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Monday, January 15, 2007

Natural Gas Leaks, Dying Birds, and...gulp...Earthquakes?

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Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 17:04:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Janis
Subject: Natural Gas Leaks, Dying Birds, and...gulp...Earthquakes?
To: Carolyn Kleintank
From the Timestar group.......

JSR wrote:
Subject: [TimeStar] Fw: Natural Gas Leaks, Dying Birds,

As of this moment, natural gas leaks are being reported all across the globe. When an earthquake is about to occur, fissures open up in the earth's crust and begin to allow natural gas to pour into the atmosphere. Dead animals is one of the signs scientists look for when trying to ascertain whether an earthquake is about to occur. This fact was shown vividly in the TV movie, "10.5", where the two scientists on the ground were trying to determine the nature of the quakes which were beginning to hit California. As soon as they saw the dead animals strewn on the ground, they saw a bubble occurring in the middle of the river; they immediately sprinted to their helicopter where they started to put on their gas masks. The gas was so deadly and spread so quickly that one of the scientists nearly died before he could get his mask on.

This natural gas can be very deadly. However, since the gas smell is allowed to escape by shifting gas, it can easily disappear again because the rock has shifted again and has sealed off the hole which was allowing the pocket of natural gas to come out.

Authorities are also very reluctant to admit that the natural gas is coming from fissures in the ground, so they will most likely deny it was natural gas, trying to attribute the gas odor to something else. To admit gas is emitting from the ground raises earthquake questions no public official wants to answer!

Let us review this story now, remembering that the real story lies in the fact that natural gas smell is being reported all over the globe, in the same general time frame. No one news story carries the weight that the sum total of them carry. The sum total of natural gas being reported tells us that an gigantic earth-changing event may be about to occur.

NEWS BRIEF: "Gas-Like Odor Spreads Through NYC", My Way News, January 8, 2007

"NEW YORK (AP) - They bombarded 911 with calls, crowded the sidewalks in front of evacuated buildings and tuned to the news for word of what was happening. The question on the minds of many New Yorkers on Monday morning was: 'What's that smell?' A natural gas-like odor hung over much of Manhattan and parts of New Jersey, confounding authorities. The smell seemed to be gone by early afternoon."

"Mayor Michael Bloomberg said there was no indication the air was unsafe. 'It may just be an unpleasant smell', he said. He said sensors did not show an unusually high concentration of natural gas, and Con Edison reported it found no gas leaks ... Susan Badger, a retiree who lives in Chelsea, said she left her apartment building to escape the smell. 'If it's throughout the whole city, it seems that it must be a lot of gas. It's really extreme', she said."

NEWS BRIEF: "New Jersey's P.U. Ripens The Big Apple", N.Y. Post, January 9, 2007

"Across the length and breadth of Manhattan, people were asking, 'What's that smell?' after a pungent odor like natural gas or rotten eggs blanketed the borough and northern New Jersey for three hours yesterday morning. By evening, the answer seemed to be a stinky gas emitted by a New Jersey swamp or marsh. "

If the natural gas came from a New Jersey swamp, that would be consistent with the other reports of natural gas being emitted from fissures in the earth across a wide swath of the world.

Now, let us examine reports of natural gas erupting in enough quantity into the atmosphere to kill birds -- again, across a wide swath for many thousands of miles -- a phenomenon consistent with a worldwide massive earth-change underway.

NEWS BRIEF: "Bird Flu Ruled Out On Dead Birds; Testing Continues Tuesday", News, January 9, 2007

"It should be business as usual Tuesday around Downtown Austin, but there's still no word on what caused the deaths of more than 60 birds. Preliminary tests showed no dangerous chemicals in the area, and the bird flu has been ruled out. While officials search for answers, they say they're confident that there's no public health threat. 'Yeah, it sounds most like a poisoning, if I had to guess', said Jacob Mireles, D.V.M., with the Brykerwood Veterinary Clinic, 'and I'm pretty sure that's what it's going to come out as'."

Therefore, what mysterious substance could poison so many birds in a relatively tight geographical area? Why, it must be some sort of gas in the area -- poisonous gas. But, of course, such a poisonous gas is of no threat whatsoever to humans! Don't you just love public health officials? Just as in one natural disaster movie after another, public officials are more concerned about keeping people from panicking than they are in getting to the truth of a matter.

The fact is that birds are much more susceptible to methane gas than are humans. A quantity which would not even faze a human would kill a bird. And smaller birds are the most susceptible. This scientific fact is the reason small birds are used in coal mines to detect leaking methane gas and sound the alarm by dying before the level of the gas reaches a proportion which could kill a human being!

NEWS BRIEF: "2,000 Ducks Found Dead", KTVB, Boise, Idaho, January 9, 2007

"BOISE - More than 2,000 dead mallard ducks have been found in the Magic Valley. A Fish and Game spokesperson says that it is unlikely bird flu in a cause in the mass deaths, but an investigation is underway ... Preliminary diagnosis is a bacterial infection is the likely cause', said Magic Valley Fish & Game supervisor David Parrish. ?State veterinarians in Boise have found the lung tissue of the ducks to be full of white and yellowish bacterial abscesses. They also found hemorrhaging around the heart. At this point in time, however, we are not ruling out any potential cause'.?

It seems to be that, if these ducks died of a bacterial infection, they would die more "one-by-one" and less in such massive heaps as the picture on this site shows. The only thing that would cause such great numbers of fowl to drop dead is something that they all simultaneously encountered in the environment -- like a sudden eruption of natural methane gas.

NEWS BRIEF: "Mystery as thousands of birds fall from sky", The Australian, January 10, 2007

"THOUSANDS of birds have fallen from the skies over Esperance and no one knows why. Is it an illness, toxins or a natural phenomenon? A string of autopsies in Perth have shed no light on the mystery. All the residents of flood-devastated Esperance know is that their 'dawn chorus' of singing birds is missing. The main casualties are wattle birds, yellow-throated miners, new holland honeyeaters and singing honeyeaters, although some dead crows, hawks and pigeons have also been found. Wildlife officers are baffled by the 'catastrophic' event, which the Department of Environment and Conservation said began well before last week's freak storm. On Monday, Esperance, 725km southeast of Perth, was declared a natural disaster zone."

"... Birds Australia, the nation's main bird conservation group, said it had not heard of a similar occurrence. 'Not on that scale, and all at the same time, and also the fact that it's several different species', chief executive Graeme Hamilton said ... Dr Sunderman said there were no leads yet on which of potentially hundreds of toxins might be responsible. Some birds were seen convulsing as they died ... Michelle Crisp was one of the first to contact the DEC after finding dozens of dead birds on her property one morning. She told The Australian she normally had hundreds of birds in her yard, but that she and a neighbour counted 80 dead birds in one day. "It went to the point where we had nothing, not a bird', she said. 'It was like a moonscape, just horrible. But the frightening thing for us, we didn't find any more birds after that. We literally didn't have any birds left to die'."

This story affirms our earlier assertion, that mass numbers of birds dying -- and across species -- indicates that they all encountered a very deadly environmental poison, all at once. This fact again seems to indicate a natural gas leak, probably methane.

NEWS BRIEF: "Australian Shopp

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