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Monday, October 16, 2006

This afternoon's meal ...

I made chicken, corn, a big salad and Isagenix 'chicken' soup.  Then sliced up big mushrooms and put them in the 'chicken' soup..... Roy and I loved it.  
I haven't been hungry all day, just had snacks and the juice drinks of AgelessXtra, Reginicare, Lifeshots, Ionix Supreme and the snacks and  almonds.   So I figured better have the 'shake' with our meal. It's required to have your two daily shakes.  The 'chicken' soup did just fine in place of the shake. It's designed to replace the shakes.. as if one could get tired of ice cream!  ha ha.. 
I put quotes around the 'chicken' because it doesn't taste like chicken soup to me.  More like creamy spicy mushroom soup, hence I just added more fresh mushrooms to complete it.  It is fun to vary these soups. Maybe next time I'll put in chicken and celery and carrot chunks and a quart of water!  Won't need anything else for dinner.  Or, I could put in a package of frozen spinach and some lemon juice.  Creamy Spinach Florentine soup or sauce!!   Haven't tried the tomato soup yet.  Bet the two mixed together would be delish.
Dave Austin thinks the soup is too salty and dilutes his with water which I might do, too sometimes.  I don't taste salt in it all, but I do taste the honey and the spices!   Everybody is different!  Guess I am sensitive to sweetness.  It's only a teeny bit sweet, but honey is a natural healing food and it tastes good in it.    Am very  impressed with the nourishing ingredients.  One could make it thicker, and use it as a sauce, too.  Add Curry to it, and it'd be a yummy curry sauce.  Add balsamic vinegar and put it on your salad.  Oh boy, am I creative or not!?  :-) 
 I can't wait to get the Isafuel, the hemp seeds for snacks and also we can put them on salads, and in soups, or on chicken or fish - we ordered it today and paid extra for 3 day shipping as we're about to run out of our shakes.
Oh noooooo!  Don't want that to happen!  I can't remember when I felt so good as I do these days!  Praise God for His many Blessings.
I ordered some interesting other stuff too, like a neck and facelift serum for only $19.00
Tonight before bed, we'll have our Reginicare in our nighty-nite ice cream frostee shake and have sweet dreams and be waking up early raring to go.  I have an acupuncture patient waiting for the Angels tomorrow.

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