2012 Maya Calendar Dark Rift Conjunction Not Alignment with Galactic Centre
On December 21st 2012 the Long Count Calendar used by the ancient Meso-American peoples such as the Maya, Aztec, Toltec and Olmec will end one great cycle of 13 Baktun (5125.26 years). The creators of this system were able to calculate and track interesting cycles of nature such as eclipse cosmic alignment and conjunctions.
The length of sub-cycles matched natural cycles such as human gestation local snakes shedding their teeth as well as the number of human digits and major joints. They understood the orbits of the observable planets and knew the lengths of each ones journey around the sun. The minds behind this system gave birth to some 24 separate calendar systems capable of tracking both astronomical and non-astronomical cycles within nature.
The winter solstice of 2012 will occur at 11:11 GMT on of course 21-12-2012 the same day the Long Count flips over. On that morning the sun will appear to rise into the patch of sky we refer to as the galactic centre or nuclear bulge. It is the location of the super-massive black hole at the centre of rotation for the Milky Way galaxy.
In itself the appearance of the sun rising here is not a particularly unique event. The phenomena can be observed for winter solstice dates of numerous years either side of 2012. The only interesting new aspect of this year will be the sun appearing to just touch one part of the Dark Rift (Great Rift) that snakes its way along the Galactic Equator. This is an area of the night sky considered important to Maya cosmology most notably with respect to spiritual rebirth mythologies. It will however take some two decades or so to travel completely through this dark region of the sky.
Although commonly known as the 'Galactic Alignment' the correct term for the event should really be the 'Galactic Conjunction'. Astronomical alignments refer to three celestial objects in shared orientation. Astronomical Conjunction is an alignment of two cosmic objects or bodies as seen from the Earths perspective.
For a simple example we can imagine three planets in alignment. The factuality of this event would not be effected by your location in the solar system. Whether you are stood on the Moon or on the Earth the three planets would still be aligned. When an alignment, such as that of the Sun and the Dark Rift, is only happening from the perspective of the Earth then it is a Conjunction. This is clearly the case for 2012 calendar end-date.
It is true that this will be the first time in almost 26,000 years that the Sun will appear to connect with part of the Dark Rift. It is also fair to say that this lacks the excitement of some of the false theories regarding 2012 astronomy events. We can not say that the Sun will be perfectly aligned with the galactic centre or with the middle of the Dark rift. It is rather just somewhere between the two regions of the sky. Interesting yes, but not what I would exactly call dramatic or exciting to see.
Let us just quickly clear up some common errors.
The solar system does travel in a wave pattern as it circles the centre of the Milky Way during a 260,000 year period but will not cross the mid-plane or disc of our galaxy in 2012. We are currently at least 50 million light years above this plane and moving further away from it.
There is not an alignment of all or indeed even of several planets on 21-12-2012. Jupiter and Saturn will however be involved in an astrological formation known as a Yod (finger of God).
The Solar system will not be any closer to the Galactic core in 2012 than on any other year, or in any way in a position which might affect gravity levels between us and the Milky Way's central black hole.
There is no evidence of us aligning with the infamous but wholly mythical photon belt with a location said to be marked by the star Alcyone. We are certainly not orbiting this star in the Pleiades system as some 2012 writers have additionally claimed.
Now we have ascertained just what is involved in the conjunction on 21-12-2012 it is worth clarifying the mechanics of the process. What causes the view of the sky to change and shifts the solstice sunrise position relative to the celestial bodies? The answer to this is in fact a phenomenon known as precession, or precession of the equinox. During a cycle of somewhere between 25,600 and 25,800 years our view of the constellations shifts in a 360-degree circular motion.
The movement of the Earth's axis (and by default the solstice and equinox points) occurs at the rate of approximately 1-degree every 71.5 years of this cycle. This is sometimes know as the Platonic or Great Year and is the driving force of so-called astrological ages.
There are two theories posited to explain this shift in the view of the stars on the horizon from the Earth. The most widely excepted theory is the Luni-Solar model, which holds the cause to be the Moon's gravity pulling on the Earth and causing it to slowly wobble on its axis as it rotates. The second theory is the binary model, which explains precession as caused by our sun orbiting a binary twin not yet detected by telescopes. Most likey it would have to be either a Brown Dwarf Star or small black hole (both hard to detect).
