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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Justice Coalition's Founder Considers Terri Schiavo Victim; Pledges Assistance

Jacksonville News Conference: The Justice Coalition's
Founder Considers Terri Schiavo Victim; Pledges Assistance
March 01, 2005
by Anthony Salvatore
and David Kirkland

Jacksonville, Florida | Much was learned from attending the news conference that was held at 1:30 PM Monday, at the US Courthouse, to take a peek at the future surrounding Terri Schindler-Schiavo days and years to come. It was inspiring and had the flavor of a motivational circling of the wagons.

The press conference was organized and held at the request of The Justice Coalition, founder Ted Hires, who is also owner of several Sonny's Real Pit Bar-B-Q restaurants. Being a victim of a violent crime, Ted found the criminal justice system worked harder for the criminal than the victim. As a result of Mr. Hire's experience, he formed a (501C3) nonprofit organization, The Justice Coalition, and is making an effort to reprove the judicial system for the better.

Hire's nonprofit organization which defends victims, in recent days has announced the entrance of his Victim's Justice organization to help save Terri Schindler-Schiavo. There were many news reporters and cameras from at least two local TV stations including WJXT-TV4. Approximately 100-125 people attended.

There was an all-star cast of enthusiastic people. In addition to Hires, Terri's mother, father, and brother were there. Bishop Galeone, Bishop of the Diocese of St. Augustine (Jacksonville is in this diocese) was there, along with a couple of other priests, and other area clergymen. Two local politicians Don Davis and Jerry Holland attended.

State Senator Stephen Wise was there, which appeared to give the crowd a real big boost. He was speaking when I got there, so I missed the very beginning of his statements, but this appears to be something significant. It was announced that he is sponsoring a companion bill to that of Rep. Dennis Baxley's HB-0701. While it appears to amend Florida law 765 so receiving food and water via a feeding tube or any method possible would be considered an ordinary means of sustaining life and essential for life itself, therefore it could not be denied intentionally.

Readers are encouraged to be precisely informed by going to and searching for the 765 Statutes and this House Bill 0701 and becoming informed. One only has to look to Florida law s825.102(3), the Florida Constitution, and to the US Congress who long ago adopted the UN Human Rights laws which say the same -- denying nutrition from any person is criminal, shall be prosecuted and not tolerated.

People will no doubt draw from this event and get mobilized now. Letters, e-mails and phone calls to all state representatives, state senators, Governor Bush and Attorney General Crist undoubtedly will continue to keep flowing with intensity.

The issue rising from its core, whether causing a persons death by denying them any one of the three basic essentials for life -- food, water and air -- is permitted by man or only by natural course, some say God, is the taking away of life; the killing of that person? Even without religion, for us all, the law does say -- Thou Shalt Not Kill.

There were several other initiatives mentioned also. A request is being made to the Governor and the Attorney General for an investigation into the circumstances of Terri's injuries. Some in law enforcement continue to suggest that any pertinent statute of limitations have run out on bringing criminal charges. Have they all run out? That would seem to imply that there was a crime or multiple crimes. Is this one of the inconsistencies that the masses focus their complaints?

The Schindler's, along with hundreds of thousands of other people who are flooding the system with verbal and written inquiry, appear to be asking the same question of law enforcement -- Exactly on what date did the crime[s] happen they infer were committed upon Terri Schindler-Schiavo?

With law enforcement consistently inferring that statute of limitations have run out, but not being specific to which crimes were committed and when, this admission to thousands who complain may be one of the items the DCF Attorney and the Governor are interested in and show their concern. Especially, if it means law enforcement has been sitting on this and not seeking prosecution.

That brings questions of whether departments and agencies of state are participants in abuse. However, this Governor, now with DCF seems committed to getting to the bottom of the breakdown or appearing criminal blockade by some who may have abused their positions, to facilitate this Judicial ordered death. By getting to the truth and prosecuting any public officials who may be found to have participated in any criminal victimization of Theresa Marie Schiavo, this Governor will certainly be living up to his Campaign Slogan -- Champion of the Disabled.

This is one of many of the points that can be found in the suits the Schindler's and their growing numbers of attorneys from around the country, in their justifications for removing Michael as guardian. That Terri Schindler-Schiavo is the Victim of abuse, by many, and across many sets of hands.

DCF is investigating. Schindler's attorneys are asking that DCF place Terri under their protective custody. They are also trying to get Judge Greer removed, plus the Schindler's attorneys are going to try to get Terri divorced. Some of this may work. If the system is forced to follow the laws it may all work. As the law should.

The actions of the Governor of late appears to have also brought a renewed confidence in disabled people and the Disability Advocacy Community that has given energy and hope that the disabled complaints of discrimination in services and uninvestigated occurrances of criminal abuse, neglect and exploitation of them by those who take advantage of their disabilities is finally going to be addressed by this administration and Legislature.

Disabled persons and their advocates appear more motivated and vocal than ever before with confidence in their Governor to stand up to the threar they perceive from a disastrous and improper outcome to this what seems to be the deliberate and criminal caused death of a member of their community.

For more info about Judge Greer's growing problems, the appearance of gross improprieties and violations of law, and view his Campaign TV commercial which used government personnel who may be blocking the criminal investigations, you can go to the NY news of: -- and also visit Terri Schindler-Schiavo's parents website for documents and video of Terri. There are now 10's of thousands of other websites and a uniquely constructed and growing network of over 400 linked Blogs posting information, public documents and links to even more related topics and issues. Additionally, Internet brower's merely need to type in her name and GO!

Permission is granted by the authors Anthony Salvatore: and David Kirkland: for purpose of reprint, copy and distribution in other places of this article when done in complete form to which copyright protection is claimed (c)2005. This permission statement must be included in any reprints.

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