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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

End Times Clock Moves Forward

End Times Clock Moves Forward With Iranian Events - Bill Wilson
WASH?KIN?Nov 28?The past ten days has witnessed the end-times clock moving forward as the European Community has uncovered documents that Iran has blueprints for nuclear weapons; Iran has offered oil and natural gas to North Korea in return for help building nuclear missiles; and, President George W. Bush has asked Russia, the linchpin in the Ezekiel 38 Gog/Magog prophecy, to intervene in the Iranian nuclear situation.
President George W. Bush recently said he would rely on Russian President Vladimir Putin to help bring Iran to its senses regarding its nuclear program. But Russia is neck deep with the Iranians in helping them develop nuclear technology. It seems as though superpowers such as the U.S. and Britain are at a loss on how to handle Iran and are blinded by the obvious relationships already in place.
Ezekiel 38 speaks of bringing Gog of the land of MaGog (which is Eastern Russia, Western China), Persia (Iran), Libya and Ethiopia (Both the Northern span of Africa) and other nations against Israel. Those who are named in the Ezekiel 38 Gog/Magog prophecy are deeply involved in helping Iran develop nuclear capabilities, and the West, including America and Europe, is relying on them to resolve the matter. Meantime, Iranian President Mahmoud Amadinejad has said that the Jews should be wiped off the face of the earth. To this end, Iran has given safe haven to Hezbollah, al Qaeda, and other Islamic terrorist groups.
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