It is sometimes noted in respect to 2012 information that many scientists' state there was a very close conjunction of the sun and galactic equator on the winter solstice of 1998/99. Due to the width of the sun being half a degree in the sky the crossing of the entire solar disc through the equator will take 36 years in total. This gives us a period from 1980 to 2016 possibly of significance. The biggest problem with placing importance on this event is that we have no idea exactly where the Maya would have considered the plane of the Galaxy to be. The Maya data seems to suggest they were far more interested with the Great rift than the Galactic Plane anyway.
One theory that makes sense in light of the aural, written and carved history of the Maya is that they were interested in a period of time surrounding 21-12-2012 rather than just that single day. If we take a single degree of precession centred upon this date we then have a window of time running from 1976 through to 2048. An expert on Meso-American calendars that I consulted agreed with me that such a theory is not unreasonable to hypothesise based on his understanding of Maya cosmological thinking.
It is important to note that the year 2012 is not only the year the calendar system ends a major cycle but also a year including a rare Venus conjunction. The Maya and other ancient calendar scholars would certainly have considered conjunctions of the sun and Venus very special. Venus holds a uniquely important place in the planetary mythology of these peoples. To calculate their occurrence into the future is extremely difficult. It seems these people managed to do just this however as it seems likely they deliberately targeted 2012 at least in part due to this other event. Interestingly this conjunction occurs on 6-6-2012 then just months later on 28-03-2013 the Maya Venus-Sun calendar will finish a 104-year round.
As for cosmic energy having physical effects on Earth in 2012, we can only say that the events described here do not lend themselves at all to any clear logical reason why 21-12-2012 would be unlike any other day. There is however other 2012 avenues to explore not related to the 21-12-2012 conjunction.
Maya Calendar Cycles and Cyclic Disaster Predictions for Year 2012
It is clear from the previous section that no Maya prophecy links a doomsday or period of catastrophic disasters with the Maya calendar. In fact I would say no evidence exists in the world that convinces me of a doomsday at any fixed date in the future, but that is just me.
The next investigation is whether large-scale global cataclysms occur on a cyclical timetable mapped out by the Maya Long Count calendar system. The only way to progress this is by checking calendar cycles against real historical evidence of major events. Though this will not necessarily provide conclusive proof of a link it would be highly suggestive, and at the least very interesting.
The Maya Long Count calendar can be broken down into numerous cycles. Being named the 13 Baktun calendar it is reasonable to suggest the smallest unit in which to expect a notable change would be a single Baktun, just under 400 years. Personally I am sceptical that major change events happen in such short periods on a global scale. I will then forgo that examination leaving it perhaps to others less dismissive.
Let us then work on the more plausible theory in which global disasters recur every complete 13 Baktun cycle. This is a span of 5126 years. It is fair to note that once we go back further than a couple of these cycle's events become rather hazy. We shall however do our best to go back through the last five such periods remembering that we are now approaching the Maya 5th sun.
Just to make things clear, the following are my parameters for this investigation:
Taking each Long Count end-date I will look at events within the 36 years either side. This 72-year window is equivalent to one degree of precession of the zodiac constellations. It is also one reasonable human lifetime, though not the average span. Within that period I will be looking for significant environmental upheavals or sudden negative or adaptive changes in the human cultures of the time. These changes in humanity may suggest unknown catalytic environmental events. Clearly mega quakes, super-volcanoes, pole-shifts, crust-slips, comet impacts, massive tsunamis or global pandemics are what we are really hoping to find however (maybe even alien invasions or nuclear apocalypse).
Below we have our target dates:
First Great Cycle 23.614 B.C. - 18.489 B.C. Second Great Cycle 18.489 B.C. - 13.364 B.C. Third Great Cycle 13.364 B.C. - 8.239 B.C. Fourth Great Cycle 8.239 B.C. - 3.114 B.C. Fifth Great Cycle 3.114 B.C. - 2.012 A.D.
