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Friday, March 17, 2006

Earth breaking apart in Africa relatively rapidly..

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 1:02 AM
Subject: [BibleRevelations] More on the African Continent split

Since 2-3 yrs ago BiBLE REVELATIONS Web Site published, as one of the End Time Signs, the findings of certain geologists on the horn of Africa, which they maintained was splitting at the rate of 1 cm per year.  At that rate it would take millions of years to create a new ocean base.  I linked that up in the Web Page with the Prophecies of Zechariah and Ezekiel, which could actually be a prediction of such an event at the Time of the End, when Messiah Returns.
In Dec. this Page was updated with new reports coming in - according to which the pace has been drastically increasing.  It stated: " A continental rifting process that normally takes millions of years to form has developed over a span of seven weeks in the Afar region of Ethiopia. "
Today I located a new report - and while the scientists still predict 10 million years for it to happen,  the earth has been virtually opening under their feet while they were investigating!  Some amazing photos accompany the article.  On one of these photos, a satellite photo by NASA, one can actually see the massive cracks in the earth from the dizzy heights of the satellite!  Behold also, on another, where a few people stand dwarfed on the rim of such a developing crater.
I copy this report below - after which you should read the Web Site commentary again, for the Biblical link-up.  The Web Page will only be updated later.
Follow index to 'African Rift'
NOTE:  How the rift links up with the Red Sea, which links up with Eilat, Israel, from where a flat, low earth bed runs right up to the Dead Sea which lies far below sea level - some 30 Km away from Jerusalem.  The Prophecies regarding the Coming of God Almighty to fight on the side of Judah/Israel in the War of Gog, Magog (Armageddon) predict great earth quakes - which could certainly finish off the earth split, to form the new ocean which will push up, past Eilat, to Jericho and perhaps the Sea of Galilee, into which the great waters that will break out from Jerusalem, will flow.  You really do not have to be a geologist or scientist to visualize this, especially if you have visited these areas and if you look at the above satellite photos.
The stage is set in Jerusalem for Armageddon to break out - the nations are all aligned against Israel with the Arabs, who, via Iran, will shortly have nuclear weapons in the arena.  Earthquakes and Tsunami phenomena are not strange these days.  This rift, running straight down across Africa, has been described by an Israeli geologist as "the mother of all earthquakes."  We have had 2 recent earthquakes (one yesterday) in Mozambique, (probably the Southern most point of the rift) which is bordering South Africa to theEast and on the sea.  The Biblical New Year starts shortly - Pesach - followed 6 months later by Yom Kippur and Succot - typifying the Return of Messiah, Judgment Day and the Great Marriage!
So, it could happen any time between this year and 10 million years given by the geologists.  Take your pick!  But be prepared, because your doomsday could arrive to-morrow - or to-night!  That is how real these matters effecting our souls are.  We don't have to wait for Africa to split.
Let us be ready, always. 
Don't miss the photos in the Copy below.
OvadYah Avrahami
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Source:  International Spiegel
March 15, 2006


A Continent Splits Apart

By Axel Bojanowski

Normally new rivers, seas and mountains are born in slow motion. The Afar Triangle near the Horn of Africa is another story. A new ocean is forming there with staggering speed -- at least by geological standards. Africa will eventually lose its horn.

Geologist Dereje Ayalew and his colleagues from Addis Ababa University were amazed -- and frightened. They had only just stepped out of their helicopter onto the desert plains of central Ethiopia when the ground began to shake under their feet. The pilot shouted for the scientists to get back to the helicopter. And then it happened: the Earth split open. Crevices began racing toward the researchers like a zipper opening up. After a few seconds, the ground stopped moving, and after they had recovered from their shock, Ayalew and his colleagues realized they had just witnessed history. For the first time ever, human beings were able to witness the first stages in the birth of an ocean.
Anthony Philpotts Tim Wright/University of Oxford ASTER Instrument  Team/MITI/ERSDAC/JAROS/NASA JPL

Click on a picture to launch the image gallery (9 Photos).
Here is the URL for the above photos, if the links do not operate:,5538,PB64-SUQ9MTI5NDYmbnI9OA_3_3,00.html

Normally changes to our geological environment take place almost imperceptibly. A life time is too short to see rivers changing course, mountains rising skywards or valleys opening up. In north-eastern Africa's Afar Triangle, though, recent months have seen hundreds of crevices splitting the desert floor and the ground has slumped by as much as 100 meters (328 feet). At the same time, scientists have observed magma rising from deep below as it begins to form what will eventually become a basalt ocean floor. Geologically speaking, it won't be long until the Red Sea floods the region. The ocean that will then be born will split Africa apart.

