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Saturday, February 03, 2007

From Pavel of Yugoslavia ... the influences...

I have never seen Pavel in error in his forecasts as he calculates them using his GI, "Gravitational Induction" theory.
A couple of days before the tornado weather occurred here in Florida that killed 19 people his calculations told us to be on the lookout for such severe weather disturbances. 
A genius, he is!
His writing here mentions what I and many have been pointing out all along.. the energy blasts of the day before the Sumatra tsunami and the fact that many natural (thus, God-appointed) cycles are coinciding in these times. 

Pavel Djurcok <paveld@ptt.yu> wrote:
From: "Pavel Djurcok" <paveld@ptt.yu>
To: "DEE ROHE" <>
Subject: ... the influences...
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2007 11:00:12 +0100

You are completely right, Dee....
 There are so much various influences and many mysteries yet...At the other hand, the human scientific knowledge is split, 'dispersed'  within  a large scale of 'disciplines'... like the physics - astrophysics, solar physics, geophysics, nuclear, plasma physics, laser physics etc... Each of them are providing the pieces of the puzzle, but it remains a dilemma.... do we see the right picture of the forest... or just the 'groups' of the trees ?
 As to  the 'pseudoscience' of myself, I don't feel such a frustration, regarding a multidisciplinary view....
 The 'postulate' of GI is that the crucial terrestrial issues - as the climate, seismic etc are being induced by 'outer; sources.... As first by the Sun and its gravitational, magnetic (plasma) work and  the Moon, - observing our solar system like a considerably autonomous entity... I didn't write yet, about the comets and the asteroids and their amazing cycles.... a bit 'coinciding with solar cycles.... The influences from the outer space, seemingly to affect the Sun.... and our star acts as a relay to transfer such induction further /remember that famous Sumatra quake/tsunami on Dec. 26, 2004.... circa two days before it, there was a powerful space blast (' space lightning') that has 'shaken' the Sun.... you can find that news.... after that, an extraordinary solar activity followed.... and it seems that 'Sagittarius blast has pretty 'exhausted' the Sun.... the X  and M class flares are rare after January 2005... solar activity is very low or low... except those 'minor' episodes I wrote about )/
 The other inductive source is the Moon and its tides... BTW, yesterday I didn't mention, that Full Moon Tides (like the other three "cross" agendas are affecting the "weather shift". During this GI agendas, severe weather phenomena are possible (and seismic, too) - like yesterdays tornadoes in your area.... There also are 4 more 'minor' weather shift agendas.... 8 of them during the lunar month... circa every 4 days the weather 'shifts', due to the lunar influence....
 Recently, have found an interesting article... about  NASA's THEMIS, five tiny spacecraft... to track the substorms (the tempests of high energy particles - plasma in the Earth's magnetosphere) to find out what triggers the auroras, allegedly.... These five probes having different orbits and locations, but aligning with the Earth - every four days.... Interestingly....GI states, that the Moon, apart from its gravitational pull, also "opens" the Earth's magnetic 'door'.... Therefore, GI agendas suggest not only a 'pure' gravitational induction... but a 'coupled' gravito-electro-magnetic work...
 Sorry about this 'extensive' writing....

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