1. In the year 23,614BC the world was in the worst ravages of the ice age according to modern calculations. If any moderately advanced civilisation had existed around this time it was likely utterly eradicated. We do know that modern man (beings exactly like us) existed for at least the last 200,000 years. We can be sure that a community of humans should not require 200,000 years to achieve an advanced culture. Our current global civilisation took much less than 10,000 years to rise from its hunter gatherer ways to space flight. Whatever may be the truth regarding this period, it is impossible to expect clear evidence for a sudden cataclysmic event within our 75 year window. If there was a sudden disaster event it has been eradicated from pre-history amidst the rolling destruction of the expanding ice. Nobody alive at the time needed a calendar to tell them things were getting bad.
2. The close of the first cycle coincides fairly neatly with the start of a period labelled the Mesolithic. This point in time is considered to mark a change in the climate of the planet. Generally it is excepted that ice went into rapid retreat and humanity flourished. The Magdalenian culture spread out leaving its mark in the form of complex cave art. The Kebara culture leaves a record of advances in stone technologies. These coincide with a period in which whole regions were dramatically changed by new climatic conditions, and entire new landscapes formed by retreating ice, likely causing humanity to require adaptation. No sudden events are notable just several centuries of interesting change.
3. The close of the second cycle falls within a rather broad period in which we record the end of the last ice age. There is no doubt that this period was beset by some catastrophic flood events as huge lakes filled with melted glaciers broke containment and emptied across the lands. The America's and Europe saw massive destruction events due to this process. It is however a process that occurs during vague window of time around two millennia in length. The only other notable events are that man domesticates dogs and within a few hundred years begins dog burials. Any sudden flood events were seemingly regional and spaced out over a long time.
4. The close of the third cycle occurs in the middle of a millennium of amazing progression for mankind. Farming involving both crops and animals becomes widely established. New human settlements appear in previously uninhabited countries. Climate changes occur due to the Gulf Stream swinging to the south. Warming oceans expand and swallow large areas of land, alongside further extensive flooding from melting glaciers. There are also a number of volcanic eruptions during this period. Once again the changes are over hundreds of years and the climatic disasters are regional and stepped over centuries.
5. The close of the fourth cycle coincides with the start of our current long count period in 3114BC and is thus the one we have the most historical evidence available for. There is in fact a mass of very interesting data for our 72 year window, however little of it relates to disasters. Quite the contrary in fact as the largest amount of evidence relates to leaps forward for human civilisation around the planet. Once again we are presented only with a vague period for climate changes sometime around 5200 years ago. It would seem that a sudden cold and dry period fell upon large regions of the globe, certainly affecting the area from Central Africa to Central Asia. Over the course of perhaps a century or two the Sahara desert was born from fertile lands. There are theories that either a great flood or meteor storm occurred at this time. Unfortunately they remain just that. Even if true no specific date is given for either possibility that can be substantiated by solid evidence or trustworthy eyewitness testimony (accurately dated). Even looking this recently we find no singular dated global catastrophe. Even the sudden climate change is only so in the sense of geological time.
As we have yet to close the fifth cycle our journey must stop there. I will happily admit that I am not an expert historian, geologist or archaeologist. Nor is it likely that we have exhausted all possible sources of data. For the moment though I am satisfied enough to reach a personal conclusion, pending new data.
I personally can't find any convincing evidence for fixed certain and specific catastrophic events that occurred within the lifetime of a human living during previous cycle end dates. If there were such events then we simply have no solid evidence of them. To fit with the sudden disaster theory would require me to broaden my window of time to hundreds, if not thousands, of years wide (forget 72!). Frankly I can't correlate the excitement of the current 2012 subject to an event that would only be observable should one live for at least 500 years. Besides which, the changes we are seeing in modern times are far more rapid than those mentioned above.
During my investigation it was abundantly clear to me that there were sudden events and indeed exciting things happening in the past. The problems is they were way outside of my time window and thus only strengthen the case against the Maya long count being useful for tracking major cyclical physical upheavals. A culture reliant on the long count for such affairs would have been blind-sided countless times over the last 26,000 years whilst preparing rigorously for several non-events.
