living in the Philippines? Many are going through very difficult times right now. Should US ministers living in the region pack their bags and leave? When the Lord told Jonah to go to Ninevah, perhaps one reason he went in the opposite direction was that Ninevah's exchange rates were horrific at the time. But we cannot base obedience to the Holy Spirit upon exchange rates.
I believe that currency markets will continue to be erratic and unpredictable as we enter into 2008, and that investors should use extreme wisdom, caution and discernment in all financial matters. However, there is one investment that never fails: The Kingdom of God. Do not stop supporting world missions if currency rates are not favorable. Many overseas ministries are suffering tremendously right now and need assistance while waiting for the US Dollar to bounce back ... and it WILL bounce back, if we can boldly deal with the root of the problem, and begin the New Year with a mindset of reformation, humility and prayer for divine intervention. Only God can bail us out of our current financial mess!
Do not react to the current financial crisis with your natural understanding, but with the mindset of a ruler, for you have more than enough to meet all your needs in 2008. Your supply-line is not of this world, but comes directly from Heaven.
Timothy Snodgrass
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