The Afar Triangle, which cuts across Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti, is the largest construction site on the planet. Three tectonic plates meet there with the African and Arabian plates drifting apart along two separate fault lines by one centimeter a year. A team of scientists working with Christophe Vigny of the Paris Laboratory of Geology reported on the phenomenon in a 2006 issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research. While the two plates move apart, the ground sinks to make room for the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Bubbling magma and the smell of sulphur

A third crevice cuts south, splitting not far from Lake Victoria. One branch of the rift runs to the east, the other to the west of the lake. The two branches of this third crevice are moving apart by about one millimeter a year.
Karte Afrika Afar-Senke english version
Karte Afrika Afar-Senke english version

The dramatic event that Ayalew and his colleagues witnessed in the Afar Desert on Sept. 26, 2005 was the first visual proof of this process -- and it was followed by a week-long series of earthquakes. During the months that followed, hundreds of further crevices opened up in the ground, spreading across an area of 345 square miles. "The earth has not stopped moving since," geophysicist Tim Wright of the University of Oxford says. The ground is still splitting open and sinking, he says; small earthquakes are constantly shaking the region.

Scientists have made repeated trips to the area since the drama of last September. Locals have reported a number of new cracks opening in the ground, says geologist Cynthia Ebinger from the University of London, and during each visit, new crevices are discovered. Fumes as hot as 400 degrees Celsius (752 degrees Fahrenheit) shoot up from some of them; the sound of bubbling magma and the smell of sulphur rise from others. The larger crevices are dozens of meters deep and several hundred meters long. Traces of recent volcanic eruptions are also visible.

In a number of places, cracks have opened up beneath the thin layer of volcanic ash that covers the region. As there is no ash in the fissures, it's clear that they opened up after the volcanic eruptions, most of which took place at the end of September or in October, 2005. A number of locals who fled the eruptions have reported that a black cloud of ash -- spewed out of the Dabbahu volcano -- darkened the sky for three days.

A new ocean floor on the Earth's surface

Basalt magma has risen into some of the crevices. For the moment, Ayalew explains, the lava seems not to be rising further. A number of recent eruptions, though, have left layers of new basalt lava on the Earth's surface. And it's the exact same kind of lava that spews out of volcanic ridges deep under the ocean -- a process which slowly pushes older lava sediments away on either side. The process has only just begun in the Afar Triangle -- and scientists for the first time can witness the birth of a new ocean floor.

The source of the African magma looks to be a gigantic stream of molten rock rising from beneath the Earth's crust and slicing through the African continental plate like a blow torch. It's a process that began thirty million years ago when lava broke through the continent for the first time, separating the Arabian Peninsula from Africa and creating the Red Sea.

Now, it's the Afar Triangle's turn and it's sinking rapidly. Large areas are already more than 100 meters (328 feet) below sea level. For now, the highlands surrounding the Denakil Depression prevent the Red Sea from flooding these areas, but erosion and tectonic plate movement are continually reducing the height of this natural barrier. The Denakil Depression, which lies to the east of Afar, is already prey to regular floods -- each flood leaving behind a crust of salt.

Africa to lose its horn

The chain of volcanoes that runs along the roughly 6,000 kilometer (3,730 mile) long East African Rift System offers further testimony to the breaking apart of the continent. In some areas around the outer edges of the Rift System, the Earth's crust has already cracked open, making room for the magma below. From the Red Sea to Mozambique in the south, dozens of volcanoes have formed, the best known being Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Nyiragongo.

These fiery mountains too will one day sink into the sea. Geophysicists have calculated that in 10 million years the East African Rift System will be as large as the Red Sea. When that happens, Africa will lose its horn.

What's this?
Whatever it is, it changes from time to time. 
Dee and Roy :-)

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