If there is a major cataclysmic event during our current 72-year window it is seemingly the exception rather than the rule. There is far more evidence for humanity being in stages of rapid progression during long count endings than there is of us being obliterated. I think people need to abandon the idea of a Maya long count catastrophe calendar completely. The only source of this theory from within Maya culture is seemingly the Popul Vuh myths. These ancient stories depict the creation and destruction of differing forms of humans by the creator Gods. However these stories are not dated and there seems to be no concrete evidence that the Maya ever linked them to their 13-Baktun calendar cycles. Even more problematic is the fact that tales of these world ages and their destruction's vary wildly throughout the different Mesoamerican cultures!
I think it is time people asked themselves just what kind of singular natural event occurs on a rigid 5126 year cycle? In what manner can something destroy entire civilisations world-wide without leaving clear evidence? If something apocalyptic occurs why is it that cultures existing during these times seem to have carried on regardless or actually made rapid progression throughout?
It seems to me that whatever is happening now as we approach 2012 and beyond it is related to something far grander than a mere 5126-year cycle. The rapid changes we are recording are perhaps unprecedented in all of the last 26,000 years or more. If not so then it certainly seems it will be the first time in known history that rapid climate change, cosmic shifts, cultural degradation, resource depletion, spiritual emergence and overt militaristic aggression have all coincided with the cycle tracked by the Maya long count system. Seemingly a time cycle that has far more to do with evolving consciousness than anything else, judging by the information I have found in my years of studies at least.
This all begs some new questions of course.
Accepting then that there is precious little evidence for either a Maya doomsday prophecy or a 5126-year destruction cycle, but that we really are in the middle of some kind of major cosmic event, what the heck is it? What kind of genuinely possible occurrence can potentially radically alter both our physical and non-physical realities? What does the ancient calendar system really track and how long is the important cycle? Interstellar Particles, Stellar Storms, Solar System Changes and Mutating DNA in the 2012 Era.
There are at least four major lines of information now opening up to us in the 2012 research community. It is only when they are added together and indeed a possible fifth included as well that a very plausible and perhaps scary possibility emerges.
Let us start with the five lines then in very brief and then we will move deeper. 1. Our quiet sun and shifting planetary energy fields solar-system wide. 2. The alignment of ancient structures to Cygnus. 3. Cosmic winds and dust clouds. 4. An ancient calendar indicating the dark rift. 5. Evidence of novel mutations occurring in human beings.
During the last Solar cycle we had one of the most powerful geomagnetic storms possible hit the Earth knocking out some communications. That was October 2003 and just a taste of things to come. In November the most powerful flare ever recorded and an enormous coronal mass ejection occurred. The flare was rated X28 though it was beyond our measuring equipment. In fact cycle 23 exhibited several maximal flares and concerned space weather scientists immensely.
It was for this reason that two very different predictions have been made for cycle 24. Based on how active the previous was many scientists felt the next cycle would be as bad again or far more active. Concerns now mount in the media as to whether super-storms will knock out power grids and satellites. Another group however felt it would become much quieter in the next cycle possibly causing a cooling period on Earth. Possibly we might even see a new mini-ice-age come on fairly suddenly.
Whilst this has been brewing in the aisles of NASA and elsewhere in the astronomical and physics community, other events have been noted. Our solar system has begun to fill with cosmic dust in an ever-increasing flow. The flow of solar wind particles would usually help prevent this happening, however with our extremely quiet sun it is almost absent. Much of it is drawn inward towards the Sun where it gathers and falls inward.
Elsewhere throughout the Solar System some anomalous energy events have been happening. I have covered this before; it is worth reading that article before heading on. It is worth checking for recent updates also as things are progressing out there.
Enter Dr. Paul LaViolette and his investigation of anomalous glass on the moon and cosmic dust found in ice cores from around 15,000 years ago. His work has indicated the likelihood of a synchronous event in which a galactic super-wave of energy particles enters our system from the direction of the galactic centre. Possibly this erupts from the centre itself or is from stars reacting to this energy as it moves outward. The results are incoming rays at sufficient levels to cause genetic mutation within a lifetime. At the same time the dust would eventually cause significant enough disturbance of our sun and cause an extremely energetic outburst. Hence the glass on the lunar surface created from burnt dust 15,000 years ago. Our sun will be further upset by the influx of cosmic rays, some recently have been amongst the highest frequency recorded from Galactic centre so far.
