Cooper's story, accidents, credibility, etc.
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As a retired medical professional, you must certainly know that people have accidents all the time that are not the result of CIA conspiracies. Bill Cooper had his motorcycle accident years before he began telling his UFO story; I believe his UFO sighting while in the Navy was in the 1970?s. Cooper never claimed, to my knowledge, that his motorcycle accident was caused by a conspiracy to hurt him. He told me in a face-to-face conversation that he had had severe headaches since his motorcycle accident and pointed to his head and told me about the metal plate. I have your testimony that the tapes Cooper had were authentic, and, to be objective, I must say that I have only second-hand testimony. I also have my direct conversations with Cooper that raised big questions in the beginning of his career in ufology.
One of the first statements that I heard Cooper make and about which I later questioned him sent up red flags about his belief system. In a public lecture he stated that Jesus Christ was his savior and that Jesus would return in a UFO. As you may know, I do not believe anyone is stepping off a UFO in anything like 50 years; more to the point, what made Bill Cooper believe he needed to be saved. Moreover, what made him believe that Jesus had saved him.
Ultimately, Bill Cooper left no credible data that could be verified by anyone except Bill Cooper?s own statements. The Kennedy tapes have been around for decades and have been thoroughly examined by many investigators. I accept the Zappruder film as authentic. It?s a long, long leap from the Kennedy assassination to Dulce.
It never ceases to amaze me that conspiracy theorists so consistently miss big, fat, blatant conspiracies sitting in front of their noses but fall back to data that is completely speculative and CANNOT be verified. FDR bought, sold and delivered the American public during the 1940?s at which time he set up the beginnings of an American intelligence community that evolved in the CIA and NSA within a decade of FDR?s presidency. The American people traded the checks and balances that safeguarded against tyranny for another chicken in the pot. Did Cooper ever talk about that very real conspiracy? No. He talked, instead, about distant conspiracies with little substance. I put this in the Star Trek category of fanciful thinking that does not require any real scholarship or investigation because the data is well beyond the reach of easy access; while data that is within reach is so ignored with considerable effort.
Genuine UFO experiences are powerful experiences that consistently change the fabric of belief systems. I?ve seen people who eagerly awaited a UFO fall to pieces when a real UFO hovered above them. It?s safe to talk about UFO?s but dealing with the reality of a UFO experience is something else altogether.
A man that I worked with was a Star Trek fan to the extent that he set up a tent and waited in line for 36 hours to buy tickets for his sister and himself to one of the movies. In the telling of this story, the man who pitched the tent to wait for Star Trek tickets to be sold took on the proportions of a hero; he and his sister loved Star Trek so much he would do anything to get the tickets.
I laughed out loud when hearing the story because it was so typical. When I asked if he would like to have a UFO contact, the sister made faces and funny sounds and said, ?Oh, no.? She wouldn?t like to have a real UFO contact under any circumstances.
That?s what I thought. The movie provides plenty of heroic fantasy but facing a real UFO contact would require the ability to confront what?s really in the world. She never talked about Star Trek with me again.
In his many conspiracy theories and 4 wheel drives in the desert to Dulce, Bill Cooper could easily write his own script in which he was the long-suffering hero. In the real world of things that go bump in the night, Bill Cooper?s facts fell short of anything that could be verified.
Cooper was a very ordinary humanimal, and I wish him well in his path to enlightenment ? the greatest adventure the humanimal may ever take.
Best regards,
The tapes are authentic - that is all I will tell you about the tapes. They have been to Washington & various places and ARE authentic. As for Bill Cooper's thinking about doing some seemingly senseless acts -- I cannot account for his thinking nor can anyone else. He may have been desperate and just did not care anymore. I also cannot account for the plate in his head and if it did any damage to his brain but as a retired professional in the medical field I would think the metal did not damage his brain -- maybe the accident but not the metal -- probably stainless of some sort so there would be no leaching factor. In fact, the CIA did cause him to have some accidents which are documented along with the evidence he acquired as a Naval Intelligence officer about his persistence of the Kennedy Assassination and the fact that the driver (a secret service agent) killed Kennedy with the fatal blow to the front portion of the head. You might want to call these tapes -- the Unedited Zappruder Film. Please note that I am not trying to give an excuse for his actions nor any one else's. But you have to remember when someone is very passionate about exposing the truth after years and years they may act a bit crazy when they feel desperate.
I do completely agree that with David Koresh there was a terrible misuse of power as they could have arrested him at his gun shop in Waco everyday of the week where he worked. But, I have no idea of Koresh's mental behavior. I have only the words of the media and what was told to them by the BATF about Koresh. There are times myself when I would love to be on an island away from the whole world and NO media so I cannot say about the so called isolation they experienced if any. One example of groups would be --- the love and forgiveness of the Amish people of the killing of their children. They are an isolated group of sorts and have been totally misunderstood about their beliefs. They have been ridiculed in the past and called a "cult". As for the willingness of the people to go down together in Koresh's compound, is a bit strange to my way of thinking. I do not know what they discussed or how they felt but it is not my way of thinking. I am trying to stay open minded on all of this and give the them the benefit of the doubt. Others surely have not.
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