The Sun will in this scenario eventually have an enormous outburst either in cycle 24 or cycle 25 that will produce incredible geo-magnetic storms for Earth. This is made worse due to the fact Earth's magnetic field has not only been rapidly decreasing but has been found to now have two large breaches in our natural cosmic shield. Worse still it has been discovered that due to our field being in alignment with our Suns at this time, twenty times more Solar wind could potentially enter anyway!
Stellar events are a real worry for astrophysicists these days. In the last few years we have detected high-energy emissions capable of sterilising planets. Even more worrying is that a number of such events have hit our atmosphere causing events on the planet and in its atmosphere, mostly weak but still causing effects. December 2004 was the exception in a very high energy Gamma Ray blast was detected just 44.6 hours after a 9.2 earthquake hit Indonesia. We all know what happened next. Scientists have struggled with the proximity of the two events and pondered the possibility of a longitudinal gravity wave pulse being involved.
Interesting too is the recent findings from a Russian team studying 11 year solar cycle geomagnetic activity and tropical cyclogenesis. A correlation was concluded between the two systems indicating a direct effect of the sun on cyclone activity.
If all this were not enough however there is still more to come. It seems the ancients have left us a coded message about stellar events of the past. Actually most fringe researchers will know about the ancients habit of aligning there major structures with certain star systems over the ages.
One such archaeo-astronomical alignment found in preponderance is that between sites and the system we call Cygnus, the swan. There are a huge number of sites that have this correlation and a number of myths and legends that relate to its importance with our forbears. Some 13,500 years ago it was actually the Pole Star but precession changed that over time. There is an interesting Pyramid object in Italy that correlates with this as well as links to New Grange in Ireland (amongst many sites).
Cygnus contains a very unique binary star system in terms of our current understanding of the Universe. Cygnus X-3 is sometimes referred to as a neutron star or even a quark star, but nobody is quite sure what it is. What they do know is it is about the third most luminous star in our galaxy and the only known emitter of what seems to be 5th dimensional particles currently named 'Cygnets'. These have the impossible feature of reaching earth at light speed and penetrating deep into underground caverns. We have no explanation that can be considered fully comprehensible other than higher dimensional energy effects!
Andrew Collins was a history and science writer that stumbled upon this when working a project on emergence of primitive cultures cosmologies. He kept on finding the Swan and Cygnus coming up, even in Lascoux caves there is a 17,000 year old painting of the constellation. He further discovered from scientists there was evidence of a high energy cosmic events around 35,000 years ago, largely discovered through high levels of Beryllium in Ice cores. This coincided with a period or mutation and die off in flora and fauna, indeed possibly to the disappearance of Neanderthal man. Cygnus X-3 is a very powerful blazer. This binary star has one of its two erupting energy beams pointed squares at us from its location hidden behind the Dark Rift. Just lately it has shown burst of high-energy emissions several times.
It would seem that the last time this star erupted significantly coincided with the leap into deeper consciousness and shamanic awareness as well as with biological mutations in life forms. The creation of anthropomorphic carvings and rock drawings emerged just after this time. Were the strange particles the main causes, certainly this similar to the eminent Carl Sagan's own theory before his death?
Interestingly the Maya calendar indicates the dark rift in the Milky Way as important, as do the Maya themselves in their cosmology. As stated Cygnus X-3 lays behind the dark rift though itself would only be possibly visible if it was very active. Then it would likely appear as a bright object for maybe as long as several centuries. Alternatively Shaman became aware of the light flashes behind their eyes from the cosmic particle passing through and began to calculate when they occurred, and thus from which part of the sky. The Maya were certainly fascinated with something connected to the dark rift, though other candidates than Cygnus X-3 may have been known to lurk beyond the cosmic dust waiting to erupt. Is this the creation cycle the Maya Long Count calendar tracks?
The ending of the count on 21-12-2012 occurs as the winter solstice sun touches the start of the rift. It will then head through for the following two decades. It seems likely that the Maya were most concerned with this part of the Earth's precession cycle. This would be the peak of whatever was happening in the period. One degree of precession surrounding 2012 gives us just over 71 years in which events to play out with 2012 approximately central.
Some will say that procession should not play much of a factor in whatever is happening being unlike the physical phenomena explained above. This is because the classic theory states that precession is due to the pull of the moon on the Earth creating a wobble. As such we are not really moving relative to the stars as it would seem by the precession of the solstice points. Modern findings do not seem to support this however as the speed of precession has been recorded as changing rapidly over the years. This really only makes sense if precession is in fact caused by our Sol having a binary twin about which it orbits in a cosmic dance. This binary relationship would explain the problem that Sidereal years are too long compared to the solar year used in our calendar which remains constant. This also explains why our supposedly terribly wobbly earth does not end up with regional climate shifts during the precession cycle, as its angle of alignment wit the sun would change significantly. If we are in a binary system, which most known star systems happen to be, then the stars shift in the sky because we are genuinely being moved away from our alignments to them. The combination of this movement and the energetic interaction between two stars are both important to consider that in the over all picture being painted for us. There may be a very good reason why a certain part of the precession cycle is highly risky for our planet.
Are we being dragged into the cosmic cross hairs of a galactic super gun, whilst other dramatic stellar events build up closer to him?
Finally there is the fifth factor that has come to light. Research is being done into evidence of an unknown mutation in humans. Particularly this is being found in children and young adults. Information is not readily available but a new book by Lee Carroll and colleagues expounds this very subject. A lady named Nancy Tappe began seeing an Indigo coloured energy pattern around some young people in the early 1980s. This lead to the Indigo child movement as it is today.
Unfortunately what was not so well known is that Nancy has the unusual condition Synesthesia in which the senses become confused or cross wired. Nancy has no ability to see auras in the common sense. Something about the physiology of certain people was seen as an indigo colour field. Before the early 80s she had not observed this colour on anyone. Further experiments suggested a mutation was occurring in the brain activity and bio-energy systems of young people involved. Unlike the Indigo hype there was no suggestion that these were children with special psychic abilities however. It seems she was observing changes occurring at the level of the Zero Point field where it merges into physical forms.
My initial conclusion then has to be that we are approaching an event that seems to be made up of a number of contributory cosmic factors. Though synchronising of these factors currently continues it may transpire that cosmic rays have been causing rapid mutation in unborn foetus for the last two decades. The progression and spread of change is only set to increase dramatically as we approach an unknown zero hour just a few years ahead. In fact we may have two or three zero hours ahead as the different forces ramp up against us, or indeed for us, depending on your views.
As many of us have stated the Maya calendar is then likely linked to a cycle of human evolution and change in mental functioning. Whatever the changes that happen every 13 Baktuns may be (and as stated in part 2 consciousness shifts were indicated at other points) it seems that the real show is at the end of five Baktuns or one cycle of binary precession lasting by their calculation 25,627 years.
Perhaps the last time this came around was not just during the ice age but maybe was the cause of much of the change and devastation of that time.
So what do we do when such enormous events seem to be rumbling around us well outside of the ability of science to prevent?
We will next explore the subject of how to prepare for the years ahead, assuming even only half this mega stuff is happening. Part 2 Part 1 By Bruce THE DIGITAL SIGNIFICANCE of the WINTER SOLSTICE of 2012
This commentary will focus on the least known – but most important – reason for the exaggerated fascination with the Winter Solstice of 2012 (WS2012). But first I want to correct two misconceptions.
Though there is still a smattering of scholarly disagreement over whether the end-date of the Mayan Long Count calendar (LCC) accurately converts to 2011 or 2012 (1) - the majority of experts agrees that it ends on or about WS2012. But - contrary to popular belief - the LCC doesn't actually end – it simply starts over again from the beginning. In other words, once bak'tun is reached - the LCC begins anew at bak'tun – repeating once again the celestial-oriented 5125-year cycle.
The second misconception is that WS2012 signals the occurrence of a very unique (once every 26,000 years) galactic alignment. Not to put a damper on future celebrations but this particular galactic alignment occurred during the past 28 WSs and will also occur during the next eight.
According to the many experts in this area - the LCC highlights a rare astronomical alignment determined by precession.(2) The alignment occurs when the Winter Solstice sun conjuncts the crossing point of Milky Way and ecliptic in Sagittarius.

As you can see from the above illustration(3), this alignment - involving the Winter Solstice Sun and the center of our galaxy - actually began on WS1980 and will continue each WS until 2016. Interestingly, WS2012 isn't even the center point of the 36-year period - but instead is close to its end. Assuming once again that the majority of experts are accurate in proclaiming that bak'tun accurately converts to December 21, 2012 - why did the Maya select that date and ignore the beginning, center, and end of the alignment? I believe it is because the Maya are not just drawing our attention to the galactic alignment – but are instead asking us to focus in on a specific cosmic event that will be occurring at the exact moment of WS2012. How the Maya knew that several thousand years from then a civilization would be using a Gregorian calendar or that the 2012WS would be at exactly 11:11 is beyond my understanding – but evidently they did.
WS2012 has become part of our consensus reality – and for good reason. In my opinion WS2012 does not directly relate to the entire 36-year period of the 26,000-year galactic alignment but instead refers to a particular point in time and space when a very unusual event will occur. I refer to that point as the "cosmic coordinate."
Irrespective of whether the Mayan calendar actually ends on WS2012, or whether the date heralds a shift in consciousness, or the end of the world, the incontrovertible fact is that WS2012 - like no other Winter Solstice in recorded history - occurs at exactly 11:11 UT.(4)
There are a growing number of scientists who believe that our holographic reality is actually an intelligently created "simulation" (5) – though I prefer the term: "Cosmic Computer Program (CCP)." I believe our CCP utilizes digital codes for various purposes – several of which I describe below. WS2012 occurs on the 21st day of December at exactly 11:11 Universal Time. The digital equivalent is: 11112112012. Assuming time is an artificial construct in which numbers tell us where we are at any given moment within our program, then it is reasonable to assume that specific numerical combinations and sequences would form genetically encoded digital "time prompts"(6) which assist us along life's pre-programmed path.
11:11 is considered by many to be such a time prompt (7) – due to the thousands of people experiencing what is referred to as the "11:11 Phenomenon."(8) 11:11 also symbolizes the various cycles that manifest and re-manifest physical reality as if following a cosmic blueprint.(9) Most synchronistic is the fact that both 2012 and 11:11 are numerical metaphors for the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next. Could 21122012 be cosmic shareware with 11:11 the cosmic equivalent of "exe"?
11:11 also has another symbolic meaning - one involving a "cosmic portal."(10) I doubt that it is just an insignificant coincidence that during the aforementioned galactic alignment the Maya believed that a portal would materialize within the dark rift at the center of our galaxy.(11)
Two other 11:11–2012 synchronicities involve the Sun's magnetic field and the galactic center – areas that are also intimately connected to Mayan mythology, its calendar and the galactic alignment. The first involves our Sun. Not only is the Sun the winter solstice centerpiece of the galactic alignment, its magnetic field operates a cycle of polarity reversals averaging 11.11 years in length.(12) The next peak of this cycle happens to be in the year 2012 and has been predicted by some astrophysicists to likely be a very active maximum notwithstanding the Sun's present catatonic state. The second coincidence is just as revealing: The entire mass of the black hole at the center of our galaxy spins once every 11 minutes.(13) I don't know whether gin is as enjoyable without tonic, or whether each Jonas brother could be successful alone, or whether we would have enjoyed James Kirk as much as we did without Spock to interact with – but I am certain that without 11:11 as its digital partner, WS2012 would just be another cold and uneventful day in December – at least in the Northern Hemisphere.
In conclusion I believe that at the cosmic coordinate 111121122012 a cosmic portal will materialize – if only briefly. This is what the Maya are still trying to tell us. To those of you who have actually experienced the 11:11 phenomenon, I believe that the digital codes are also saying something else: "Pay attention!" Our time is drawing close.
Peter A. Gersten
Thank you. Great job on this poat